MIDI Blueprint for Camera Control
- Added "Default Values" seaparated from the active Float Values so both settings never mix each other.
- Added Focus and Focal Length Default Values
- Added Channel 2 Sun Macros (Latitude, Azimuth, Intensity)
Note: If you want to collaborate with changes, please fork this repo and let us know about the changes. Thanks.
Only MIDI devices with 360-Degree digital encoders will be able to take advantage of this project. This blueprint uses exclusive function that takes advantage of infinite rotation knobs controllers. Here is a list of devices that will be able to work with this blueprint:
Arturia BeatStep: https://www.amazon.com/Arturia-BeatStep-MIDI-Controller-Sequencer/dp/B00I88HPUO/
BEHRINGER USB (XTOUCHMINI): https://www.amazon.com/BEHRINGER-USB-Controller-Black-XTOUCHMINI/dp/B012CSKTYY/
Akai Professional MPD218: https://www.amazon.com/Akai-Professional-MPD218-Controller-Software/dp/B0116X17JW/
Arturia MiniLab MkII 25 Slim-Key Controller: https://www.amazon.com/Arturia-MiniLab-MkII-Slim-Key-Controller/dp/B01MSNIVKE/
AKAI Professional MPK Mini MK3: https://www.amazon.com/Professional-Keyboard-Controller-Production-Software/dp/B0886ZPWC8/
The device has to be Re-Mapped to change the functionality from Default to Alternative or equivalent to each manufacturer. (Watch the tutorial for instructions).
Note of the author: I am aware that this is a big limitation, but this little unknown MIDI functionality is one of the most important to be exploded by Virtual Production. Alternatives like OSC controllers are an option that will be explored later, but the physical option that these digital encoders offers is without a doubt a remarkable feature. Look for "360-Degree" knobs or "Digital-Encoders". The list above is just an example of "Under $120" alternatives.
This blueprint uses alternative Control Change settings using Relative #1 (For Arturia controllers, CC2 for Akai controllers), consult your manufacturer manual for different settings. This particual setting changes from 0x40 to 0x41 (for positive values) and from 0x40 to 0x3F (for negative values).
3) Download the ZIP file of this Blueprint MIDI_Connect_V2.ZIP
- Sun: Sellect (BP_Sky_Sphere, SkyLight and Sunlight) from your blueprint. If the selections are blank, that means that you don't have those elements available on this map. Make sure that you open the "/VprodProject/Maps/Main Map). Otherwise place those elements to control the Sun.
If you want to colaborate with this project, there are few things that we need to fix (or find to be more exact). This list
- Currect Aperture
- Exposure Component
- Camera ISO
- Camera Shutter Speed
- Color Grading (Temp)
- Draw Debug Focus Plane
All these featurea can't be located at level blueprint. (I can't)... I'll appreciate your colaboration. Note: Yes, I can find those on the "Detail" tab of the CinemaCameraActor, but I need to grab those elements from a BLueprint. If you have a working solution, please make a blueprint and copy "File.uasset" and send it to [email protected] (Subject "WANTED") and a brief explanation of how did you found those elements. Only five different alternatives will be accepted, but everyone can submit your solution and all the solutions will be shared with the community. You will be rewarded with 50 (VideoFeedback's NFTs (https://opensea.io/collection/ramiroslabfirstedition) ) *
Your name or any desire information will be published to the Open Source community (if desire). I appreciate your contribution.
*The VideoFeedback NFT project is attached to multiple projects. It doesn't represents a monetary value, but can be traded in the open market. Do not assume that these NFTs can be traded at any price. This is still a project and there is no economic promisses other that the NFT community is willing to trade.
Ramiro Montes De Oca (VideoFeedback) https://youtube.com/ramiroslab/