Paul is a natural language chat-bot that can be found roaming the halls of the Turnbros Discord server. Paul uses Dialogflow to understand you and Temporal to coordinate the work he needs to do to help you.
TODO: This is a litte out of date. Improve this. Environtment Variables
export K8S_NAMESPACE=temporal
Here is what we still need to do to make Paul a real boy.
- Add security context settings to force the container to run as a non-root user/group and drop all capabilities.
- Tighten up Pauls Kubernetes permissions. We don't think Paul needs that much access.
- Implement the interfaces Paul will use to find and query his game servers.
- Teach Paul how to talk and help Paul understand how we're going to talk to him.
- Understand the scope of the second and third item so they can be broken down into actionable subtasks