Related to 2.0 version of other specs
Issue the Accessibility Group has raised and looks for a response on.
Group bringing to attention of a11y, or tracked by the a11y Group but not needing response.
related to bacnet protocol binding
related to coap protocol binding
related to the core specification document
topics that relate to all or most documents
discussions on data mapping concepts
Pull requests that update a dependency file
topics on how to better synchronize between other WoT documents
The use case can be extracted and explained
discussions on how to represent historical/timeseries values
related to http protocol binding
Issue the Internationalization Group has raised and looks for a response on.
Group bringing to attention of Internationalization, or tracked by i18n but not needing response.
discussions on representing long running affordances that need to be managed
related to modbus protocol binding
related to mqtt protocol binding
An issue or UC from another TF to fullfill a requirement in their spec or gap
when the issue is not clear and further input is needed by its author
related to opc-ua protocol binding
Issue the Privacy Group has raised and looks for a response on.