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Tennenbaum's Theorem
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dominik-kirst authored Oct 20, 2023
2 parents 0fe6a74 + 578300f commit c20f773
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Showing 16 changed files with 1,734 additions and 1,827 deletions.
68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions theories/Tennenbaum/Abstract_coding.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
Require Import Lia.

From FOL.Tennenbaum Require Import DN_Utils.

Section Coding.

(** We want to capture more abstractly what is needed for the coding
theorem to hold. Originally we used divisibility for numbers, but we
can more generally assume that there is some binary predicate satisfying
the following two axioms.
Variable In : nat -> nat -> Prop.

Notation "u ∈ c" := (In u c) (at level 45).

Hypothesis H_empty : exists e, forall x, ~ x ∈ e.
Hypothesis H_extend : forall n c, exists c', forall x, x ∈ c' <-> x = n \/ x ∈ c.

(** We can now prove that this binary relation can be used for encoding predicates.
Lemma bounded_coding p n :
(forall x, x < n -> p x \/ ~ p x) ->
exists c, forall u, (u < n -> (p u <-> u ∈ c)) /\ (u ∈ c -> u < n).
assert (forall u n, u < S n -> u < n \/ u = n) as E by lia.
induction n.
{ intros. destruct H_empty as [e He].
exists e. intros u. split; [lia|]. intros []%He. }
intros Dec_p.
destruct IHn as [c Hc], (Dec_p n ltac:(lia)) as [pn|pn'].
1, 2: intros; apply Dec_p; lia.
- destruct (H_extend n c) as [c' Hc']. exists c'.
intros u. split.
+ intros [| ->]%E. split.
* intros p_u%Hc; auto. apply Hc'; auto.
* intros [->|]%Hc'; auto. now apply Hc.
* split; eauto. intros _. apply Hc'; auto.
+ intros [->|H%Hc]%Hc'; auto.
- exists c.
intros u; split.
+ intros [| ->]%E; [now apply Hc|].
split; [now intros ?%pn'|].
intros H%Hc. lia.
+ intros H%Hc. lia.

Lemma DN_bounded_lem p n :
~ ~ (forall x, x < n -> p x \/ ~ p x).
induction n as [|n IH].
{ DN.ret. lia. }
DN.lem (p n). intros Hn.
DN.bind IH. DN.ret. intros x Hx.
assert (x < n \/ x = n) as [| ->] by lia.
all: auto.

Corollary DN_coding p n :
~~ exists c, forall u, (u < n -> (p u <-> u ∈ c)) /\ (u ∈ c -> u < n).
eapply DN.bind_.
- apply DN_bounded_lem.
- intro. apply DN.ret_, (bounded_coding p n); eauto.

End Coding.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/Tennenbaum/CantorPairing.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Proof.
intros. apply IHn. lia.

(** We define the Cantor pairing function and show that it is a Bijection. *)
Section Cantor.

Definition next '(x,y) :=
Expand Down
232 changes: 80 additions & 152 deletions theories/Tennenbaum/Church.v
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
From FOL Require Import FullSyntax Arithmetics Theories.
From Undecidability.Shared Require Import ListAutomation.
From FOL.Tennenbaum Require Import NumberUtils Formulas SyntheticInType Peano.
From FOL.Tennenbaum Require Import NumberUtils DN_Utils Formulas SyntheticInType Peano.
From FOL.Incompleteness Require Import qdec sigma1 ctq.

(* Require Import FOL Tarski Deduction Peano Formulas NumberTheory Synthetic DecidabilityFacts. *)
Require Import Lia.
Expand All @@ -15,96 +16,107 @@ Notation "x ∣ y" := (exists k, x * k = y) (at level 50).
Definition unary α := bounded 1 α.
Definition binary α := bounded 2 α.

Section ChurchThesis.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.

Context {peirce : peirce}.
Instance ff : falsity_flag := falsity_on.
Context {Δ1 : Delta1}.

(** * Church's Thesis *)

(** ** CT_Q *)

(* CT_Q internalizes computability, by claiming that every function
(** CT_Q internalizes computability, by claiming that every function
nat -> nat is computable in a model of computation. In this case,
the model of computaion is based on arithmetic: It represents
functions by formulas in the language of PA in such a way that a
weak fragment (Q <<= PA) can prove the agreement of the formula
with the function on every input.
functions by formulas in the language of PA in such a way that a
weak fragment (Q PA) can prove the agreement of the formula
with the function on every input.

Definition represents ϕ f := forall x, Q ⊢I ∀ ϕ[up (num x)..] ↔ $0 == num (f x).
Definition CT_Q := forall f : nat -> nat, exists ϕ, bounded 3 ϕ /\ inhabited(delta1 ϕ) /\ represents (∃ ϕ) f.
Notation Q := Qeq.

(* Weaker Version of CT_Q, where the existence of the formula
is only given potentially (i.e. behing a double negation).
Definition represents φ f := forall x, Q ⊢ ∀ φ[num x .: $0..] ↔ $0 == num (f x).
Definition CT_Q := forall f : nat -> nat, exists φ, bounded 2 φ /\ Σ1 φ /\ represents φ f.
(** WCT_Q is a weaker Version of CT_Q, where the existence of the formula
is only given potentially (i.e. behing a double negation).
Definition WCT_Q := forall f : nat -> nat, ~ ~ exists ϕ, bounded 3 ϕ /\ inhabited(delta1 ϕ) /\ represents (∃ ϕ) f.
Definition WCT_Q := forall f : nat -> nat, ~~exists φ, bounded 2 φ /\ Σ1 φ /\ represents φ f.

Lemma prime_div_relation :
CT_Q -> exists Π, bounded 2 Π /\ Σ1 Π /\
forall x, Q ⊢ ∀ Π[num x .: $0..] ↔ $0 == num (Irred x).
intros ct. apply ct.

(** Strong Representability *)

Definition strong_repr ϕ (p : nat -> Prop) := (forall x, p x -> Q ⊢I ϕ[(num x)..]) /\ (forall x, ~ p x -> Q ⊢I ¬ϕ[(num x)..]).
Definition RT_strong := forall p : nat -> Prop, Dec p -> exists ϕ, bounded 2 ϕ /\ inhabited(delta1 ϕ) /\ strong_repr (∃ ϕ) p.
Definition WRT_strong := forall p : nat -> Prop, Dec p -> ~ ~ exists ϕ, bounded 2 ϕ /\ inhabited(delta1 ϕ) /\ strong_repr (∃ ϕ) p.
Definition strong_repr ϕ (p : nat -> Prop) :=
(forall x, p x -> Q ⊢ ϕ[(num x)..]) /\ (forall x, ~ p x -> Q ⊢ ¬ϕ[(num x)..]).
Definition RT_strong :=
forall p : nat -> Prop, Dec p -> exists ϕ, bounded 1 ϕ /\ Σ1 ϕ /\ strong_repr ϕ p.
Definition WRT_strong :=
forall p : nat -> Prop, Dec p -> ~ ~ exists ϕ, bounded 1 ϕ /\ Σ1 ϕ /\ strong_repr ϕ p.

(** Weak Representability *)

Definition weak_repr ϕ (p : nat -> Prop) := (forall x, p x <-> Q ⊢I ϕ[(num x)..]).
Definition RT_weak := forall p : nat -> Prop, enumerable p -> exists ϕ, bounded 3 ϕ /\ inhabited(delta1 ϕ) /\ weak_repr (∃∃ ϕ) p.
Definition WRT_weak := forall p : nat -> Prop, enumerable p -> ~ ~ exists ϕ, bounded 3 ϕ /\ inhabited(delta1 ϕ) /\ weak_repr (∃∃ ϕ) p.
Definition weak_repr ϕ (p : nat -> Prop) := (forall x, p x <-> Q ⊢ ϕ[(num x)..]).
Definition RT_weak :=
forall p : nat -> Prop, enumerable p -> exists ϕ, bounded 1 ϕ /\ Σ1 ϕ /\ weak_repr ϕ p.
Definition WRT_weak :=
forall p : nat -> Prop, enumerable p -> ~ ~ exists ϕ, bounded 1 ϕ /\ Σ1 ϕ /\ weak_repr ϕ p.

Definition RT := RT_strong /\ RT_weak.

Lemma prv_split {p : peirce} α β Gamma :
Gamma ⊢ α ↔ β <-> Gamma ⊢ (α → β) /\ Gamma ⊢ (β → α).
Lemma prv_split α β Γ :
Γ ⊢ α ↔ β <-> Γ ⊢ (α → β) /\ Γ ⊢ (β → α).
split; intros H.
split; intros H.
- split.
+ eapply CE1. apply H.
+ eapply CE2. apply H.
- now constructor.

Lemma up_switch ϕ s t :
ϕ[up (num s)..][up (num t)..] = ϕ[up (up (num t)..)][up (num s)..].
rewrite !subst_comp. apply subst_ext.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; now rewrite ?num_subst.

Lemma CT_WCT :
CT_Q -> WCT_Q.
Proof. intros ct f. specialize (ct f). tauto. Qed.

Hint Resolve CT_WCT : core.

(** ** Strong part of the representability theorem. *)
Lemma CT_RTs :
CT_Q -> RT_strong.
intros ct p Dec_p.
destruct (Dec_decider_nat _ Dec_p) as [f Hf].
destruct (ct f) as [ϕ [b2 [[s1] H]]].
pose (Φ := ϕ[up (num 0)..]).
exists Φ. split; unfold Φ.
{ asimpl. eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]] G; cbn; try lia. all: solve_bounds. }
{ constructor. now apply delta1_subst. }
destruct (ct f) as [ϕ (bϕ2 & Sϕ & Hϕ)].
exists ϕ[$0 .: (num 0) ..].
assert (forall a b c, ϕ[a .: b .: c..] = ϕ[a .: b..]) as Help.
{ intros *. eapply bounded_subst; eauto.
intros [|[]]; simpl; lia || reflexivity. }
repeat split.
all: intros x; specialize (H x).
all: eapply AllE with (t := num 0) in H; cbn -[Q] in H.
all: apply prv_split in H; destruct H as [H1 H2].
{ eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[]] ?; try lia; simpl; solve_bounds. }
{ now apply Σ1_subst. }
all: intros x; specialize (Hϕ x).
all: eapply AllE with (t := num 0) in Hϕ; cbn -[Q] in Hϕ.
all: asimpl; asimpl in Hϕ.
all: rewrite !num_subst in *; rewrite Help in *.
all: apply prv_split in Hϕ; destruct Hϕ as [H1 H2].
- intros px%Hf. symmetry in px.
eapply num_eq with (Gamma := Q)(p := intu) in px; [|firstorder].
eapply IE. cbn -[Q num]. rewrite up_switch.
apply H2. now rewrite num_subst.
eapply num_eq with (Gamma := Q) in px; [|firstorder].
eapply IE. cbn -[Qeq num].
apply H2. apply px.
- intros npx. assert (0 <> f x) as E by firstorder.
apply num_neq with (Gamma := Q)(p := intu) in E; [|firstorder].
apply num_neq with (Gamma := Q)in E; [|firstorder].
apply II. eapply IE.
{eapply Weak; [apply E|now right]. }
eapply IE; [|apply Ctx; now left].
rewrite num_subst in H1. eapply Weak.
+ cbn -[Q num]. rewrite up_switch. apply H1.
eapply Weak.
+ cbn -[Q num]. apply H1.
+ now right.

Expand All @@ -113,128 +125,44 @@ Lemma WCT_WRTs :
WCT_Q -> WRT_strong.
intros wct p Dec_p.
destruct (Dec_decider_nat _ Dec_p) as [f Hf].
apply (DN_chaining (wct f)), DN. intros [ϕ [b2 [[s1] H]]].
pose (Φ := ϕ[up (num 0)..]).
exists Φ. split; unfold Φ.
{ eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]] ?; cbn; try lia. all: solve_bounds. }
{ constructor. now apply delta1_subst. }
destruct (Dec_decider_nat _ Dec_p) as [f Hf].
apply (DN.bind_ (wct f)).
intros [ϕ (bϕ2 & Sϕ & Hϕ)]. DN.ret.
exists ϕ[$0 .: (num 0) ..].
assert (forall a b c, ϕ[a .: b .: c..] = ϕ[a .: b..]) as Help.
{ intros *. eapply bounded_subst; eauto.
intros [|[]]; simpl; lia || reflexivity. }
repeat split.
all: intros x; specialize (H x).
all: eapply AllE with (t := num 0) in H; cbn -[Q] in H.
all: apply prv_split in H; destruct H as [H1 H2].
{ eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[]] ?; try lia; simpl; solve_bounds. }
{ now apply Σ1_subst. }
all: intros x; specialize (Hϕ x).
all: eapply AllE with (t := num 0) in Hϕ; cbn -[Q] in Hϕ.
all: asimpl; asimpl in Hϕ.
all: rewrite !num_subst in *; rewrite Help in *.
all: apply prv_split in Hϕ; destruct Hϕ as [H1 H2].
- intros px%Hf. symmetry in px.
eapply num_eq with (Gamma := Q)(p := intu) in px; [|firstorder].
eapply IE. cbn -[Q num]. rewrite up_switch.
apply H2. now rewrite num_subst.
eapply num_eq with (Gamma := Q) in px; [|firstorder].
eapply IE. cbn -[Q num].
apply H2. apply px.
- intros npx. assert (0 <> f x) as E by firstorder.
apply num_neq with (Gamma := Q)(p := intu) in E; [|firstorder].
apply num_neq with (Gamma := Q) in E; [|firstorder].
apply II. eapply IE.
{eapply Weak; [apply E|now right]. }
eapply IE; [|apply Ctx; now left].
rewrite num_subst in H1. eapply Weak.
+ cbn -[Q num]. rewrite up_switch. apply H1.
eapply Weak.
+ cbn -[Q num]. apply H1.
+ now right.

(** ** Weak part of the representability theorem. *)
Lemma CT_RTw :
CT_Q -> RT_weak.
intros ct p [f Hf]%enumerable_nat.
destruct (ct f) as [ϕ [b2 [[s1] H]]].
pose (Φ := ϕ[up (σ $1)..] ).
exists Φ; split. 2: split.
- unfold Φ. eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]] ?; try lia; repeat solve_bounds.
- constructor. now apply delta1_subst.
- intros x. rewrite Hf. split.
+ intros [n Hn]. symmetry in Hn.
apply sigma1_ternary_complete.
{ unfold Φ. eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]] ?; try lia; repeat solve_bounds. }
{unfold Φ. now apply delta1_subst. }
exists n. specialize (H n).
apply soundness in H.
unshelve refine (let H := (H nat (extensional_model interp_nat) (fun _ => 0)) _ in _ ).
{apply Q_std_axioms. }
cbn in H. specialize (H (S x)) as [_ H2].
rewrite eval_num, inu_nat_id in *.
apply H2 in Hn. destruct Hn as [d Hd].
exists d.
unfold Φ. rewrite !sat_comp in *.
eapply bound_ext with (N:=3).
apply b2. 2: apply Hd.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num, ?inu_nat_id in *.
all: try lia.
+ intros HQ%soundness. specialize (HQ nat (extensional_model interp_nat) (fun _ => 0)). cbn in HQ.
destruct HQ as [n [d Hnd]].
{apply Q_std_axioms. }
exists n. specialize (H n).
apply soundness in H.
unshelve refine (let H := (H nat (extensional_model interp_nat) (fun _ => 0)) _ in _ ).
apply Q_std_axioms.
cbn in H. specialize (H (S x)) as [H1 _].
rewrite eval_num, inu_nat_id in *.
symmetry. apply H1. exists d.
rewrite !sat_comp in Hnd.
unfold Φ in Hnd. rewrite sat_comp in *.
eapply bound_ext.
apply b2. 2: apply Hnd.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num, ?inu_nat_id in *.
all: try lia; reflexivity.
intros ct p Hp. unfold weak_repr.
apply ctq_weak_repr; auto.

Lemma WCT_WRTw :
WCT_Q -> WRT_weak.
intros wct p [f Hf]%enumerable_nat.
apply (DN_chaining (wct f)), DN.
intros [ϕ [b2 [[s1] H]]].
pose (Φ := ϕ[up (σ $1)..] ).
exists Φ; split. 2: split.
- unfold Φ. eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]] ?; try lia; repeat solve_bounds.
- constructor. now apply delta1_subst.
- intros x. rewrite Hf. split.
+ intros [n Hn]. symmetry in Hn.
apply sigma1_ternary_complete.
{ unfold Φ. eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]] ?; try lia; repeat solve_bounds. }
{unfold Φ. now apply delta1_subst. }
exists n. specialize (H n).
apply soundness in H.
unshelve refine (let H := (H nat (extensional_model interp_nat) (fun _ => 0)) _ in _ ).
{apply Q_std_axioms. }
cbn in H. specialize (H (S x)) as [_ H2].
rewrite eval_num, inu_nat_id in *.
apply H2 in Hn. destruct Hn as [d Hd].
exists d.
unfold Φ. rewrite !sat_comp in *.
eapply bound_ext with (N:=3).
apply b2. 2: apply Hd.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num, ?inu_nat_id in *.
all: try lia; reflexivity.
+ intros HQ%soundness. specialize (HQ nat (extensional_model interp_nat) (fun _ => 0)). cbn in HQ.
destruct HQ as [n [d Hnd]].
{apply Q_std_axioms. }
exists n. specialize (H n).
apply soundness in H.
unshelve refine (let H := (H nat (extensional_model interp_nat) (fun _ => 0)) _ in _ ).
apply Q_std_axioms.
cbn in H. specialize (H (S x)) as [H1 _].
rewrite eval_num, inu_nat_id in *.
symmetry. apply H1. exists d.
rewrite !sat_comp in Hnd.
unfold Φ in Hnd. rewrite sat_comp in *.
eapply bound_ext.
apply b2. 2: apply Hnd.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num, ?inu_nat_id in *.
all: try lia; reflexivity.

End ChurchThesis.

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