Algolia Search is a hosted full-text, numerical, and faceted search engine capable of delivering realtime results from the first keystroke. The Algolia Search API Client for Scala lets you easily use the Algolia Search REST API from your Scala code.
WARNING: The JVM has an infinite cache on successful DNS resolution. As our hostnames points to multiple IPs, the load could be not evenly spread among our machines, and you might also target a dead machine.
You should change this TTL by setting the property networkaddress.cache.ttl
. For example to set the cache to 60 seconds:"networkaddress.cache.ttl", "60");
For debug purposes you can enable debug logging on the API client. It's using slf4j so it should be compatibnle with most java logger.
The logger is named algoliasearch
You can find the full reference on Algolia's website.
This API client only supports Scala 2.11 & 2.12.
If you're using Maven
, add the following dependency to your pom.xml
For snapshots, add the sonatype
If you're using sbt
, add the following dependency to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.algolia" %% "algoliasearch-scala" % "[1,)"
For snapshots, add the sonatype
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""
The main goal of this client is to provide a human accessible and readable DSL for using Algolia search.
The entry point of the DSL is the algolia.AlgoliaDSL
This DSL is used in the execute
method of algolia.AlgoliaClient
As we want to provide human readable DSL, there is more than one way to use this DSL. For example, to get an object by its objectID
client.execute { from index "index" objectId "myId" }
client.execute { get / "index" / "myId" }
The execute
method always return a scala.concurrent.Future
Depending of the operation it will be parametrized by a case class
. For example:
var future: Future[Search] =
client.execute {
search into "index" query "a"
Putting or getting objects from the API is wrapped into case class
automatically by json4s
If you want to get objects just search for it and unwrap the result:
case class Contact(firstname: String,
lastname: String,
followers: Int,
compagny: String)
var future: Future[Seq[Contact]] =
.execute {
search into "index" query "a"
.map { search =>[Contact]
If you want to get the full results (with _highlightResult
, etc.):
case class EnhanceContact(firstname: String,
lastname: String,
followers: Int,
compagny: String,
objectID: String,
_highlightResult: Option[Map[String, HighlightResult]
_snippetResult: Option[Map[String, SnippetResult]],
_rankingInfo: Option[RankingInfo]) extends Hit
var future: Future[Seq[EnhanceContact]] =
.execute {
search into "index" query "a"
.map { search =>
For indexing documents, just pass an instance of your case class
to the DSL:
client.execute {
index into "contacts" `object` Contact("Jimmie", "Barninger", 93, "California Paint")
In 30 seconds, this quick start tutorial will show you how to index and search objects.
To begin, you will need to initialize the client. In order to do this you will need your Application ID and API Key. You can find both on your Algolia account.
val client = new AlgoliaClient("YourApplicationID", "YourAPIKey")
//No initIndex
//For the DSL
import algolia.AlgoliaDsl._
//For basic Future support, you might want to change this by your own ExecutionContext
//case class of your objects
case class Contact(firstname: String,
lastname: String,
followers: Int,
compagny: String)
val indexing1: Future[Indexing] = client.execute {
index into "contacts" `object` Contact("Jimmie", "Barninger", 93, "California Paint")
val indexing2: Future[Indexing] = client.execute {
index into "contacts" `object` Contact("Warren", "Speach", 42, "Norwalk Crmc")
Settings can be customized to fine tune the search behavior. For example, you can add a custom sort by number of followers to further enhance the built-in relevance:
client.execute {
changeSettings of "myIndex" `with` IndexSettings(
customRanking = Some(Seq(CustomRanking.desc("followers")))
You can also configure the list of attributes you want to index by order of importance (most important first).
Note: The Algolia engine is designed to suggest results as you type, which means you'll generally search by prefix. In this case, the order of attributes is very important to decide which hit is the best:
client.execute {
changeSettings of "myIndex" `with` IndexSettings(
searchableAttributes = Some(Seq("lastname", "firstname", "company"))
You can now search for contacts using firstname
, lastname
, company
, etc. (even with typos):
// search by firstname
client.execute { search into "contacts" query Query(query = Some("jimmie")) }
// search a firstname with typo
client.execute { search into "contacts" query Query(query = Some("jimie")) }
// search for a company
client.execute { search into "contacts" query Query(query = Some("california paint")) }
// search for a firstname & company
client.execute { search into "contacts" query Query(query = Some("jimmie paint")) }
Warning: If you are building a web application, you may be more interested in using one of our frontend search UI libraries
The following example shows how to build a front-end search quickly using InstantSearch.js
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<input id="search-input" placeholder="Search for products">
<!-- We use a specific placeholder in the input to guides users in their search. -->
<script type="text/html" id="hit-template">
<p class="hit-name">{{{_highlightResult.firstname.value}}} {{{_highlightResult.lastname.value}}}</p>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
var search = instantsearch({
// Replace with your own values
appId: 'YourApplicationID',
apiKey: 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey', // search only API key, no ADMIN key
indexName: 'contacts',
urlSync: true
container: '#search-input'
container: '#hits',
hitsPerPage: 10,
templates: {
item: document.getElementById('hit-template').innerHTML,
empty: "We didn't find any results for the search <em>\"{{query}}\"</em>"
- Add objects
- Update objects
- Partial update objects
- Delete objects
- Delete by query
- Get objects
- Wait for operations
- Create secured API Key
- Add API Key
- Update API Key
- Delete API Key
- Get API Key permissions
- List API Keys
- Save a single rule
- Batch save multiple rules
- Read a rule
- Delete a single rule
- Clear all rules
- Search for rules
- Need help? Ask a question to the Algolia Community or on Stack Overflow.
- Found a bug? You can open a GitHub issue.