Releases: turnkeylinux/tklbam
(Properly) Bugfix mariadb migration for v17.x
This new v17.x (Bullseye) bugfix (of a bugfix) release includes the previous fixes as per v1.4.3.2 - but with a new MySQL/MariaDB bugfix to resolve an oversight on my behalf (the hookscript name included 'mariadb' - so was killing itself when running pkill mariadb
). This resolves that by renaming the hook script.
To install on any/all TurnKey Linux v17.x appliances:
apt install ./tklbam_1.4.3.3_all.deb
If you applied the previous workaround (as noted here) then please ensure that you remove that script. I.e.:
rm -rf /etc/tklbam/hooks.d/maria_db-changes
Note: v18.x users can install the fixed package via apt. The fixed version is 1.4.6
apt update
apt install tklbam
apt policy tklbam
Installed: 1.4.6
Candidate: 1.4.6
Version table:
*** 1.4.6 999
999 bookworm/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
Bugfix mariadb migration for v17.x
This new v17.x (Bullseye) bugfix release includes the previous PostgreSQL fix (turnkeylinux/tracker#1867), plus a new MariaDB migration bugfix (turnkeylinux/tracker#1872).
To install on any/all TurnKey Linux v17.x appliances:
apt install ./tklbam_1.4.3+4+g745ecc2_all.deb
If you applied the previous workaround (as noted here) then please ensure that you remove that script. I.e.:
rm -rf /etc/tklbam/hooks.d/maria_db-changes
Bugfix pgsql for v17.x
As reported initially in turnkeylinux/tracker#1726, then again in turnkeylinux/tracker#1867 when restoring a PosgreSQL DB the DB may fail to restore with a message: pg_restore: error: one of -d/--dbname and -f/--file must be specified
This bugfix release resolves that.
To install on any/all TurnKey Linux v17.x appliances:
apt install ./tklbam_1.4.3+3+gaa8954d_all.deb
Bugfix override paths with spaces
As per turnkeylinux/tracker#1403 TKLBAM did not gracefully handle paths in the override file which included spaces.
This release fixes that. Support for passing paths with spaces when running tklbam-backup
is now also supported (spaces must be escaped, or the path enclosed in quotes).
Including/excluding paths with spaces when restoring has always worked (spaces must be escaped), but is now explicitly documented.
To install on any/all TurnKey Linux v15.x appliances:
apt install ./tklbam_1.4.2_all.deb