Blacklight provides a discovery interface for any Solr ( index.
📗 SheetJS Spreadsheet Data Toolkit -- New home
Fault tolerance and resilience patterns for the JVM
Custom tooling for pylint and other repo management tools
An async, non-blocking solr client for java/scala, providing a query interface like SolrJ
Stream Ops is a fully embeddable data streaming engine and stream processing API for Java.
Implementation Saved Searches a la ElasticSearch Percolator
This application comes as Spark2.1-as-Service-Provider using an embedded, Reactive-Streams-based, fully asynchronous HTTP server
Embed a SparkContext within a Jetty web server
Apache Solr interpreter for Apache Zeppelin
REST job server for Apache Spark
DataLoader is a generic utility to be used as part of your application's data fetching layer to provide a consistent API over various backends and reduce requests to those backends via batching and…
Java 8 - Minimal library (no dependencies) to create OAuth-1.0a signatures, independent to any HTTP client framework.
Simple string formatting with support for nested data
Binding Anguar1.7 with ES2016, Webpack4, Babel7, ngRedux, ui-router-1.0.0
Android view for displaying PDFs rendered with PdfiumAndroid
Hystrix is a latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex di…
BitTorrent Java library with tracker and download client
A simple web servlet which serves reports rendered by BIRT engine.
A kickoff example project explaining the use of JSF features