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1 Getting started with R

1.1 why R

R is a scripting language known for its simple syntax. It is suitable for anyone desiring start or enhance their journey in data management, analysis and scientific research. It can be used to retrieve data, clean, analyse and visualize the data.

  • Simple syntax
  • Variety of packages to handle wide range of tasks
  • Powerful RStudio IDE for simplify code management and getting started
  • Also R has a large community of users and you will easily get support

1.2 Setting up the environment

Before we start coding, we need to setup the coding environment. We shall install R and RStudio the graphical Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for R. RStudio makes using R much easier and more interactive.

1.2.1 Installing R and RStudio

Download the R installation file.

Run the downloaded file and accept prompts to install.

Download the RStudio installation file.

Run the downloaded file and accept prompts as well.

1.3 RStudio Interface

RStudio is divided into 4 panels

  • Source (top-left)
  • R Console (top-right)
  • Environment/History (top-right)
  • Files/Plots/Packages/Help/Viewer (bottom-right)

1.4 Interacting with RStudio

1.4.1 a) Using the RStudio console

We can use RStudio console to give commands to R on what it should do.

write the line below in the console and hit enter

print("Hello world")

simple calculations

1 + 5

1.4.2 b) Creating script files

We can create new scripts and put our commands that R should perform.

Follow the steps shown in the figure to create a new file.

Let us now add the previous code into the script and save the script.

print("Hello world")

# This is a comment
# simple calculations
1 + 5

1.4.3 Variable assignment

We use <- symbol to assign objects to variables.

This symbol has the followig shortcut on windows computers alt + -

# assigning
greeting <- "Hello"


# joining strings
my_name <- "John"
greeting_2 <- paste(greeting, ":", my_name)


2 Functions

2.1 What is a function

A function is a block of code that performs a specific task when instructed or called to do the task.

Programming languages have built in functions and developers can also create their own functions to perform desired tasks.

We have already used functions like print() to output some contents given and the paste() function to concatenate/join strings. These are built in function that we can use to perform the tasks for which they were created.

2.2 creating functions

Apart from using the built in functions, we can also create new functions to easily perform tasks. This could be trying to reduce on duplicating code for repetitive tasks or as away to share code with others through functions.

To define a function, we use the function keyword. The function may have or may not have arguments

The function syntax can take on the format below:

function_name <- function(argument_1, argument_2, ...){
  • function_name. The name of the function
  • arguments. The function may have several arguments/inputs depending on the needs. These could be data of different types.
  • function_body. This is where we put instructions using code to perform different tasks.

2.2.1 Examples creating functions

# a function to join entered names
my_fullname <- function(first_name, last_name) {
  combined_name <- paste("My name is: ", 

# a function to multiply arguments
my_multiplication <- function(first_num = 10, second_num = 6) {
  multiply_arguments <- first_num * second_num
  my_result <- paste("My result is: ", multiply_arguments)

2.2.2 Calling functions

We call functions by giving their names and supplying arguments in case they are required by the functions. Let us use examples from the functions we have created.

# call my_fullname function
my_fullname(first_name = "John", last_name = "Peter")

# call my_multiplication function
my_multiplication() # uses default values of the arguments
my_multiplication(first_num = 125, second_num = 61) # uses supplied values to arguments

2.2.3 Getting help on functions

If functions have documentation, lieke inbuilt function and functions from other created packages, we can access their documentation using the help() function or ? symbol to access the documentation of the functions and how these functions can be used.

# using help()

# using ?

3 Data types and structures

3.1 Data types

Variables can store data of different data types. In R, the data type of the R-object becomes the data type of the variable.

  • numeric - (6.5, 71, 217)
  • integer - (1L, 33L, 301L, “L” declares this as an integer)
  • complex - (9 + 3i, where “i” is the imaginary part)
  • character (a.k.a. string) - (“m”, “TRUE”, “Getting started with R”, “FALSE”, “23.1”)
  • logical (a.k.a. boolean) - (TRUE or FALSE)

The class() function is used to check the data type of a variable

greeting <- "Hello"

my_data <- c("m",  "TRUE", "Getting started with R", "FALSE", "23.1")


3.2 Vectors

A vector is a common data type in R and is composed of a series of values that are of the same data type. Either numbers or characters or logical.

We create a vector using the c() function and seperate the items using a comma.

# Create a vector.
fisher_men <- c("Peter", "Andrew", "James", "John") # character vector

# Get the class of our vector.

vector_num <- c(11, 101, 23, 50.3) # numeric vector 
class_vec_num <- class(vector_num)

vector_log <- c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE) # logical vector
class_vec_log <- class(vector_log)

print(paste("The class of vector_num is: ", class_vec_num))
print(paste("The class of vector_log is: ", class_vec_log))

3.2.1 Subsetting vectors

To access elements of a vector, we use indices. The index of the first element in a vector is 1, the second is 2

We provide the index in square brackets to retrieve the desired element from the vector.

fisher_men <- c("Peter", "Andrew", "James", "John") # character vector

# first element

# last element

# particular elements
fisher_men[fisher_men %in% c("John", "Andrew")]

vector_num <- c(11, 101, 23, 50.3) # numeric vector 

# first element

# last element

# particular elements
vector_num[vector_num > 15]

3.2.2 Repeat vectors

Repeat vectors using the rep() function

# each
rep(c("Peter", "Andrew", "James", "John"), each = 5)

# times
rep(c("Peter", "Andrew", "James", "John"), times = 5)

rep(c("Peter", "Andrew", "James", "John"), times = c(4, 2, 3, 1))

3.2.3 Sequenced vectors

Use the : symbol or seq() function to create a vector of sequencies.

# using ':'

# using 'seq()'
seq(from = 1, to = 20, by = 1)

seq(from = 1, to = 20, by = 4)

seq(from = 1, to = 100, by = 5)

3.3 lists

A list can contain objects of different data types (mixture of numeric, character, logical …)

We use the list() function to create a list.

fisher_men <- c("Peter", "Andrew", "James", "John") # character vector

vector_num <- c(11, 101, 23, 50.3) # numeric vector 

vector_log <- c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)

my_list <- list(fisher_men, vector_num, vector_log)

# access elements of a list

# named list elements
my_list <- list("first_elem" = fisher_men, 
                "second_elem" = vector_num, 
                "third_elem" = vector_log)


# Get the type of an object using the typeof() function

# Get the length of the list using the length() function

# last element of a list

3.4 Data Frames

Data frames are tabular data objects. They can store data in columns of different data types. Some can be character columns, others numeric and others logical. A data frame is a two dimensional object and stores lists of vectors of the same length.

A data frame is the most common way of storing tabular (table or spreadsheet) data and is something you will work with often.

We use the function data.frame() to create a data frame.

my_dataframe <- data.frame(
  id = 1:4,
  name = c("Peter", "Andrew", "James", "John"),
  height=c(1.65, 1.61, 1.72, 1.55)

We can check the structure of the data frame using the str() function


3.4.1 Access elements of the data frame

We can use the [, [[, $ operators to access the elements of the data frame.

# [
# [[
# $

3.4.2 Number of rows and columns

we use dim() function to find the number of row and columns of a data frame. We can also use the nrow() function to find the number of rows and the ncol() function to find the number of columns of the data frame.

# dimension of the data frame

# number of rows

# number of columns

3.5 Practice 1

We are going to practice with swirl. swirl is an R package that consists of a collection of interactive courses for learning R.

3.6 Install swirl

Use the following code to install the swirl package.


3.7 Start swirl

load the swirl package using the libray() function to load the functions in the package.


3.8 Install and runcourse

Use the install_course() function to install the R_Programming_E course we shall be following for our first practice.


Enjoy coding.

4 Reading and manipulating data

In order to manipulate data, we need to create, read/import data into the R environment using appropriate functions. We can use functions provided in the base system where applicable or functions in other containers (packages) specialized for specific file types.

4.1 Extending R base functionality

4.2 What are packages

R comes with functionality in the base system. This functionality is what you get when you download and install R. This can be extended using containers (packages) that have other functionality or different implementation. These packages contain functions to perform specific tasks.

4.3 Package installation

For packages on The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), you can install them using the install.packages() function, specifying the name of the function in quotes. This can be done in the console pane since we do not need to save this in a script.

The code below will install all tidyverse related packages. tidyverse is a group of packages designed with a similar philosophy, grammar, and data structures aimed at simplifying data management and analysis.


NOTE For packages under development by developers that may not be on CRAN, we can install them using the devtools or remotes packages. Let us install the devtools package with install.packages(“devtools”).

We can now install a package using devtools



4.4 Package loading

We can load packages using the library() function.


Before we start reading and writing files, let us add more sub folders to our project.

We can use supporteR to easily create sub folders in our project using the create_project_sub_folders() function. This will help us to keep the folder names uniform as we walk the journey together. You can write the following code in the console and hit enter.


5 Reading and writing files

We are going to use iris data that is included the datasets package.

We shall export this data into a csv for illustration purposes.

We can write a csv file using the the write_csv() function from the same readr package. After exporting the data into the outputs folder, copy it over into the inputs folder. This has been done to indicate that we can always place the data we want to read/import into the inputs folder and what ever we want to export into the outputs folder.


# write_csv is a function inside readr package of tidyverse

write_csv(datasets::iris, file = "outputs/iris_data.csv")

We are now going to read in this data stored in the inputs folder of the project.


# read_csv is a function inside readr package of tidyverse
df_iris <- read_csv("inputs/iris_data.csv")

6 Manipulating data

6.1 select

We use the select() function from the dplyr package to subset columns. That is to choose/remove columns of interest from the data frame and work only with the desired columns.

With iris example we are going to select columns of interest by


df_iris <- read_csv("inputs/iris_data.csv")

select(.data = df_iris, Species, Petal.Length)
select(.data = df_iris, c("Species", "Petal.Length"))

# another way. Using a pattern
select(.data = df_iris, starts_with("Sepal."))

select(.data = df_iris, ends_with(".Width"))

6.2 filter

We use the filter() function from the dplyr package to subset rows of interest. This can be based on entries in one column or more columns.


df_iris <- read_csv("inputs/iris_data.csv")

# considering one specific entry
filter(.data = df_iris, Species %in% c("versicolor"))
# considering two specific entry
filter(.data = df_iris, Species %in% c("versicolor", "virginica"))
# considering key word
filter(.data = df_iris, str_detect(string = Species, pattern = "versi"))

# considering more than one column
filter(.data = df_iris, Sepal.Length > 5, str_detect(string = Species, pattern = "versi"))

6.3 mutate

We can add columns to the data frame using the mutate() function from dplyrpackage. This adds the new columns at the end of the data frame.


df_iris <- read_csv("inputs/iris_data.csv")

mutate(.data = df_iris, sepal_length_category = ifelse(Sepal.Length > 6, "greater_than_6", "less_than_6"))

mutate(.data = df_iris, sepal_length_category = case_when(Sepal.Length < 5 ~ "cat_less_than_5",
                                                          Sepal.Length < 7 ~ "cat_5_6",
                                                          Sepal.Length >= 7 ~ "cat_7+"))

6.4 rename

We can use the rename() function to rename column names. We use the format new_name = old_name


df_iris <- read_csv("inputs/iris_data.csv")

rename(.data = df_iris, sepal_length = Sepal.Length)

Use the rename_with() function to rename multiple columns at once following a certain pattern. We specify a function to do the renaming.

# convert all columns to upper case
rename_with(.data = df_iris, .fn = toupper)
# convert columns that start with "Petal" to lower case
rename_with(.data = df_iris, .fn = tolower, .cols = starts_with("Petal"))

6.5 summarise

Use the summarise() function to collapse the data frame into fewer rows based on the summary you are creating. If no groups are present in the data frame, the resulting data frame will be one row with the summary.


df_iris <- read_csv("inputs/iris_data.csv")

summarise(.data = df_iris, 
          mean_sepal_length = mean(Sepal.Length),
          mean_sepal_width = mean(Sepal.Width)

# summarise based on grouping
df_iris_grp <- group_by(.data = df_iris, Species)

summarise(.data = df_iris_grp, 
          mean_sepal_length = mean(Sepal.Length),
          mean_sepal_width = mean(Sepal.Width)

6.6 Pipes

Pipes help us to pipe/chain operations together. This way we could combine renaming columns, filtering data and summarizing together. R comes with the |> operator starting from R version 4.1.0. Before, there was the %>% operator from magrittr package of tidyverse.

When using the pipes, the resulting data frame from the an operation is the input data frame for the next operation.


df_iris <- read_csv("inputs/iris_data.csv")

df_iris |> 
  filter(Species %in% c("versicolor", "virginica")) |> 
  mutate(sepal_length_category = case_when(Sepal.Length < 5 ~ "cat_less_than_5",
                                           Sepal.Length < 7 ~ "cat_5_6",
                                           Sepal.Length >= 7 ~ "cat_7+")) |> 
  rename_with(.fn = tolower, .cols = starts_with("Petal"))

# summarise
# group numbers
df_iris |> 
  group_by(Species) |> 
  summarise(count = n())
# mean
df_iris |> 
  group_by(Species) |> 
  summarise(mean_sepal_length = mean(Sepal.Length),
            mean_sepal_width = mean(Sepal.Width)

6.7 Export results

We can export results the same way we exported the iris dataset. We can create a variable and use it to export or we can still use pipes.

df_iris <- read_csv("inputs/iris_data.csv")

df_sep_measurements_mean <- df_iris |> 
  group_by(Species) |> 
  summarise(mean_sepal_length = mean(Sepal.Length),
            mean_sepal_width = mean(Sepal.Width)

write_csv(df_sep_measurements_mean, "outputs/sep_measurements_mean.csv")

6.8 Practice 2

In the second practice, we are going to focus on using dplyr and tidyr to clean data and make it tidy. We shall use the Getting and Cleaning Data swirl course for this.

After course installation, you can run swirl() and select the course you will have installed.


install_course("Getting and Cleaning Data")


Happy R coding days.

7 Creating Graphs using ggplot2

We can create graphs in R using different packages. For the purpose of our learning, we shall use ggplot2 from tidyverse. This package helps us to quickly create beautiful graphs using data in the data frame and we can easily customize these graphs according to our preference.

From the reference, you can click on the icons of desired graphs under the Geoms sub heading to find more about the graph and how to create it.

There is also another resource of R Graph Gallery on ggplot2 where you can access different graphs and explore how to create and customize them.

ggplot graphs are built step by step, incrementing each step at the end with a + sign.

7.1 Basic steps for creating graphs

  • Attach data frame to the ggplot using the data argument
  • Specify the mappings/aesthetics (aes). Columns and other properties to visualize
  • Specify the type of plot/graph by adding the geom_*() functions.

7.2 Bar graph

We use the geom_bar() or geom_col() functions to create the bar graphs. geom_bar() uses stat_count() by default and makes the height of the bar proportional to the number of cases in each group. geom_col() uses stat_identity() and the heights of the bars represent values in the data.


df_iris <- read_csv("inputs/iris_data.csv") |> 
  mutate(sepal_length_category = case_when(Sepal.Length < 5 ~ "cat_less_than_5",
                                                          Sepal.Length < 7 ~ "cat_5_6",
                                                          Sepal.Length >= 7 ~ "cat_7+"))

# basic geom_bar
ggplot(data = df_iris, aes(y = Species)) + # x or y column provided
  geom_bar(fill = "blue") + # uses stat_count() by default

# geom_bar color by category
ggplot(data = df_iris, aes(x = Species)) + # x or y column provided
  geom_bar(aes(fill = sepal_length_category)) + # uses stat_count() by default

# basic geom_col
ggplot(data = df_iris, aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Species)) + # both x and y provided
  geom_col(fill = "blue") +  # uses stat_identity() by default

# geom_col color by category
ggplot(data = df_iris, aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Species)) + # both x and y provided
  geom_col(aes(fill = sepal_length_category)) +  # uses stat_identity() by default

# summarizing data and plotting
df_mean_sep_len <- df_iris |> 
  select(Sepal.Length, Species) |> 
  group_by(Species) |> 
  summarise(`Mean Length` = mean(Sepal.Length))

# customizing the graph
ggplot(data = df_mean_sep_len, aes(x = `Mean Length`, y = Species)) +
  geom_col(fill = "blue") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold", size=12),
        axis.text.y = element_text(face = "bold", size=12),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
        panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.title = element_text(size=12)) +
  ylab(label = "")  

7.3 Scatter plot

The scatter plot helps us to analyse the relationship between observations. It can be handy during Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to explore the data.


df_iris <- read_csv("inputs/iris_data.csv")

# Basic scatter
ggplot(data = df_iris, aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width)) +
    geom_point() +
    labs(title = "Plot of Sepal measurements")

# scatter with color categories
ggplot(data = df_iris, aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width, colour = Species)) +
    geom_point() +
    labs(title = "Plot of Sepal measurements")

7.4 Boxplot

The Boxplot can help us to check the distribution of the data


df_iris <- read_csv("inputs/iris_data.csv")

# basic Boxplot
ggplot(data = df_iris, aes(x = Species, y = Sepal.Length)) +

# Boxplot with jitter
ggplot(data = df_iris, aes(x = Species, y = Sepal.Width, colour = Species)) +
    geom_boxplot() +

7.5 Export plots

We can use ggsave to export graphs to use in presentations and reports. It uses the defaults of the last plot displayed to export your plot.

ggsave("outputs/plot.png", scale = 2)

7.6 Exercise 1

We are going to use the iris dataset to test our skills in working with data.

  1. Import the iris dataset into a variable named df_iris. For the following steps, create a new variable df_iris_data assigning to it the data you imported and use the pipe operator to add steps 2 to 5.
  2. Subset the dataset to keep with columns that start with Petal and Species
  3. Rename columns that start with Petal by removing Petal. from the columns. Maintaining only Length and Width
  4. Subset dataset to keep only rows where Length is greater than 1.2
  5. Create a new column of Length_Category with ranges < 3 “less_than_3”, < 5 “btn_3_and_5”, > 5 “greater_than_5”
  6. Create a bar graph indicating the Species and colour the graph based on Length_Category.
  7. Calculate the mean Length for each Species and store the result in the df_mean_length variable.
  8. Create a bar graph for the result from the previous step.
  9. Calculate the proportions based on Species and Length_Category. Export this result into a csv file.

8 Getting started with R Markdown

R Markdown helps us to generate reports. The reports could be based on changing data like during data collection where you have to communicate daily data collection progress to different teams. It could also be a dynamic report generated regularly after a given period of time like weekly or monthly report. when we connect these reports with data, it becomes easy for us to run the code and generate these reports.

These reports can include different elements like text, tables, graphs, maps e.t.c that are based on the data that we are reporting on.

The reports can be generated in different formats like HTML files, PDF files, Word files, Presentation files …

8.1 Creating and an R Markdown file

You can create R Markdown files the same way we create R files. From the File menu, click New File then R Markdown…

From the pop up pane, choose the format of the report to generate give the Title of the document and click OK.

It will create a file with sample content containing basic parts of the report.

Save the file into an appropriate folder for our case the R folder in our project and start modifying or clear the sample content and add your own content.

8.2 Basic parts of the file and syntax

8.3 YAML header

This part controls the document type to create. In this header, you can specify the type of document, the author, the title and other properties like table of contents for the document if appropriate.

8.4 Global options chuck

This part allows us to specify some options that affect the entire document. This could include code folding, evaluation, display of messages, how to handle results, if to include the chunk. These options can be overridden in the individual chunk options.

8.5 Document body

In the body, we put content that will be seen in the report. The content may include headings, text, graphs, tables, maps, code e.t.c.

8.6 Headings

We use the # symbol to define the heading level

# First-level header

## Second-level header

### Third-level header

8.7 Body text

We write free text outside of chunks and this text will be generated in the report. We can also style this text by giving it colour, making it bold, italic.

Normal text

Bold text or Another bold text

Italic text or Another italic text

This is coloured text

Normal text

**Bold text** or __Another bold text__

*Italic text* or _Another italic text_

<span style="color:red"> This is coloured text </span>

8.8 Links

We can also add links to reports. Next is the link to our repository.

Getting started with R

Markdown Basics

[Getting started with R](

[Markdown Basics](

8.9 Code chunks

Inside a code chunk, we can put R code that will be run and results added to the report. Code can also be added in text as inline code to return some results from the code. If your results are assigned to a variable, remember to call the variable after evaluation. This way, it will show the output.


Inline code. The number of observations for iris data is: 150

Inline code. The number of observations for iris data is: **`r nrow(iris)`**

8.10 Generate the report

You generate the report by knitting the document using the knit button on top of the document. Or you can use the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl + Shift + K.

8.11 Useful keyboard shortcuts on windows

  • Ctrl + Alt + I. Used to create a new code chunk

  • Ctrl + Shift + K. Used to knit the file

Note: This is a list

- Ctrl + Alt + I. Used to create a new code chunk

- Ctrl + Shift + K. Used to knit the file

8.12 Visualizing tables with DT

You can easily visualize tables with DT package an interface to the JavaScript library DataTables. This can be installed using the following code. An example of usage has also been included.



iris |> 

8.13 Scatter plot

The scatter plot helps us to analyse the relationship between observations. It can be handy during Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to explore the data.


df_iris <- read_csv("inputs/iris_data.csv")

# scatter with color categories
ggplot(data = df_iris, aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width, colour = Species)) +
    geom_point() +
    labs(title = "Plot of Sepal measurements")

8.14 Exercise 2

Transfer exercise 1 into R Markdown to generate HTML report.

9 Version control with Git, GitHub, Sourcetree and RStudio

Version control involves managing the versions of our code as individual developers or while collaborating as teams. We can track changes we made to the code and in this way we could even reset the code to a desired backward version of the code.

There are many ways of using R Studio, Git and GitHub. But for the purpose of this guide, we shall focus on setting up environment for version control using Git, Github and Sourcetree.

9.1 Git, GitHub

Git is is a free and open source distributed version control mechanism that we can use to manage our code. GitHub on the other hand is a an internet hosting service for projects using git as their version control mechanism. By default the projects hosted are public and can be accessed by anyone. However there are also private projects.

9.2 Installing Git

We can download Git and install on our computers. During the installation, it will install also with it Git Bash and Git GUI (Graphical User Interface). These two interfaces can be used to manage the code with the Git Bash using command line interface while the GUI using a user interface to manage the code. For the purpose of this guidance, we shall be using Sourcetree that is an easy to use tool without using the command line.

9.3 Accessing GitHub

We can use GitHub to store and manage our code. To use it for this purpose, we need to create an account if we do not have one already. You can sign up from the GitHub sign up page.

9.4 Sourcetree

Sourcetree is a free Git client from Atlassian that simplifies working with Git repositories. You can easily manage and visualize your code.

You can download Sourcetree from the software page of Atlassian and install it on your computer.

9.5 Configure Sourcetree and Github

After the installation of Git, Sourcetree and creating a GitHub account, we can now configure our tools to easily manage the versions of our code.

9.6 Enable version control in R Studio

To enable version control in R Studio, open R Studio then click on Tools menu select Global Options, then Git/SVN and activate the Enable Version control interface for R Studio projects. The Git executable box should now be filled with the location of Git executable file.

9.7 Add GitHub account to Sourcetree

To connect GitHub account to Sourcetree, under Remote Repositories tab in Sourcetree, click on Add an account… and edit the information in the Edit Hosting Account menu that pops up.

For Hosting Service, choose GitHub.

For Authentication, choose OAuth and click Refresh OAuth Token. This may open a web page for you to sign in to GitHub.

Once signed in, the account connection will display under the Remote Repositories tab. If you click on your account and the click on refresh button, you will see your repositories on GitHub.

9.8 set up GitHub to accept communication with Sourcetree

We also need to configure GitHub to accept communication from Sourcetree.

For this we shall login in to GitHub. Then click on your profile located in the top right of the page, select Settings, then Developer settings located in the bottom left of the page,then locate Personal access tokens and click tokens (classic).

On the Personal access tokens (classic) page, we shall generate a token for Authenticating Sourcetree while pushing code and set it’s expiration to no. We shall be adding the generated token to repositories to allow the communication from Sourcetree. Copy this token and keep it safely.

This is a one time process that you do not repeat.

9.9 Create repository on GitHub.

Try to avoid spaces in repository names, instead use underscores between words. An example “first_repository”, “cbi_data_mgt”

9.10 Create a new R Studio project.

using the option for Version Control to check out a project from a version control repository, then choose Git. Specify the link to the GitHub repository created and create the project.

9.11 Add the R Studio project to Sourcetree

Open Sourcetree and click on a plus sign on the tabs bar of Sourcetree to add a new tab. While Local is selected, click on the Add tool to the create R Studio project to Sourcetree.

9.12 Connect R Studio Project and GitHub repository

Click on Settings tool once the R Studio project is open in Sourcetree, click on the origin url and click on edit. We shall add the personal-access-token to the url. Add your personal-access-token + @ before of the url. https://{personal-access-token}{my_repository}.

Note: The contents inside {} change accordingly.

You are now ready to version management on the repository and push your changes to GitHub.

9.13 Main Git operations with version control with Sourcetree

  • commit. You can do this iside R Studio. Esure to add a commit message to reflect what has changed.
  • push. You can do this inside R studio or Sourcetree
  • pull. You can do this inside R studio or Sourcetree
  • branch. You can do this Sourcetree
  • merge branches. You can do this Sourcetree


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