Cameron's Trello Board URL:
This week you'll be implementing a frontend interface for a multi-user dungeon (MUD) game called LambdaMUD. The backend is partially written but needs to be completed.
Using API requests, clients are able to create, read, update and delete data on remote servers but what if the server needs to initiate a request to the client? Say, to alert them that another player has entered their room or that they have received a chat message. This is where WebSockets come in.
WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. You will be using the Pusher service to handle the WebSocket connections for your project. You can read more about them here.
You are to treat this week as if you are working at a company and the instructor is your client. The project managers will be your main support throughout the week.
The main objective of this week is to develop the MVP feature set listed below using any other technologies you have learned here at Lambda School. There are design files in this repository you should use as a creative guide.
- You are required to showcase progress with at least 1 commit a day. This will let your project manager know where you are and if you need help. This also allows the client to get progress reports from the company in a real world setting.
- Create a Trello account if you don't have one already
- Create a new board called "LambdaMUD - {Your Name}"
- Create lists titled
,To Do
,In Progress
, andDone
- Fill in the
To Do
list with the MVP features listed below - Fill in the
list with all the extra features listed below - Share your board with the project manager that has been assigned to you. If you have not been assigned yet, reach out to your lead PM for guidance
- Add your Trello URL to your project's file. Commit the change, push it to your repository & submit a pull request
- Create a standalone frontend app that communicates with the server via API calls
- Be able to create a new account on the server (implemented on server)
- Be able to log in to the server (implemented on server)
- Create an interface that displays the current room name, its description and the other players in the room
- Be able to move between rooms and update the display accordingly (implemented on server)
- Be able to use a
command to say things that other people in the room will see (server implementation incomplete) - Upon login, subscribe to a Pusher channel based on the player's universally unique id:
- Bind the player channel to
events and display the messages to the player - Alert the player when someone enters and leaves the current room (implemented on server)
- Alert the player when someone in the current room says something (server implementation incomplete)
- Create a new API endpoint for
which broadcasts a message to other players in the current room - Deploy to Heroku
- Header comments in all source files that describe overall what the file does
- Header comments on all functions that describe what the function does, function arguments, and return values
Upon your first commit, please submit a Pull Request and add both the Trello Set Up and MVP Features Task lists to your first Pull Request comment:
## Trello Set Up:
- [ ] Create a Trello account if you don't have one already
- [ ] Create a new board called "LambdaMUD - {Your Name}"
- [ ] Create lists titled `backlog`,`To Do`, `In Progress`, and `Done`
- [ ] Fill in the `To Do` list with the MVP features listed below
- [ ] Fill in the `backlog` list with all the extra features listed below
- [ ] Share your board with the project manager that has been assigned to you. If you have not been assigned yet, reach out to your lead PM for guidance
- [ ] Add your Trello URL to your project's file. Commit the change, push it to your repository & submit a pull request
## MVP Features:
#### Client
- [ ] Create a standalone frontend app that communicates with the server via API calls
- [ ] Be able to create a new account on the server (implemented on server)
- [ ] Be able to log in to the server (implemented on server)
- [ ] Create an interface that displays the current room name, its description and the other players in the room
- [ ] Be able to move between rooms and update the display accordingly (implemented on server)
- [ ] Be able to use a `say` command to say things that other people in the room will see (server implementation incomplete)
- [ ] Upon login, subscribe to a Pusher channel based on the player's universally unique id: `p-channel-<uuid>`
- [ ] Bind the player channel to `broadcast` events and display the messages to the player
- [ ] Alert the player when someone enters and leaves the current room (implemented on server)
- [ ] Alert the player when someone in the current room says something (server implementation incomplete)
#### Server
- [ ] Create a new API endpoint for `say` which broadcasts a message to other players in the current room
- [ ] Deploy to Heroku
#### General
- [ ] Header comments in all source files that describe overall what the file does
- [ ] Header comments on all functions that describe what the function does, function arguments, and return values
Once you have completed the Minimum Viable Product requirements, direct message your project manager for approval. If approved, you may continue working on the Extra Features.
Once your MVP has been approved, you have been given a feature list that the client would love to have completed. Your goal would be to finish MVP as soon as you can and get working the list of features.
- Add a
command that broadcasts a message to every player - Add a
command that sends a private message to a single player - Disconnect inactive players
- Replace text-based movement with graphical navigation
- Expand the world map
- Add a search function to find the shortest path to another player (hint: BFS)
- Generate and display a map of the world
- Add the ability to pick up and drop objects
- Add NPCs that wander around the world (hint: look into Celery)
- Add weapons
- Add combat with NPCs
- Add PvP combat
- Sign up for a free account on
- Create a new app
- Take note of your credentials
- app_id, key, secret, cluster
- Look through the provided sample code and documentation
Set up your virtual environment
pipenv --three
pipenv install
pipenv shell
Add your secret credentials
- Create
in the root directory of your project - Add your pusher credentials and secret key
SECRET_KEY='<your_secret_key>' DEBUG=True PUSHER_APP_ID=<your_app_id> PUSHER_KEY=<your_pusher_key> PUSHER_SECRET=<your_pusher_secret> PUSHER_CLUSTER=<your_pusher_cluster>
- Create
Run database migrations
./ makemigrations
./ migrate
Add rooms to your database
./ shell
- Copy/paste the contents of
into the Python interpreter - Exit the interpreter
Run the server
./ runserver
- Windows users might want to use Postman to test API commands
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"testuser", "password1":"testpassword", "password2":"testpassword"}' localhost:8000/api/registration/
- Response:
- Request:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"testuser", "password":"testpassword"}' localhost:8000/api/login/
- Response:
- Request: (Replace token string with logged in user's auth token)
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token 6b7b9d0f33bd76e75b0a52433f268d3037e42e66' localhost:8000/api/adv/init/
- Response:
{"uuid": "c3ee7f04-5137-427e-8591-7fcf0557dd7b", "name": "testuser", "title": "Outside Cave Entrance", "description": "North of you, the cave mount beckons", "players": []}
- Request: (Replace token string with logged in user's auth token)
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Token 6b7b9d0f33bd76e75b0a52433f268d3037e42e66' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"direction":"n"}' localhost:8000/api/adv/move/
- Response:
{"name": "testuser", "title": "Foyer", "description": "Dim light filters in from the south. Dusty\npassages run north and east.", "players": [], "error_msg": ""}
- Pusher broadcast:
- Players in previous room receive a message:
<name> has walked north.
- Players in next room receive a message:
<name> has entered from the south.
- Players in previous room receive a message:
- Request: (Replace token string with logged in user's auth token)
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Token 6b7b9d0f33bd76e75b0a52433f268d3037e42e66' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"message":"Hello, world!"}' localhost:8000/api/adv/say/
- Pusher broadcast:
- Players in current room receive a message:
<name> says "Hello, world!"
- Players in current room receive a message:
- Use the sprint challenge instructions for Intro to Django.
- Add environment variables to heroku using
heroku config:set KEY=VALUE
- Run the code in on your heroku server (
heroku run python shell
- Fork the LambdaMUD-Client repo and put your front-end code there. Back-end code goes in this repo.
- Implement user registration and login via calls to the server API
- Store the response token for subsequent API requests
- Create a game view for a logged in user
- Make an
request upon loading game view to receive the player's starting location and uniqueid
- Subscribe to the pusher channel named
and bind tobroadcast
events- Handle incoming
messages by displaying them to the player
- Handle incoming
- Parse user commands, then make API calls based on valid inputs
- Handle valid API responses and update the display accordingly
- Make an
File "/app/adventure/", line 12, in <module>
pusher = Pusher(app_id=config('PUSHER_APP_ID'), key=config('PUSHER_KEY'), secret=config('PUSHER_SECRET'), cluster=config('PUSHER_CLUSTER'))
If you run into errors with config on Heroku, make sure you have set your config variables. Remember, .env
should NOT be committed to GitHub or Heroku.
[JavaScript] If this is an axios call, you can get more information by catching the error and printing out
instead of just printingerror`${...}/api/registration`, this.state) .then(response => { console.log(response) }) .catch(error => { console.log(error.response) });
Set up whitenoise or a
. -
on the server:heroku run python shell python util/
If you get this error on the server while it's trying to run collectstatic
see the next section.
File "/home/example/.local/share/virtualenvs/LambdaMUD-Project-xxxxxxxx/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/", line 152
'%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in params.items(),
SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized
This is caused by running Django version 1 with Python version 3.7.
Upgrade Django to version 2.x.
An apparently foolproof way to do this is (in your virtual environment):
pipenv uninstall django
Then manually edit your Pipfile
in the [packages]
section to include:
django = "2"
Then run pipenv install
File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/", line 152
'%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in params.items(),
SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized
! Error while running '$ python collectstatic --noinput'.
See traceback above for details.
You may need to update application code to resolve this error.
Or, you can disable collectstatic for this application:
$ heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1
! Push rejected, failed to compile Python app.
! Push failed
Try this on the command line:
heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1
If it persists, try adding this to the end of
When using config('PUSHER_APP_ID')
File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pusher/", line 25, in __init__
raise ValueError("Invalid app id")
ValueError: Invalid app id
This one remains unsolved.
Hardcoding the app ID into the app (not using config()
) seems to be a
If you log in and your URL changes to:
you need to add a preventDefault()
in your login form handler.
handleLogin = e => {
e.preventDefault(); // <-- Add this
// ... axios and the rest of it ...
If you get this:
File "C:\Users\example\.virtualenvs\LambdaMUD-Project-xxxxxxxxx\lib\site-packages\django\db\backends\sqlite3\", line 159, in get_new_connection
conn = Database.connect(**conn_params)
TypeError: 'sslmode' is an invalid keyword argument for this function
then add this line to the bottom of the file:
del DATABASES['default']['OPTIONS']['sslmode'] # <-- Add this line