Core of Amara3 project, which contains a variety of data processing tools, is a module for handling Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs)
Uche Ogbuji [email protected]
Requires Python 3.5+. Just run:
pip install amara3.iri
This and related projects follows my long-standing opinions on, and so does not go with the convention of putting the Python library source in a subdirectory that in some way is mean to match the project or installed package name. I admit that more packages use this latter approach, largely because some influential tools preferred it and tutorials adopted it, but I stick to my position that using "src", "lib" or better yet "pylib" better serves the actual meaning of the library directory within a project, as evidenced by the simple example of a package whose content includes implementations in other languages as well as Python. That's enough om this from me, but I'll just leave a couple of references for anyone interested:
Note: The PyPA/Python Packaging SIG has instructions for such src-like layouts which include an extra mypackage layer. This structure does make sense and the minor shift to that might be in order at some point.