- Phan Quang Tuấn - 1901040191
- Nguyễn Tuấn Nghĩa - 1901040146
- Đào Xuân Tới - 1901040186
- Nguyễn Tố Uyên - 1901040235
- Nguyễn Trung Kiên - 1901040106
IMPORTANT: To run the website, the developer should go to MySQL and create a schema (database), Then, from the MySQL, please import database's structure and data from the following folder ..\resources\bookworm.sql to the created database. IMPORTANT 2: The developer please goes to resources\application.properties then change the database password to your current one in order to use it. - The developer can run the website by accessing localhost:8080 - for login as admin account: [email protected] 123456 - for login as seller: [email protected] 123456 - for login as buyer: [email protected] 123456 >> you can also go to the MySQL and run the query 'select * from `user`' to see the full list of users
- Spring boot MVC with thymeleaf + Rest API.
- Hibernate, lombok + JPA as ORM.
- MySQL as the database.
- Bootstrap 4.3.1 as layout and template.
- jQuery + ajax for client manipulate with rest api.
- Springboot Security as authentication & authorization.
- Springboot multipart support for upload file.
- XML config/Java Config
- JSP, Thymeleaf
- Bean Validation or Spring Validator
- Custom Validation Annotation
- Custom Formatter
- Uploading files
- Exception Handling (Individual, Globally)
- REST/Ajax – Error Handling
- Spring Security (Database, Logout, Remember Me, csrf, etc)
- Security authorization – interceptor, AOP
- Persistence – Hibernate + Spring Data
- CSS Library
Users: Admin, Seller and Buyer
Features of Admin
- If seller register in this web site, need to get approval from Admin in order to post products in the web site
- Add Ads on pages
- Approve Review made by Buyer (no matter approve or reject)
Features of Seller
- Register as Seller
- Product (CRUD). When a product is added, the system should automatically notify all followers by website message
- Seller cannot buy products from the website
- Maintain orders
- Cancel Order (Notify Buyer by website message), the status of order on buyer’s part should also changed
- Change Order status (Shipped-On the way-Delivered)
Features of Buyer
- Register as Buyer
- Follow and Unfollow Seller
- Can not sell items on this website
- Can place an order
- Maintain Shopping Cart (CRUD)
- Maintain Shipping and Billing Address
- Maintain Payment
- Place order
- Every successful purchase (not returned), gain points from the website. You can use points to buy products (something like coupons).
- Maintain Orders
- Check Order History
- Can cancel order before shipping, after shipping cannot
- Write Product Review. Review must be approved by Admin before live