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Video server

In this api you will be able to create, update, delete users, and deal with rooms.

How to run

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

You will find database in port 27017

The serve is in http://localhost:3000


In some routes you will need to authenticate via Bearer Token. In order to get this token, you have to register user and login the user in the routes bellow.

POST - users/register

  "username": "victoriaovilas",
  "password": "pass",
  "mobile_token": "optional"

POST - /login

  "username": "victoriaovilas",
  "password": "pass",

The response should be a token like this:


The routes that need authorization are:

  • PATCH users/:username/update
  • DELETE users/:username/delete
  • PATCH users/:username/join/:guid
  • PATCH users/:username/leave/:guid


GET - users/:username

Get a specific user.

GET - users/

Return all users in database.

PATCH - users/:username/update

Update informations from user, as a password.

  "password": "newpass"

DELETE - users/:username

Delete a specific user.

PATCH - users/:username/join/:guid

Join a specific room

PATCH - users/:username/leave/:guid

Leave a specific room

PATCH - users/:username/rooms

Search users in a room

POST - rooms/

Create a room

	"capacity": 5,
	"name": "Os",
	"guid": "43242",
	"host_user": "victoria",
	"participants": [

PATCH - rooms/:guid/updateHost

Change host_user.

	"host_user": "pedro",

GET - rooms/:guid

Find a specific room