collective.purgbyid is a new method for cache invalidation of Plone based web sites. It uses the idea of adding an extra header, called X-Ids-Involved, which contains thee uuids of the objects involved in the construction of the resources. For example, an image contains just its uuid:
% wget -S http://localhost:8080/Plone/image01 ... X-Ids-Involved: #c8d7c0bc2b794325b916d990de91d7ee#
Other pages may be more complicated. Then a new purge rewrite rule adds a custom URL to the set of URLs to purge: the "purge by id" custom URL is in the form /@@purgebyid/<UUID> where UUID is the object's uuid to be purged.
Last, Varnish is configured so that, when an URL /@@purgebyid/<UUID> is purged, it will ban all the objects that match an X-Ids-Involved header of the right type (i.e. containing the uuid of the resource to purge). This means that when a resources is purged, it is enough to purge also it /@@purgebyid/<UUID> URL because it will be Varnish responsibily to also catch all of the occurrencies of the resources whenever the URL which is used to access it.
Config example:
sub vcl_recv { if (req.request == "PURGE") { if (!client.ip ~ purge) { error 405 "Not allowed."; } if (req.url ~ "^/@@purgebyid/") { ban("obj.http.x-ids-involved ~ #" + regsub(req.url, "^/@@purgebyid/", "") + "#"); error 200 "Ban added"; } } } sub vcl_deliver { unset resp.http.x-ids-involved; }
- Blog post (italian language)