The ultimate lazy library. Can cause a thread to sleep for a random amount of time.
Snorlax is a good citizen in the Swift ecosystem. It's a reference implementation to support as many different platforms as possible.
Snorlax currently supports the following platforms:
- Mac OS X
- iOS
- tvOS
- watchOS
- Linux
Using the following Package Managers:
- CocoaPods
- Carthage
- Swift Package Manager
- Adding as an Xcode Subproject
Feel free the look at the commit history or browse the documentation to see how to create a library:
Sure, use your favorite package manager. Please note the two different versions:
- Odd minor versions (eg -
) require no dependencies. The latest one is0.1.1
. - Even minor versions (eg -
) has dependencies. The latest one is0.2.1
. Currently, these dependencies don't support all the platforms properly (WIP).
You can see examples at Snorlax Samples
Add Snorlax to your pod file and run pod install
# CocoaPods
pod 'Snorlax', '~> 0.1.0'
Add Snorlax to your Cartfile
(package dependency) or Cartfile.private
(development dependency):
github "tryswift/Snorlax" ~> 0.1.0
Add to your Package.swift
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
// ... your project details
dependencies: [
// As a required dependency
.Package(url: "ssh://[email protected]/tryswift/Snorlax.git", majorVersion: 0)
testDependencies: [
// As a test dependency
.Package(url: "ssh://[email protected]/tryswift/Snorlax.git", majorVersion: 0)
See CONTRIBUTING. Documentation improvements and translations are welcomed!