This repo contains a python’s library and CLI to connect with your steam’s account and very shortly downloading your steam games with it!
This app is still under development and can contain several bugs! :(
- Python 3
- pip3 requirements
- Arch Linux
- [Optional]: Create a virtual environment for Python3 if you are just testing the app, no need to mess with your own system
- Install python’s modules as a requirement using the following syntax:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
** Testing with CLI **
2) python3 CLI/
This app will not persist your password in any circunstances, but you have to be aware that the future requests made will be based on a local cookie, which will work only in your machine. :]
If you do not want to mess with your own environment even with a virtual one, you can test the application using our docker image (800MB ~).
Build a docker image for SteamConnect CLI
docker build --force-rm --no-cache -t scli_arch_base .
Just run it! :D
docker run -it --hostname chimera-os-scli --name chimera-os-scli scli_arch_base
Wanna help? Fork our project and create a merge request with your suggestion in a new branch. We will see it (: