A simple PHP library to communicate with 1881's API.
Uses JWT and Guzzle.
This library is not associated with Digitale Medier or 1881 in any way.
composer require andersevenrud/1881
Supports all API methods provided, example to look up person:
use DM1881\DM1881;
$client = new DM1881([
'username' => 'dummy',
'client_id' => 'Dummy',
'secret' => 'hash'
var_dump($client->searchPerson('ola bull'));;
- 0.5.5 - Added first() and eq() to result class
- 0.5.4 - Bugfixes
- 0.5.3 - Bugfixes
- 0.5.2 - Updated composer.json
- 0.5.1 - Updated documentation
- 0.5.0 - Initial release