- Node.js and NPM
- CouchDB (v.1.2.0+)
- Expat and Node dev libraries
- Maven
Get the code
git clone git://github.com/rclark/metadata-server.git
Adjust the application configuration by editing these files:
Adjust CouchDB local.ini to work with CoucDB-Lucene indexing
If you installed CouchDB on Ubuntu through apt-get install couchdb
, the file will be located at /etc/couchdb/local.ini
under the[couchdb]
heading. -
Add the following to the end of the file:
[external] fti=/usr/bin/python /{path to your application installation}/couchdb-lucene/target/couchdb-lucene-0.8.0/tools/couchdb-external-hook.py
[httpd_db_handlers] _fti = {couch_httpd_external, handle_external_req, <<"fti">>}
Restart CouchDb. On Ubuntu, you may have to
sudo chown couchdb /var/run/couchdb
before restarting withsudo /etc/init.d/coucdh restart
Test that couchdb-lucene is working
curl http://localhost:5984/records/_fti/_design/search/full?q=hibbity
and you should get some JSON back.
If you installed CouchDB on a Mac and/or you installed a version of CouchDB greater than v1.1:
You might just want to brew install couchdb-lucene
, although this repository includes a working version of couchdb-lucene as a submodule.
Make the changes to your
file through the WUIhttp://
In addition to the changes made to the CouchDB configuration file above, you'll need to add a proxy handler:
[httpd_global_handlers] _fti = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>}
Restart CouchDB and test that it is working:
curl http://localhost:5984/_fti/local/records/_design/search/full?q=hibbity
and you should get this JSON object back:
limit: 25,
etag: "13501bcdbb696740",
fetch_duration: 0,
q: "default:hibbity",
search_duration: 0,
total_rows: 0,
skip: 0,
rows: [ ]
Use NPM to install
cd metadata-server
npm install
Run the application
npm start
Stop the application
npm stop
- resourceType: one of either collection or record
- format: one of iso.xml, atom.xml or geojson
- resourceId: the identifier for a resource
- fileName: the name of a file attached to a metadata record
- schemaId: the name or id of a schema used by this application. Ids must be fully escaped (encodeURIcomponent works in javascript...).
Perform a full-text search through available metadata records
The POST data should be a JSON object similar to the following:
"searchTerms": "alabama%20bedrock", // <-- Note: search terms must be separated by spaces and URL encoded
"limit": 25 // <-- optional number of records to return
"skip": 0 // <-- optional number of records to skip
"publishedOnly": false // <-- optional, default is false
- 200: A successful response will return a JSON object containing information about the number of hits, and will contain each of the matching metadata records.
- 500: There was an error reading from the database.
Lists all the available metadata collections or records in JSON format.
- 200: A successful response will include an array of the records.
- 500: There was an error reading from the database.
Lists all the available metadata records in the format specified.
- 200: A successful response will depend on the requested format.
- iso.xml: The response will be an HTML page containing links to each individual record an XML document that conforms to the USGIN profile for ISO 19139.
- atom.xml: The response will be an XML document that conforms to the Atom standard.
- geojson: The response will be a JSON document containing a FeatureCollection which includes all the metadata records in GeoJSON format.
- 500: There was an error reading from the database.
Creates a new metadata collection or record from POST data.
The POST data should be a JSON object representing a metadata collection or record. The structure of both data types are described in schemas.coffee, and can be adjusted.
- 201: The request was successful. The Location header contains the URL that can be used to access the new resource.
- 400: POST data did not pass validation. POST data must abide by the requirements outlined in schemas.coffee for each resource type.
- 500: There was an error writing to the database.
Creates a new metadata record by harvesting an existing record from a location specified in POST data
The POST data should be a JSON object similar to the following:
"recordUrl": "http://somewhere.com/path/to/metadata/record.xml",
"inputFormat": "iso.xml",
"destinationCollections": [ "identifier-for-some-collection" ] // <-- optional parameter
... where inputFormat is one of iso.xml, atom.xml, fgdc.xml or csv
- 200: The request was successful. The response contains an array of URLs at which the newly created metadata records can be located.
- 400: Either POST data did not contain the requisite data, the URL given was invalid, or the content at the given URL did not conform to the specified inputFormat
- 500: There was an error reading and/or writing to the database
Retreives a single metadata record or collection, specified by its resourceId, in JSON format
- 200: A successful response will contain the metadata record or collection in JSON format.
- 404: The requested resourceId does not exist in the database.
- 500: There was an error reading from the database.
Retrieves a single metadata record, specified by its resourceId, in the specified format
- 200: A successful response wil depend on the requested format.
- iso.xml: The response will be an XML document that conforms to the USGIN profile for ISO 19139.
- atom.xml: The response will be an XML document that represents an Atom feed containing a single entry.
- geojson: The response will be a JSON document containing a single GeoJSON Feature
- 404: The requested resourceId does not exist in the database.
- 500: There was an error reading and/or formatting the document.
Retrieves all the metadata records that belong to a collection specified by its resourceId in JSON format.
- 200: A successfule response will include an array of metadata records.
- 404: A metadata collection with the requested resourceId could not be found.
- 500: There was an error reading from the database.
Retrieves all the metadata records that belong to a collection specified by its resourceId in the specified format.
- 200: A successful response will depend on the requested format.
- iso.xml: The response will be an HTML page containing links to each individual metadata record in the specified collection as an XML document that conforms to the USGIN profile for ISO 19139.
- atom.xml: The response will be an XML document that conforms to the Atom standard and containing an entry for each metadata record in the specified collection.
- geojson: The response will be a JSON document containing a FeatureCollection which includes all the metadata records in the specified collection as GeoJSON Features.
- 404: A metadata collection with the requested resourceId could not be found.
- 500: There was an error reading and/or formatting the response.
Updates an existing metadata record or collection using PUT data.
The PUT data should be a JSON object representing a metadata collection or record. The structure of both data types are described in schemas.coffee, and can be adjusted.
- 204: The request was successful. The Location header contains the URL that can be used to access the updated resource.
- 400: PUT data did not pass validation. PUT data must abide by the requirements outlined in schemas.coffee for each resource type.
- 404: The requested resourceId does not exist in the database.
- 500: There was an error reading and/or writing to the database.
Deletes an existing metadata record or collection specified by its resourceId.
- 204: The request was successful.
- 404: The requested resourceId does not exist in the database.
- 500: There was an error reading and/or writing to the database.
Lists all the file names and URLs that are attached to the metadata record specified by its resourceId.
- 200: A successful response will contain an array of JSON objects. Each object will identify the a file's name, and a URL at which the file can be accessed.
- 404: The requested resourceId does not exist in the database.
- 500: There was an error reading from the database.
Attach an uploaded file to an existing metadata record specified by its resourceId.
Currently a little confused about the details of generating a proper POST. However, the following HTML form will upload files properly:
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/record/47f4b4ebb226f7db16ba19b6d8001a5e/file/" method="POST">
<input type="file" name="upload-file">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
- 201: The file was attached successfully. The Location header contains the URL that can be used to access the file directly.
- 404: The requested resourceId does not exist in the database.
- 500: There was an error writing to the database.
Retrieve a file specified by its fileName from a metadata record specified by its resourceId.
- 200: A successful request will allow direct access to the file specified.
- 404: Either the resourceId or fileName requested does not exist in the database.
- 500: There was an error reading from the database.
Deletes a file specified by its fileName from a metadata record specified by its resourceId.
- 204: The request was successful.
- 404: Either the resourceId or fileName requested does not exist in the database.
- 500: There was an error writing to the database.
Retireve a list of all the json-schema used by this application.
- 200: A successful response will contain an array of objects with
properties. - 500: There was some kind of server error.
Retrieve a specific json-schema by name or by id.
optional Add ?resolve=true
to resolve all the refereces to other schema within the specified schema.
also optional Add ?emptyInstance=true
to return an empty instance of the specified schema.
- 200: A successful response will contain the json-schema object
- 404: The requested schemaId did not point to a schema being used in this application