desktopless, a proof of concept to build immutable and composable desktops. Based on moby, linuxkit and highly inspired by the linuxkit kubernetes project.
Only Docker is required
invoke the build script from within the desktopless container to build all other container with linuxkit
NOTE: The build an run process currently use a custom linuxkit cli inside.
assembles and/or runs a named desktop in a container.
dd if=./builds/some.iso of=/dev/sdxX
Create a bootable usb-stick
./ -b -r yml/kernel-lkt.yml yml/base.yml yml/X-qxl.yml
minimal X setup for virtualization on qemu/spice
./ -b yml/kernel-fedora.yml yml/base.yml yml/X-intel.yml
minimal X setup for desktops/igpus
.. yml/i3.yml
i3, a simple tilling window manager
.. yml/state.yml
if empty format the first attached disk, afterwords mount it.
.. yml/docker.yml
add a docker daemon
.. yml/docker-skopeo-image-cache.yml
preload the docker daemon with some images defined in pkg/docker-skopeo-image-cache/image.list