Utilize typescript decorators to create declarative http service with axios
Add to project with your package manager
npm install axios dry-axios
yarn add axios dry-axios
pnpm install axios dry-axios
Set experimental decorators options in your tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true
import Axios from 'axios';
import {
} from 'dry-axios;
// runtime is a config passed to certain resolvers when methods are invoked
// ext: jwtResolver, sample validate & apply. See below
type Runtime = {
mode: 'production' | 'development';
@Http<Runtime>(Axios, {
// config passed to axios.create
axios: {
baseURL: 'http://localhost:3005',
runtime: {
mode: 'development',
class AccountHttpService {
@Get('/identity', {
// by default, return response.data. Set preserveAxiosResponse to keep original response object
preserveAxiosResponse: false;
// other available options passed to axios.request
@Jwt<Runtime>((runtime) => someJwtGetter(runtime))
async getIdentity(): Promise<IdentityResponse> {
// method body will be ignored completely.
// use Asserted for better typing
return Asserted<IdentityResponse>();
resolver: async () => {
// resolve to a mocked response for validate or testing purposes
// dynamic import json might help reduce bundle size during production
// (need to set "resolveJsonModule" to true in tsconfig.json)
const module = await import('./sign-up.sample.json');
return module.default;
// apply the mocked response returned in resolver
// instead of actually calling the api
// (helpful for testing purposes)
apply: (runtime) => runtime.mode === 'development',
// this will validate the 'real' response against the mocked response returned in resolver
// ex: if a field is missing or typeof is different
validate: (runtime) => runtime.mode === 'development',
async signUp(@Body _body: SignUpRequestBody): Promise<SignUpResponse> {
return Asserted<SignUpResponse>();
const accountHttp = new AccountHttpService();
// later
const response = await accountHttp.signUp({ ... });
- unit tests, please and thank you (like Ron Swanson needs some bacon)!
- project inspired by axiosfit