This repository holds the official DPS LaTeX template for theses.
It is recommended to use VSCode with the LaTeX Workshop extension. Alternatively you can build the document manually using the following command:
latexmk -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -pdf -shell-escape -outdir=out document.tex
Since Minted is used for source code highlighting, the python3-pygments
package needs to be installed in order to build the template.
However, Minted can also be removed with little effort.
Build and read the template for further information.
Note: Please do not use spaces (or tabs, or line-breaks) in filenames.
For booklet format, use the corresponding parameters for the geometry
package in document.tex
Build the PDF as usual and convert it to booklet with the following command:
pdfbook2 -n out/document.pdf