To create directory on your computer: 'git clone [email protected]:umich-pcas/comp-expression.git'
All other commands should happen inside the directory, can get there using 'cd comp-expression'
To get new file changes: 'git pull'
To add file changes to Github: 'git add .', 'git commit -m "describe changes here"', 'git push origin main'
If you're on Mac, start by installing Homebrew:
Next, install python 3 with homebrew: 'brew install python3'
Then, use python 3 to install runestone and pretext: 'pip3 install runestone'
On other systems, install python (look up instructions for your own operating system) and then use python to install runestone: 'pip install runestone'
To build changes: 'runestone build'
To serve and preview changes: 'runestone serve' and then go to "http://localhost:8000/index.html" in your browser.