NikeStockTakes project uses object-oriented programming to create a solution to optimise stock-takes for Nike warehouses.
The project is formed of a menu where users can choose various options to analyse and edit data stored from Nike (shoe) warehouses.
Each Nike warehouse stores one style of shoe. The stock-take for a warehouse cotains the following data about the shoe they store:
- Country the warehouse is in
- Code of the shoe
- Product name of the shoe
- Cost of the shoe
- Quantity of shoes
- Value of the shoe
The database for the stock-takes is inventory.txt. Each line of the file gives the stock-take for one warehouse (excluding the first line which is the headers for the data).
The project enables users (like store managers) to:
- Search for shoes by code
- Determine which shoes have the lowest quantity with option to restock
- Determine the shoes with the highest quantity
- Calculate the value of stock for each warehouse
- Capture data about a new stock-take for a shoe from the user (this does not get added to the database yet).
- View all stock-takes
Download the program and the database inventory.txt and store them in the same folder. Run the program to being to use!
The program runs on a looping main menu. Input (type and enter) the number next to the option you'd like at the main menu. Input 7 on the main menu to exit the program.