This repository contains lab experiments and assembly language codes developed as part of the Microprocessors and Peripherals course. The course focused on the 8086 microprocessor and its interaction with various peripheral devices. The assembly programs were written and tested on an emulator to simulate real-world use cases.
Lab Experiments:
- Hands-on experiments demonstrating the key principles of microprocessor operation, including data handling, arithmetic operations, and peripheral interfacing.
Assembly Language Codes:
- A collection of assembly programs for the 8086 microprocessor covering a wide range of applications:
- Data transfer and manipulation
- Arithmetic and logical operations
- Stack and procedure handling
- Interrupt handling and peripheral interfacing
- A collection of assembly programs for the 8086 microprocessor covering a wide range of applications:
- 8086 Architecture: Understanding registers, flags, and memory segmentation.
- Data Transfer Operations: Move, load, and store instructions.
- Arithmetic Operations: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
- Logical Operations: AND, OR, XOR, NOT.
- Control Flow: Jumps, loops, and conditionals.
- Stack Operations: PUSH, POP, CALL, RET, stack management.
- Interrupts: Handling software and hardware interrupts.
- Peripheral Interfacing: Interaction with I/O devices using ports and interrupt-driven I/O.