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Revert "Replaced "Spoton Mirc Addon" folder with zipped version."
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This reverts commit b364b98.
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turbosmurfen committed Apr 5, 2024
1 parent b364b98 commit f3cad1a
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Showing 6 changed files with 292 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added Spoton mIRC Addon/img/forwardtrack.ico
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Spoton mIRC Addon/img/nexttrack.ico
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Spoton mIRC Addon/img/playpausetrack.ico
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Spoton mIRC Addon/img/previoustrack.ico
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Spoton mIRC Addon/img/rewindtrack.ico
Binary file not shown.
292 changes: 292 additions & 0 deletions Spoton mIRC Addon/spoton.mrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
;Welcome to Spoton mIRC Addon. Beta 0.0.5.
;This addon works best with Spoton 1.1.9 or later.

;Icons made by icons8 -

menu menubar,channel,query,status {
.Interface:spssh | dialog -m sps sps
.$iif($menu == channel,Now Playing):/snp
.$iif($menu == query,Now Playing):/snp
.$iif($dll($spfind,status,) != 0,Open Spotify):/dll spoton.dll control show
.$iif($dll($spfind,status,) == 0,Start Spotify):/sptnrun


dialog sps {
title "Spoton"
size -1 -1 196 109
option dbu
box "Say messages", 1, 3 3 189 67
edit "", 2, 7 41 180 11, return autohs
;icon 3, 7 53 183 15, spssh.bmp, 0, noborder
icon 3, 7 53 183 15, spssh.bmp, 0, noborder
text "", 4, 8 12 140 27
button "Save", 5, 152 7 29 10, disable flat
button "List", 6, 152 21 29 10, disable flat
radio "Disabled", 7, 8 83 34 10
radio "Extended", 8, 44 83 38 10
radio "Compact", 9, 85 83 38 10
box "Media controls", 11, 3 72 189 27
link "Media Icons by icons8", 10, 3 99 56 8

on *:dialog:sps:*:*:{
if ($devent == init) {
did -a $dname 4 $spfrmx

if (%sptnmedia == 0) did -c $dname 7
if (%sptnmedia == 1) did -c $dname 8
if (%sptnmedia == 2) did -c $dname 9
dialog -t $dname $+(Spoton v,$dll($spfind,version,),$chr(32),- Addon Beta: %sptnbeta)
if ($lines(says.txt) > 0) { did -e $dname 6 }
if (%sptnsaythis) {
spssh %sptnsaythis
did -ra $dname 2 %sptnsaythis | did -e $dname 5
if ($devent == sclick) {
if ($did == 5) {
if (!$read(says.txt, nw, * $+ $did(2))) {
set %sptnsaythis $did(2)
var %line = $iif($lines(says.txt) == 0,1,$calc($v1 +1))
write says.txt %line $+ $chr(144) $+ $did(2)
else { noop $input(The Say is already in the list!,woud,Spoton) | set %sptnsaythis $did(2) }
did -e $dname 6
if ($did == 6) { $iif($window(@saylist),window -c @saylist,spotwin) }
if ($did == 3) { did -r $dname 2 | spssh }
if ($did == 7) { set %sptnmedia 0 | sptntb 0 }
if ($did == 8) { set %sptnmedia 1 | sptntb 1 }
if ($did == 9) { set %sptnmedia 2 | sptntb 2 }
if ($devent == edit) {
if ($did == 2) {
if ($len($did(2)) > 0) { spssh $did(2) }
if ($len($did(2)) >= 5) { did -e $dname 5 }
elseif ($len($did(2)) < 5) { did -b $dname 5 }
elseif ($len($did(2)) == 0) { spssh }
did -f $dname 2
if ($devent == close) { window -c @spss | window -c @saylist }

;Generate Image into the tool
alias -l spssh {
if ($1- != $null) {
clear @spss
var %ttext = $replace($1-,[song],Artist - Title,[artist],Artist,[title],Title)
var %tfont = $window(status window).font, %tsize = $window(status window).fontsize
window -dBk0pw0h +dL @spss -1 -1 360 $calc($height(%ttext,%tfont,%tsize,0,1) + 3)
drawfill -r @spss $rgb(face) $rgb(face) 0 0
drawrect -rf @spss $rgb(face) 1 $calc($width(%ttext,%tfont,%tsize,0,1) + 3) 0 360 $calc($height(%ttext,%tfont,%tsize,0,1) + 3)
drawtext -pb @spss $color(text) $color(background) %tfont %tsize 2 1 %ttext
else {
clear @spss
window -dBk0pw0h +dL @spss -1 -1 360 15
drawrect -rf @spss $rgb(face) 1 0 0 360 15
drawsave @spss spssh.bmp
$iif($dialog(sps),did -g sps 3 spssh.bmp)
window -c @spss

;This will show which features you can use in Spoton
alias -l spfrmx {
return $+([song],$str($chr(9),2),Shows the Artist - Title,$crlf,[artist],$str($chr(9),2),Shows the Artist,$crlf,[title],$str($chr(9),2),Shows the Title)

;Run Spotify if it's not running
alias -l sptnrun {

;If spotify is downloaded from website.
var %path1 = $+($sysdir(profile),AppData\Roaming\Spotify\Spotify.exe)

;If spotify is downloaded from Windows apps.
var %path2 = $+($sysdir(profile),AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\Spotify.exe)

if ($dll(spoton.dll,status,) == 0) {
if ($isfile(%path1)) {
/run %path1
elseif ($isfile(%path2)) {
/run %path2
else {
echo 04 -ag * [Spoton] - Spotify is already running.
;Generate says into the window
alias -l spotwin {
if ($lines(says.txt) > 0) {
clear @saylist
var %x = $iif($dialog(sps),$calc($dialog(sps).x + $dialog(sps).w),-1)
var %y = $iif($dialog(sps),$dialog(sps).y,-1)
window -ak0ld $+ $iif($dialog(sps) == $null,C) +L @saylist %x %y 200 200
var %o = 1
while (%o <= $lines(says.txt)) {
aline @saylist $+($chr(2),%o,.,$chr(2),$chr(160),$gettok($read(says.txt,n,%o),2,144))
inc %o
else { set %sptnsaythis Spotify » [song] }

;Select and Remove says.
menu @saylist {
if ($sline(@saylist,1)) {
if ($dialog(sps)) {
did -ra sps 2 $gettok($sline(@saylist,1),2,160)
spssh $gettok($sline(@saylist,1),2,160)
did -e sps 5
set %sptnsaythis $gettok($sline(@saylist,1),2,160)
Remove:write -dl $+ $sline(@saylists,1).ln says.txt | spotwin

;## 0ther ##

;Replace value with data from [song], [artist], [title]
alias -l spfrm {
return $spc($replace($1-,[song],$dll($spfind,song,),[artist],$dll($spfind,artist,),[title],$dll($spfind,title,)))

;Check if channel have +c (Colors enabled)
alias -l spc {
if ($left($active,1) == $chr(35)) {
if (c !isincs $chan(#).mode) { return $1- }
else { return $strip($1-) }
else { return $1- }

;Checks if spoton.dll exists and return the path
alias -l spfind {
if ($exists($+($nofile($script),spoton.dll))) {
return $+($nofile($script),spoton.dll)
else { echo 04 -ag * [Spoton] - Can't find spoton.dll. | halt }

;If Spoton is playing a song (Status Code: 3), write out to the channel/pm.
alias snp {
if ($dll($spfind,status,0) == 3) {
if ($server != $null) {
if ($left($active,1) == $chr(35) || $active != Status Window) {
say $spfrm(%sptnsaythis)
else {
echo 04 -ag * [Spoton] - You are not connected to an IRC-Server.
else { echo 02 -ag * [Spoton] - Spotify is $replace($dll($spfind,status,0),0,Not running,1,Paused,2,Playing Advertisement) $+ . | halt }

;Reset the toolbar buttons
alias -l sptnresets {
if ($toolbar(sepa1)) toolbar -d sepa1
if ($toolbar(sptn-previous)) toolbar -d sptn-previous
if ($toolbar(sptn-rewind)) toolbar -d sptn-rewind
if ($toolbar(sptn-play)) toolbar -d sptn-play
if ($toolbar(sptn-forward)) toolbar -d sptn-forward
if ($toolbar(sptn-next)) toolbar -d sptn-next

;Generate toolbar buttons
alias -l sptntb {
if ($isnum($1)) {
var %a %sptncntrl
var %i 1
var %b %sptncntrl + 7
if ($1 == 0) {
else {
while (%a <= %b) {
if (%i == 1) {
if ($toolbar(%a).name == $null) toolbar -izs %a sepa1
if ($1 == 2) {
if (%i == 2) {
if ($toolbar(%a).name == $null) toolbar -iz1 %a sptn-previous "Previous track" img\previoustrack.ico "/dll spoton.dll control previous"
if (%i == 3) {
if ($toolbar(%a).name == sptn-rewind) toolbar -d sptn-rewind
if ($toolbar(%a).name == $null) toolbar -iz1 %a sptn-play "Play/Pause track" img\playpausetrack.ico "/dll spoton.dll control playpause"
if (%i == 4) {
if ($toolbar(%a).name == $null) toolbar -iz1 %a sptn-next "Next track" img\nexttrack.ico "/dll spoton.dll control next"
if (%i == 5) {
if ($toolbar(%a).name == sptn-forward) toolbar -d sptn-forward

if (%i == 6) {
if ($toolbar(%a).name == sptn-next) toolbar -d %a
if ($1 == 1) {
if (%i == 2) {
if ($toolbar(%a).name == $null) toolbar -iz1 %a sptn-previous "Previous track" img\previoustrack.ico "/dll spoton.dll control previous"
if (%i == 3) {
if ($toolbar(%a).name == sptn-play) toolbar -d %a
if ($toolbar(%a).name == $null) toolbar -iz1 %a sptn-rewind "Rewind track" img\rewindtrack.ico "/dll spoton.dll control rewind"
if (%i == 4) {
if ($toolbar(%a).name == sptn-next) toolbar -d sptn-next
toolbar -iz1 %a sptn-play "Play/Pause track" img\playpausetrack.ico "/dll spoton.dll control playpause"
if (%i == 5) {
if ($toolbar(%a).name == $null) toolbar -iz1 %a sptn-forward "Forward track" img\forwardtrack.ico "/dll spoton.dll control forward"
if (%i == 6) {
if ($toolbar(%a).name == $null) toolbar -iz1 %a sptn-next "Next track" img\nexttrack.ico "/dll spoton.dll control next"

inc %a
inc %i

;Setup everything that is needed when loaded.
on *:load:{
set %sptnsaythis Spotify » [song]
set %sptncntrl $toolbar(0) + 1
set %sptnbeta 0.0.5
set %sptnmedia 0
echo 02 -ag * [Spoton] - Spoton is loaded!
;Automatic add toolbars if enabled
on *:start:{
if (%sptnmedia > 0) sptntb %sptnmedia
on *:unload:{
if ($dialog(sps)) { dialog -x sps }
if ($isfile(spssh.bmp)) { .remove spssh.bmp }
if ($window(@saylists)) { window -c $v1 }
if ($window(@spss)) { window -c $v1 }
if ($isfile(says.txt)) { .remove says.txt }
unset %sptnsaythis
unset %sptnbeta
unset %sptncntrl
unset %sptnmedia
echo 02 -ag * [Spoton] - Spoton is now unloaded!

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