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Welcome Step

Martin Konopka edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 7 revisions

At the start of the recording session, welcome step may be displayed to describe the experiment to the participant. Session will start by clicking on the Continue button. Optionally, user may be prompted with set of questions to answer before the experiment can start. Welcome step is the only step defined outside of the timeline in the ession definition object. By default, it displays name of the session and button to start. actionType field is not required for this step.


  • ignore : boolean - whether the welcome step should be displayed or ignored.
  • title : string (optional) - title of the experiment displayed to the participant. If empty, project name from the session definition is used.
  • description : string (optional) - instructions for experiment displayed to the participant. Use \n to insert line breaks in the descriptions.
  • Questionary step properties (optional).

Welcome step is a content step, it can be configured with additional settings common for all content steps. See Content Step styling for details.


  • resultType - "Successful" if the participant started recording; otherwise, "Failed".
  • Additional result values for questionary, if was included. See Questionary step - Result for details.


Example definition of the Welcome step with:

  • Custom title.
  • Description of the experiment.
    "title": "Welcome",
    "description": "In this experiment you will read news articles.\nTo continue to next steps, use F10 key."

Example definition with changed colors of background to white and foreground to black.

    "title": "Welcome",
    "description": "In this experiment you will read news articles.\nTo continue to next steps, use F10 key.",
    "foreground": "Black",
    "background": "White"

Example definition with all settings:

  • Custom title and description.
  • Questionary with text input for user name and terms acceptance for data recording. id properties (optional) identify questionary and individual questions. See Questionary definition for details.
  • Changed colors in style.
    "title": "Welcome",
    "description": [
        "In this experiment you will read news articles.",
        "Enter your name before starting the experiment."
    "foreground": "Black",
    "background": "White"
    "id": "User",   
    "questions": [
            "actionType": "WriteAnswerQuestion",
            "id": "Name",
            "question": "Your name",
            "isRequired": true
            "actionType": "ChooseAnswerQuestion",
            "id": "Terms",
            "question": "Data collection agreement",
            "isRequired": true,
            "answers": [ "I agree with data collection." ]

Usage in Session Definition

Welcome step is set in the welcome property of the Session Definition:

{ // SessionDefinition 
    "welcome": /* insert Welcome Step definition object here */,
    // ...other SessionDefinition properties...

Ignore Welcome step in the session recording by setting the ignore property to true.

{ // SessionDefinition
    "welcome" : { "ignore" : true },
    // ...other SessionDefinition properties...
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