Windows Library to easily read/write partitions or disk drives
libwindevblk provides a simplified Windows API to detect and access disk(HDD, SSD, ...) or removable media (USB, SDCard, ...). The API is close to the traditional one used to manipulate files (CreateFile, Read, Write, Close,...):
* HDEVBLK DevBlkOpen(UINT iDevBlkNumber, UINT iPartitionNumber, ...);
* BOOL DevBlkRead(HDEVBLK hDevBlk, ...);
* BOOL DevBlkSetPointerEx(HDEVBLK hDevBlk, ...);
* BOOL DevBlkWrite(HDEVBLK hDevBlk, ...);
* BOOL Close(HDEVBLK hDevBlk);
The argument iDevBlkNumber corresponds to the index of the device. The argument iPartitionNumber corresponds to the partition index. The index 0 corresponds to the whole device.
The library has some functions used to enumerate devices and their partitions:
* BOOL DevBlkEnumDriveInfo(...)
* BOOL DevBlkEnumDevBlkInfo(...)
There is also a work in progress to propose a posix api that allows to open a device using its linux name (ex: /dev/sda):
int __cdecl devblk_open(const char* pathname, int flags, mode_t mode);
int __cdecl devblk_fstat(int fd, struct _stat *buf);
int __cdecl devblk_close(int fd);
This library has been tested on Windows 10 with CMake and VS2019.
Here is an example of information provided by the library:
Drive 0:
SerialNumber: 2009E28F2B15
ModelNumber: CT2000MX500SSD1
ProductRevision: M3CR032
DevicePath: \\?\scsi#disk&ven_&prod_ct2000mx500ssd1#4&2c9020cd&0&010000#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
ShortDevicePath: \\.\PhysicalDrive0
canBePartitioned: 1
PartitionStyle: 1
PartitionCount: 2
Gpt.DiskId: {62918EA9-2F28-43A2-8EDC-BC10C35F5387}
Gpt.StartingUsableOffset: 17408
Gpt.UsableLength: 2000398899712
Gpt.MaxPartitionCount: 128
*Partition 0 (PosixPath = /dev/sda):
PartitionLength: 2000398934016
StartingOffset: 0
EndingOffset: 2000398934016
*Partition 1 (PosixPath = /dev/sda1):
PartitionLength: 16759808
StartingOffset: 17408
EndingOffset: 16777216
Gpt.PartitionType: {E3C9E316-0B5C-4DB8-817D-F92DF00215AE}
Gpt.PartitionId: {25E93B6F-88EE-4304-9C17-EEDD5E0CEFB3}
*Partition 2 (PosixPath = /dev/sda2):
PartitionLength: 1685808218112
StartingOffset: 16777216
EndingOffset: 1685824995328
Gpt.PartitionType: {EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7}
Gpt.PartitionId: {A435C8BB-B860-430A-958A-B6E887AEC36B}
szFileSystemName: NTFS
szRootPathName: \\?\Volume{a435c8bb-b860-430a-958a-b6e887aec36b}\
szVolumeName: Data
szVolumePathName: D:\