You have a drizzle-orm schema and want to visualize it. There's a fantastic module for doing that, drizzle-dbml-generator. This module provides a simple CLI on top of that module to make it faster to use.
This module provides:
- Automatic TypeScript support (with tsx)
- Detection for what kind of Drizzle schema you have (Postgres, SQLite, and MySQL supported)
- Writing to stdout or a file
- Support for writing SVG or DOT output, using dbml-renderer
npx drizzle-dbml-cli db/schema.ts
A quick and dirty CLI for drizzle-dbml-generator
$ drizzle-dbml-cli <input>
--type, -t Explicit type: one of sqlite, mysql, or pg
If not provided, it'll be auto-detected
-o Save output to the given output file
instead of writing to stdout
--verbose, -v Verbose output
--format, -f Format, one of dbml, svg, or dot.
$ drizzle-dbml-cli db/schema.ts