A python script with GUI interface to detect unmasked individuals and recognise them (known individuals) by their names during COVID-19 pandemic in a workspace.
This python project was created as a submission for a school project during the COVID-19 pandemic. The GUI intentionally contains dumbed down language to make non-technical amongst the staff whom this was presented before, understand the concept better.The primary logical objectives are as follows:
• 😀 Obtain facial images of persons present in a workspace to train a pre-built face-recognition model.
• 📸 Continously parse a video livestream and to check for faces present frame-by-frame using a caffemodel.
• 😷 If any faces detected, check the presence of a mask using pre-trained model.
• 😳 Use the trained face-recognition model to identify the unmasked face and record the name in a locally stored sqlite database.
• 💻 Achieve all this with visual aid (GUI navigation, displaying stream on screen) whenever possible. This project is not polished enough to be deployed but the logic can certainly be refined and then extrapolated to handle streams from camera modules via say, a Raspberry Pi. If you wish to just run this project as it is, follow the steps ahead after downlading (&extracting) or cloning this repository. Open a comand prompt and then navigate to wherever your project is stored.
then type the following to install virtualenv package
pip install virtualenv
now, you can create a new virtual environment using the following command
virtualenv myvirtualenv
finally, activate the created virtual environment
pip install -requirements.txt
make sure you install the same versions as given in the file since I've tested with those versions and open-cv may get cranky at times with others.
py main_gui.py