Table of contents:
- YAACL (Yet Another Awesome Clone List)
This repo is heavily inspired by sindresorhus's Awesome repository
- ⭐ - Recommended
- 💲 - Paid
- 💻 - Hands on
- AR - Arabic content
- ⭐💲 Cracking the Coding Interview
- ⭐💲 Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
- ⭐💲 Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design
- 💲 The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey To Mastery
- 💲 The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
- 💲 Coders: The Making of a New Tribe and the Remaking of the World
- LINQ explained with sketches
- Moving to the Cloud
- EbookFoundation
- ⭐ Leetcode
- ⭐ Neetcode
- ⭐ Grind 75
- ⭐ The Last Algorithms Course You'll Need
- HackerRank
- Algorithm Visualizer
- Leetcode Cheat Sheet
- Algorithms
- Frontend
- Backend
- ASP.NET Core Developer
- DevOps
- Software Architect
- Solution Architecture
- DevOps Roadmap 2022
- Dynamic DevOps Roadmap
- Design Patterns
- Refactoring guru Design Patterns
- Software AntiPatterns
- Cloud Design Patterns
- Clean Architecture
- Design Patterns for Humans to C#
- The Distributed Computing Manifesto
- ⭐The System Design Primer
- Back of the Envelope Calculation
- Clean Architecture with .NET Core
- Awesome Software and Architectural Design Patterns
- Martin Fowler Catalog of Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
- RedHat Enable Architect
- High scalability
- ByteByteGo
- Software Architecture AntiPatterns
- Serverless Land: Building Event Driven Architectures
- EVA Visuals: Event-driven architectures visuals
- Architectural Decision Records (ADRs)
- High Scalability
- miro
- lucidchart
- figma
- Software architecture tools
- C4 model
- Structurizr
- Mermaid Live editor
- excalidraw
- coggle - Mind-maps
- PlantUML
- The Twelve Factors
- Microservice Architecture
- Top 10 Microservices Design Patterns and Principles - Examples
- ⭐freecodecamp
- Microsoft Learn
- DevOps Courses
- Introduction to IT & Cybersecurity
- ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers
- 💲 Grokking the System Design and Coding Interview
- Artificial Intelligence for Beginners - A Curriculum
- Generative AI for Beginners - A Course
- ChatGPT
- GitHub Copilot
- OpenAI Codex - AI system that translates natural language to code
- tabnine
- cody
- mutable
- 43 AI powered tools that will help boost your productivity - PDF
- Content generator for maeketing agencies
- excel formul abot: Transform text instructions into Excel formulas
- Presentation Slides
- Helps the most innovative businesses, teams, and creators produce hyper-relevant, SEO optimized content
- rytr: Rytr is an AI writing assistant that helps you create high-quality content, in just a few seconds, at a fraction of the cost
- G2: AI assistant for buying software, powered by ChatGPT.
- Modern resume theme for GitHub pages
- Jason Goodison templates
- 💲 novoresume
- Professional Programming
- Coding Interview University
- cvlogin
- AWS Events
- Tim Corey
- freecodecamp
- Fireship
- Hussein Nasser
- CSDojo
- CodeOpinion
- Nick Chapsas
- CrashCourse
- System Design Fight Club
- ByteByteGo
- IGotAnOffer: Engineering
- LearnCantrill
- Thriving Technologist
- Exponent
- Hello Interview - SWE Interview Preparation
- Backstage: Open platform for building developer portals
- Awesome .NET
- Frontend Development
- Samples for ASP.NET Core 6.0
- Samples for ASP.NET Core 7.0
- .NET Microservices Sample Reference Application
- Equinox Project: The goal of this project is implement the most common used technologies and share with the technical community the best way to develop great applications with .NET.
- Clean Architecture Solution Template
- NorthwindTraders: A sample application built using ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core.
- Every Programmer Should Know
- OWASP Top 10
- Coffeeshop: An event-driven microservices coffee shop application
- API Security Checklist
- Awesome Actions
- Byte byte go's System Design 101
- AR Awesome in Arabic
- AR Awesome Arabic Speakers
- Martin Fowler: @martinfowler
- Scott Hanselman: @shanselman
- Dr. Milan Milanović: @milan_milanovic
- Arslan Ahmad: @arslanahmad
- Rapid API: @Rapid_API
- Greg Coquillo
- AR Mohamed Hammad
- Cloud Native End User Technology Radar
- Architecting Cloud Native .NET Applications for Azure
- Cloud Product Mapping (AWS vs Azure vs GCP)
- wing: A cloud-oriented programming language
- The Google Cloud Developer's Visual Notes
- Computer Networking Tutorial: The Ultimate Guide
- 💻 kodekloud
- AWS Skill builder
- Free Udemy AWS Courses
- The Open Guide to Amazon Web Services
- AWS Cloud Design Patterns
- Serverless Microservice Patterns for AWS
- AWS Workshops
- AWS Architecture Center
- AWS Well-Architected Guidance
- AWS Solutions Library
- AWS resources - mindmap
- AWS With .NET
- Christian Lempa: YouTube - GitHub
- Jim's Garage: YouTube - GitHub
- Techno Tim: YouTube - GitHub
- NetworkChuck: YouTube
- Learn Linux TV: YouTube - GitHub
- Most stars repositories on GitHub
- Project Management AntiPatterns
- Code Crafters Practice Writing Complex Software
- Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know - Visual