Kotlin Wrapper 'org.slf4j:slf4j'
- First you need to set the logging in the ktor application.
Use examples
- Default logging
Any().log { this.toString() }
Any().log { "$this" }
// back object with work
val date = Date().log { "Time in milliseconds: ${this.time}" }
// change log level
val any = Any().log(Level.DEBUG) { "$this" }
INFO Application - java.lang.Object@6e6d7a4
INFO Application - java.lang.Object@6e6d7a4
INFO Application - Time in milliseconds: 1532348742345
DEBUG Application - java.lang.Object@6e6d7a4
- Colored logging
val date = Date().logc { "{$it.BLUE}Time in milliseconds: ${this.time}" }
INFO Application - �[0;34mTime in milliseconds: 1532348742344