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Coding in Go Lang



  1. Create a map:
    myMap := make(map[int] int)
  2. check if map contains key:
     if val, isPresent := myMap[key]; isPresent {
            //do something
  3. Add/Update map
    myMap[key] = val
  4. To iterate over a map
    for key, val := range myMap {
       //do something


  1. Create a set:

    mySet := make(map[int] bool)
  2. Check if set contains key:

    if val, isPresent := mySet[key]; isPresent {
       //do something
  3. Add value to set

    mySet[key] = true

Character / rune

  1. to create a char/character, rune is the keyword
     var myChar rune
  2. To convert rune to string
    val := string(myChar)
  3. To convert string to rune
    myRune := []rune(myString)
  4. If you want to replace a char at index i in string. a) Convert it to array of rune b) update the char at index i
    myRune[i] = 'c'
    c) Convert the rune array to string (follow #2)


  1. Find length of string
  1. Substring of string
s[: len(s) - 3]
  1. To check if 2 strings are equal
    if s1 == s2 {
       // do something
  2. To remove one or multiple whitespaces from string, use strings.Fields It returns array of string without any whitespaces
words := strings.Fields(str)
  1. To convert array to string, use strings.Join()
    strings.Join(words, " ")

String Builder

If we are updating strig frequently, a new string will be created in the memory. Reason - strings are immutable in Go, so if we are adding content to it, we are creating a new string every time. Use strings.Builder instead

  1. To create string builder
    var sb strings.Builder
  2. To add string to string builder
  3. To convert it to string


  1. Convert int to string strNum := strconv.Itoa(num)
  2. Max int value max := math.MaxInt32

Stack Array

  1. Create a stack array of type rune/char
    var stack[] rune
  2. To push to the stack
    stack = append(stack, c)
  3. Pop from stack
    stack = stack[: len(stack) -1]
  4. Peek from stack
    prev := stack[len(stack) -1]
  5. Check stack length
    len := len(stack)

To create a slice

  1. Slice is a variable sized array. We can use it when we don't know the exact size of array we want.
    mySlice := make([]int, size)
  2. While passing slice as an argument, we don't need to pass them as pointer. In Go, everything is passed by value, slices too. But a slice variable is a pointer to the value already.
  3. To check if two slice are equal
    reflect.DeepEqual(sl1, sl2)


  1. To create an array of fixed size
    arr := make([]int, 10)
  2. To sort array element
  3. To create a 2-D array of nxn
    arr := make([][]int, n)
  4. Create an array of nx2
    var arr[][2] int
  5. To add value to this array
    arr = append(arr, [2]int {i, j})
  6. To create rxc array
    arr := make([][]int, r)
    for i := range arr {
       arr[i] = make([]int, c)
  7. Sort 2-D array
    sort.Slice(arr, func (a, b int) bool {
         return arr[a][0] > arr[b][0]

For loop in go lang

for (i := 0; i< len(word); i++) {
   // do something


for index, val := range arr {
   // do something


Coding in Go Lang







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