This is a graduate topics course in computational economics, with applications in datascience and machine learning.
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See Syllabus for more details
September 4: Environment and Introduction to Julia
- Intro slides
- Environment: read one or both of these on your own and install Julia, IJulia, and VSCode, preferrably before the first class
- In class: Motivating econometric examples
- Self-study: Introductory Examples or Chapter 1 of Scientific Programming in Julia
September 9: Integration
- Slides
- Self-study: Julia Essentials and Fundamental Types
- Self-study: Chapter 2 of Scientific Programming in Julia
September 11: Nonlinear Equation Solving
September 16: Project Best Practices
- Slides
- Self-study: Package development, unit tests, & CI
- Self-study: Testing and Packages
- Self-study: Git and Github
September 18: clean up example project, introduction to automatic differentiation
- In class: automatic differentiation packages, slides
- Self-study: Automatic Differentation in Scientific Programming in Julia
- Self-study: Differentiation for Hackers
- Self-study: Engineering Trade-Offs in Automatic Differentiation: from TensorFlow and PyTorch to Jax and Julia
- Optional:
September 23: Optimization
September 25: Extremum Estimation
October 2 Function Approximation
October 7 Code Performance
- Coding for performance be sure to look at the 2023 branch for the recent additions
- GPU usage
- Self-study: SIMDscan: since it briefly came up in class, and I was curious about it, I made a little package for calculating things like cumulative sums and autoregressive simulations using SIMD
- Self-study: Need for speed
- Self-study: Performance Tips
October 9 Dynamic Programming
- October 16 Debiased Machine Learning
Slides for the lectures can be found here
October 21: Factorizations, Direct Methods, and Intro to Regularization
- SLIDES: Factorizations and Direct Methods
- Introduction to regularization and implicit bias of algorithms
- Numerical Linear Algebra applying generic programming
October 23: Iterative Methods, Geometry of Optimization, Rethinking LLS, and Preconditioning - SLIDES: Least Squares and Iterative Methods - Iterative Methods
October 28: Overview of Machine Learning
- SLIDES: Intro to ML
- Finalize discussion of iterative methods and preconditioning
- Introduce key concepts about supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement learning, semi-supervised, kernel-methods, deep-learning, etc.
- Basic introduction to JAX and Python frameworks
October 30: Differentiable everything! JAX and Auto-Differentiation/JVP/etc.
- SLIDES: Differentiation
- Reverse-mode and forward-mode AD.
- Jvps and vjps
- Implicit differentiation of systems of ODEs, linear systems, etc.
November 4: High-dimensional optimization and Stochastic Optimization
- SLIDES: Optimization
- Gradient descent variations
- Using unbiased estimates instead of gradients
November 6: Stochastic Optimization Methods and Machine Learning Pipelines
- SLIDES: SGD variations in Optimization
- W&B sweeps, and code in
- - SGD and methods for variance reduction in gradient estimates
- Using SGD-variants in practice within ML pipelines in JAX and Pytorch
- Readings: Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction Section 5.4 on ERM
November 18: Neural Networks, Representation Learning, Double-Descent
- SLIDES: Deep Learning and Representation Learning and started Double-Descent and Regularization
- Readings
- Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction Section 13.2.1 to 13.2.6 on MLPs and the importance of depth
- Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction Section 13.5.1 to 13.5.6 on regularization
- Mark Schmidt's CPSC440 Notes on Neural Networks (see CPSC340 lectures for a more basic treatment of these topics)
- Mark Schmidt's CPSC440 Notes on Double-Descent Curves (see CPSC340 lectures for a more basic treatment of these topics)
- Optional Extra Material
- Probabilistic Machine Learning: Advanced Topics Section 32 on representation learning
November 20 Finish Double-Descent and Intro to Kernel Methods and Gaussian Processes
- SLIDES: Start Kernel Methods and Gaussian Processes and finish Double-Descent and Regularization
- Readings
- If you didn't do it already, read Mark Schmidt's CPSC440 Notes on Double-Descent Curves and Overparameterization (see CPSC340 lectures for a more basic treatment of these topics)
- Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction Section 17.1 and 17.2 on Kernel methods and Gaussian Processes
- CPSC340 has some notes on the "kernel trick", and you can skip over the details on images. Also see more advanced notes on kernel methods
- Finally, your problem set will involve running some simple Gaussian Processes with GPyTorch, which will become easier to understand after seeing the theory.
- Probabilistic Machine Learning: Advanced Topics Section 18.1 to 18.3 on GPs and kernels
- Researchers working in GPs love the online textbook Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning, so you may want to read the intro section on GP Regression
November 25 Finish Kernel Methods and Review "Distances" in a latent space
- SLIDES: Finish Kernel Methods and Gaussian Processes
November 27 "ML Engineering"
- See example code, W&B, etc. Linear regression, NN regression, pytorch, pytorch lightning, CLI, etc.
December 2 LLMs and Embeddings
- SLIDES: Embeddings, NLP, and LLMs
December 4 Attention and Transformers + Class Presentations
- SLIDES: Transformers and Attention
December 20
- Final Project due
Look under "Releases" or switch to another branch for earlier versions of the course.