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Tomcat Installer Plugin For cPanel (Shared Hosting Control Panel)

#Installation Instructions Follow the below url for updated installation instruction -

To install cPanel4j Your system must match following requirements-

  • CentOs ( >=6)

  • cPanel (>= version 11.0)

  • Java (JRE version =7 )

  • MySQL (also create a database & user for cpanel4j)

  • PHP

  • ModSecurity™ Tools Disabled

Make sure that there is no instance of tomcat already installed on your system.

Make sure java is installed properly by typing echo $JAVA_HOME

Make sure you have disabled the ModSecurity™ Tools because this tool blocks redirect to tomcat

Download the zip folder from github ( )

cd / wget Unzip this zip file –

unzip Go to cPanel4j-master folder

cd cPanel4j-master open Config.php and enter the database info

vi Config.php Fill database connection info , in javaHome put the java home (you can get it by typing echo $JAVA_HOME) and save this file (:wq).

now run the cPanel4j Installer –

sh It will install the cpanel4j into your cPanel system, now you can see cpanel4j icons in your cPanel.