Implementation of popular short problems:
- Palendrome (both recursive/iterative solutions provided)
- List all duplicates in array
- List all duplicates in string
- Binary Search
- Fibonacci number generator
Implementation of popular search algorithms:
- Depth First Search
- Breadth First Search
Implemented various regex uses:
- Search Highlighting
- Basic search custom highlight tag
- Tag attribute replace
- Trim
- Valid Email Detection
- Generate a file system tree based on an input of full file paths
Implementation of popular tree traversal algorithms:
- Pre-Order Traversal
- In-Order Traversal
- Post-Order Traversal
Data Structures:
- Singly Linked List
- Doubly Linked List
- Stack (Using singly linked list)
- Queue (Using doubly linked list)
Sorting algorithms:
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- DFS/BFS Graph Walking Visualizer
- Concentric Circles w/ random color generation
- Particle Generator w/ randomized movements
Other Solutions:
- Tic Tac Toe game in HTML/CSS/JavaScript
- Solution that detects if queens on a game board are within attack range of each other
- Example Angular/Node/WebSockets live chat client/server
- Demonstration of how to use various Array functions to solve a simplified real world problem
- Implementation of Reverse Polish Notation Calculator