The project was created to crawl the site in search of the entrance to the administrative panel. The idea of the project is for testers who are looking for vulnerabilities. The developer is not responsible for your actions.
Clone the repository and change the working directory:
git clone
cd golang-admin-brute
Build and run the program:
go build -o brute
- [ ] Add proxy
- [ ] Mass search
- [ ] Use go rutina
- [ ] Api with generate report to tg/mail
Get URL with path from file adminpath.txt
If the answer is !== 404 -> this domain with path save to file
The file is generated automatically from the current timetamp and _output.txt
Name: Nikita
Company: SmartWorld
Position: TeamLead
Mail: [email protected]
TG: @nikitavoryet
Year of birth: 1999
FullStack: JS/GO