This repository contains solution to coding challenge lane detection for self driving cars.
- Some basic image processing concepts used here are - Color Selection, RoI Selection, Grayscaling, Gaussian Smoothing.
- Other concepts used specifically for lane line detection include - Canny Edge Detection, Hough Tranform Line Detection.
- The notebook uses all of the above techinques to detect lane lines of different types and colors from a video of the road.
- The pipeline used here - image processing->edge detection and extrapolation->overlay detection on original image.
Python libraries: os, opencv, pandas, numpy, moviepy, imageio, matplotlib
- Jupyter notebook LaneDetection.ipynb (Python kernel) is the master file.
- It makes use of:
- solidWhiteCurve.jpg
- challenge.mp4
- The repository directory structure given below must be maintained for the code to run successfully.
The directory structure for this repository is as follows:
├── Scripts
└── LaneDetection.ipynb