This is the website for UTRA (University of Toronto Robotics Association). The site is a static site made using Jekyll.
A nice thing about Jekyll is that all of the content on the pages is written in markdown, a very simple to write language that gets transformed into HTML. If you aren't familiar with writing Markdown, this cheat sheet can help.
To make your changes:
- Fork this repository
- Make your changes locally, either editing main site pages (in /pages/), or existing team pages (in /teams). If you want to preview your changes, install jekyll, run 'jekyll serve' in the command line from the root of this folder, and navigate your browser to localhost:4000.
- Commit and push your changes to your local branch.
- Submit a pull request to here. The webmaster can accept your changes and they'll go live.
Here is a sample file:
layout: post
title: Sample Event Name
date: 2015-12-31
categories: events
This is a sample event file called {FILENAME}.md