termco is a suite of functions used to count and find terms and substrings in strings. The tools can be used to build an expert rules, regular expression based text classification model. The package wraps the data.table and stringi packages to create fast data frame counts of regular expression terms and substrings.
- Functions
- Installation
- Contact
- Examples
- Building an Expert Rules, Regex Classifier Model
The main function of termco is term_count
. It is used to extract
regex term counts by grouping variable(s) as well as to generate
classification models.
Most of the functions count, search, plot terms, and covert
between output types, while a few remaining functions are used to train,
test and interpret models. Additionally, the probe_
family of
function generate lists of function calls or plots for given search
terms. The table below describes the functions, category of use, and
their description:
Function | Use Category | Description |
term_count |
count | Count regex term occurrence; modeling |
token_count |
count | Count fixed token occurrence; modeling |
frequent_terms /all_words |
count | Frequent terms |
important_terms |
count | Important terms |
hierarchical_coverage_term |
count | Unique coverage of a text vector by terms |
hierarchical_coverage_regex |
count | Unique coverage of a text vector by regex |
frequent_ngrams |
count | Weighted frequent ngram (2 & 3) collocations |
word_count |
count | Count words |
term_before /term_after |
count | Frequency of words before/after a regex term |
term_first |
count | Frequency of words at the begining of strings |
colo |
search | Regex output to find term collocations |
search_term |
search | Search for regex terms |
match_word |
search | Extract words from a text matching a regular expression |
search_term_collocations |
search | Wrapper for search_term + frequent_terms |
classification_project |
modeling | Make a classification modeling project template |
classification_template |
modeling | Make a classification analysis script template |
as_dtm /as_tdm |
modeling | Coerce term_count object into tm::DocumentTermMatrix /tm::TermDocumentMatrix |
split_data |
modeling | Split data into train & test sets |
evaluate |
modeling | Check accuracy of model against human coder |
classify |
modeling | Assign n tags to text from a model |
get_text |
modeling | Get the original text for model tags |
coverage |
modeling | Coverage for term_count or search_term object |
uncovered /get_uncovered |
modeling | Get the uncovered text from a model |
mutate_counts |
modeling | Apply normalizing function to term count columns |
select_counts |
modeling | Select columns without stripping count classes |
tag_co_occurrence |
modeling | Explore co-occurrence of tags from a model |
validate_model /assign_validation_task |
modeling | Human validation of a term_count model |
read_term_list |
read/write | Read a term list from an external file |
write_term_list |
read/write | Write a term list to an external file |
term_list_template |
read/write | Write a term list template to an external file |
as_count |
convert | Strip pretty printing from term_count object |
as_terms |
convert | Convert a count matrix to list of term vectors |
as_term_list |
convert | Convert a vector of terms into a named term list |
weight |
convert | Weight a term_count object proportion/percent |
plot_ca |
plot | Plot term_count object as 3-D correspondence analysis map |
plot_counts |
plot | Horizontal bar plot of group counts |
plot_freq |
plot | Vertical bar plot of frequencies of counts |
plot_cum_percent |
plot | Plot frequent_terms object as cumulative percent |
probe_list |
probe | Generate list of search_term function calls |
probe_colo_list |
probe | Generate list of search_term_collocations function calls |
probe_colo_plot_list |
probe | Generate list of search_term_collocationss + plot function calls |
probe_colo_plot |
probe | Plot probe_colo_plot_list directly |
To download the development version of termco:
Download the zip
ball or tar
ball, decompress and
on it, or use the pacman package to install the
development version:
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
You are welcome to:
- submit suggestions and bug-reports at: https://github.com/trinker/termco/issues
- send a pull request on: https://github.com/trinker/termco/
- compose a friendly e-mail to: [email protected]
The following examples demonstrate some of the functionality of termco.
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(dplyr, ggplot2, termco)
discoure_markers <- list(
response_cries = c("\\boh", "\\bah", "aha", "ouch", "yuk"),
back_channels = c("uh[- ]huh", "uhuh", "yeah"),
summons = "hey",
justification = "because"
counts <- presidential_debates_2012 %>%
with(term_count(dialogue, grouping.var = list(person, time), discoure_markers))
## Coverage: 100%
## # A tibble: 10 x 7
## person time n.words response_cries back_channels summons justification
## <fct> <fct> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 OBAMA time~ 3599 3(.08%) 0 43(1.1~ 26(.72%)
## 2 OBAMA time~ 7477 2(.03%) 0 42(.56~ 29(.39%)
## 3 OBAMA time~ 7243 1(.01%) 1(.01%) 58(.80~ 33(.46%)
## 4 ROMNEY time~ 4085 0 0 27(.66~ 8(.20%)
## 5 ROMNEY time~ 7536 1(.01%) 3(.04%) 49(.65~ 20(.27%)
## 6 ROMNEY time~ 8303 5(.06%) 0 84(1.0~ 19(.23%)
## 7 CROWLEY time~ 1672 2(.12%) 0 4(.24%) 12(.72%)
## 8 LEHRER time~ 765 3(.39%) 3(.39%) 0 0
## 9 QUESTI~ time~ 583 2(.34%) 0 0 2(.34%)
## 10 SCHIEF~ time~ 1445 0 0 2(.14%) 6(.42%)
print(counts, pretty = FALSE)
## Coverage: 100%
## # A tibble: 10 x 7
## person time n.words response_cries back_channels summons justification
## <fct> <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 OBAMA time~ 3599 3 0 43 26
## 2 OBAMA time~ 7477 2 0 42 29
## 3 OBAMA time~ 7243 1 1 58 33
## 4 ROMNEY time~ 4085 0 0 27 8
## 5 ROMNEY time~ 7536 1 3 49 20
## 6 ROMNEY time~ 8303 5 0 84 19
## 7 CROWLEY time~ 1672 2 0 4 12
## 8 LEHRER time~ 765 3 3 0 0
## 9 QUESTI~ time~ 583 2 0 0 2
## 10 SCHIEF~ time~ 1445 0 0 2 6
print(counts, zero.replace = "_")
## Coverage: 100%
## # A tibble: 10 x 7
## person time n.words response_cries back_channels summons justification
## <fct> <fct> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 OBAMA time~ 3599 3(.08%) _ 43(1.1~ 26(.72%)
## 2 OBAMA time~ 7477 2(.03%) _ 42(.56~ 29(.39%)
## 3 OBAMA time~ 7243 1(.01%) 1(.01%) 58(.80~ 33(.46%)
## 4 ROMNEY time~ 4085 _ _ 27(.66~ 8(.20%)
## 5 ROMNEY time~ 7536 1(.01%) 3(.04%) 49(.65~ 20(.27%)
## 6 ROMNEY time~ 8303 5(.06%) _ 84(1.0~ 19(.23%)
## 7 CROWLEY time~ 1672 2(.12%) _ 4(.24%) 12(.72%)
## 8 LEHRER time~ 765 3(.39%) 3(.39%) _ _
## 9 QUESTI~ time~ 583 2(.34%) _ _ 2(.34%)
## 10 SCHIEF~ time~ 1445 _ _ 2(.14%) 6(.42%)
plot(counts, labels=TRUE)
plot_ca(counts, FALSE)
termco wraps the quanteda
package to examine important ngram collocations. quanteda’s
function provides measures of: "lambda"
, "z"
, and
to examine the strength of relationship between ngrams.
termco adds stopword removal, min/max character filtering, and
stemming to quanteda’s collocation
as well as a generic plot
x <- presidential_debates_2012[["dialogue"]]
## collocation length frequency count_nested lambda z
## 1: make sure 2 127 127 7.554897 32.834995
## 2: governor romney 2 105 104 9.271292 20.461487
## 3: four years 2 63 63 7.338151 28.204976
## 4: mister president 2 61 51 7.834853 19.748190
## 5: united states 2 31 31 9.795398 17.356448
## 6: middle class 2 30 30 8.777654 16.614018
## 7: last four 2 27 27 6.115321 21.912251
## 8: last four years 3 27 0 -1.566379 -1.028654
## 9: health care 2 26 26 8.227977 20.429621
## 10: american people 2 26 26 5.120440 19.048883
## 11: middle east 2 26 26 10.742379 7.485044
## 12: small businesses 2 22 22 7.762762 20.244536
## 13: making sure 2 19 19 5.356647 17.260131
## 14: million people 2 17 17 4.780434 15.493120
## 15: federal government 2 15 15 6.507298 17.346209
## 16: young people 2 15 15 5.624489 14.208840
## 17: dodd frank 2 15 15 14.718342 7.300509
## 18: small business 2 13 13 7.102122 17.040580
## 19: middle income 2 13 13 6.871943 15.504096
## 20: governor romney's 2 13 13 8.786176 6.091802
frequent_ngrams(x, gram.length = 3)
## Warning in evalq(as.data.frame(list(collocation = c("make sure our", "the
## reason is", : restarting interrupted promise evaluation
## collocation length frequency count_nested lambda
## 1: last four years 3 27 0 -1.5663795
## 2: twenty three million 3 11 0 4.1864145
## 3: thousand nine hundred 3 11 0 -0.3498540
## 4: middle class families 3 10 0 -4.2845959
## 5: thousand five hundred 3 8 0 -1.1540324
## 6: governor romney says 3 8 0 -4.0173427
## 7: three million people 3 6 0 -0.1340563
## 8: next four years 3 6 0 -0.8781626
## 9: governor romney said 3 6 0 -3.3551066
## 10: middle income families 3 6 0 -3.9239765
## 11: five million jobs 3 5 0 2.1884488
## 12: five point plan 3 5 0 2.7135106
## 13: seven hundred sixteen 3 5 0 0.4756980
## 14: hundred sixteen billion 3 5 0 0.4265593
## 15: dollar seven hundred 3 5 0 -0.6058730
## 16: dollar five trillion 3 5 0 -0.8280113
## 17: four years closer 3 5 0 -3.0979869
## 18: forty seven million 3 4 0 0.7245824
## 19: best education system 3 4 0 0.2615127
## 20: rising take home 3 4 0 -0.1449834
## z
## 1: -1.02865393
## 2: 1.68276560
## 3: -0.16798792
## 4: -2.63216754
## 5: -0.70519267
## 6: -2.26634962
## 7: -0.08481962
## 8: -0.42487275
## 9: -2.02007252
## 10: -2.43709086
## 11: 1.22412938
## 12: 1.22017842
## 13: 0.21031506
## 14: 0.16642917
## 15: -0.36134012
## 16: -0.39457112
## 17: -1.44984909
## 18: 0.32149800
## 19: 0.11938982
## 20: -0.06723986
frequent_ngrams(x, order.by = "lambda")
## collocation length frequency count_nested lambda
## 1: dodd frank 2 15 15 14.71834
## 2: standard bearer 2 4 4 13.48186
## 3: intellectual property 2 3 3 13.23057
## 4: joint chiefs 2 3 3 13.23057
## 5: apology tour 2 3 3 13.23057
## 6: onest century 2 3 3 13.23057
## 7: wall street 2 9 9 13.13031
## 8: boca raton 2 2 2 12.89412
## 9: abraham lincoln 2 2 2 12.89412
## 10: raton florida 2 2 2 12.89412
## 11: unintended consequences 2 2 2 12.89412
## 12: haqqani network 2 2 2 12.89412
## 13: permanent resident 2 2 2 12.89412
## 14: appleton wisconsin 2 2 2 12.89412
## 15: prime minister 2 2 2 12.89412
## 16: food stamps 2 9 9 12.61946
## 17: planned parenthood 2 5 5 12.58386
## 18: self deportation 2 4 4 12.38322
## 19: cleveland clinic 2 3 3 12.13193
## 20: rose garden 2 3 3 12.13193
## z
## 1: 7.300509
## 2: 6.561118
## 3: 6.390952
## 4: 6.390952
## 5: 6.390952
## 6: 6.390952
## 7: 7.886454
## 8: 6.147013
## 9: 6.147013
## 10: 6.147013
## 11: 6.147013
## 12: 6.147013
## 13: 6.147013
## 14: 6.147013
## 15: 6.147013
## 16: 7.972817
## 17: 7.455987
## 18: 7.285615
## 19: 7.060603
## 20: 7.060603
plot(frequent_ngrams(x), drop.redundant.yaxis.text = FALSE)
plot(frequent_ngrams(x, gram.length = 3))
plot(frequent_ngrams(x, order.by = "lambda"))
Regular expression counts can be useful features in machine learning
models. The tm package’s DocumentTermMatrix
is a popular data
structure for machine learning in R. The as_dtm
and as_tdm
functions are useful for coercing the count data.table
structure of a
object into a DocumentTermMatrix
The result can be combined with token/word only DocumentTermMatrix
structures using cbind
& rbind
## <<DocumentTermMatrix (documents: 10, terms: 4)>>
## Non-/sparse entries: 21/19
## Sparsity : 48%
## Maximal term length: 14
## Weighting : term frequency (tf)
cosine_distance <- function (x, ...) {
x <- t(slam::as.simple_triplet_matrix(x))
stats::as.dist(1 - slam::crossprod_simple_triplet_matrix(x)/(sqrt(slam::col_sums(x^2) %*%
mod <- hclust(cosine_distance(as_dtm(markers)))
rect.hclust(mod, k = 5, border = "red")
(clusters <- cutree(mod, 5))
## OBAMA.time 1 OBAMA.time 2 OBAMA.time 3 ROMNEY.time 1
## 1 1 1 1
## ROMNEY.time 2 ROMNEY.time 3 CROWLEY.time 2 LEHRER.time 1
## 2 3 3 4
## QUESTION.time 2 SCHIEFFER.time 3
## 5 1
Machine learning models of classification are great when you have known tags to train with because the model scales. Qualitative, expert based human coding is terrific for when you have no tagged data. However, when you have a larger, untagged data set the machine learning approaches have no outcome to learn from and the data is too large to classify by hand. One solution is to use a expert rules, regular expression approach that is somewhere between machine learning and hand coding. This is one solution for tagging larger, untagged data sets. Additionally, when each text element contains larger chunks of text, unsupervised clustering type algorithms such as k-means, non-negative matrix factorization, hierarchical clustering, or topic modeling may be of use for creating clusters that could be interpreted and treated as categories.
This example section highlights the types of function combinations and order for a typical expert rules classification. This task typically involves the combined use of available literature, close examinations of term usage within text, and researcher experience. Building a classifier model requires the researcher to build a list of regular expressions that map to a category or tag. Below I outline minimal work flow for classification.
Note that the user may want to begin with a classification model
template that contains subdirectories and files for a classification
project. The classification_project
generates this template with a
pre-populated ‘classification.R’ script that can guide the user
through the modeling process. The directory tree looks like the
| .Rproj
| categories.R
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(dplyr, ggplot2, termco)
Many classification techniques require the data to be split into a
training and test set to allow the researcher to observe how a model
will perform on a new data set. This also prevents over-fitting the
data. The split_data
function allows easy splitting of data.frame
data by integer or proportion. The function returns a named
list of the data set into a train
and test
set. The printed view is
a truncated version of the returned list with |...
indicating there
are additional observations.
(pres_deb_split <- split_data(presidential_debates_2012, .75))
## split_data:
## train: n = 2184
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
## person tot time role dialogue
## <fct> <chr> <fct> <fct> <chr>
## 1 CROWLEY 230.2 time~ modera~ Governor Romney?
## 2 SCHIEFF~ 48.1 time~ modera~ you're going to get a chance to respond to~
## 3 ROMNEY 98.15 time~ candid~ Let's have a flexible schedule so you can ~
## 4 ROMNEY 173.12 time~ candid~ But I find more troubling than this, that ~
## 5 OBAMA 102.6 time~ candid~ You know a major difference in this campai~
## 6 OBAMA 120.16 time~ candid~ Making sure that we are controlling our ow~
## |...
## test: n = 728
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
## person tot time role dialogue
## <fct> <chr> <fct> <fct> <chr>
## 1 LEHRER 1.1 time 1 modera~ We'll talk about specifically about health c~
## 2 ROMNEY 2.2 time 1 candid~ And the president supports taking dollar sev~
## 3 ROMNEY 4.4 time 1 candid~ They get to choose and they'll have at least~
## 4 ROMNEY 4.5 time 1 candid~ So they don't have to pay additional money, ~
## 5 ROMNEY 4.7 time 1 candid~ They'll have at least two plans.
## 6 ROMNEY 4.17 time 1 candid~ That's the plan that I've put forward.
## |...
The training set can be accessed via pres_deb_split$train
; likewise,
the test set can be accessed by way of pres_deb_split$test
Here I show splitting by integer.
split_data(presidential_debates_2012, 100)
## split_data:
## train: n = 100
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
## person tot time role dialogue
## <fct> <chr> <fct> <fct> <chr>
## 1 OBAMA 102.4 time 2 candid~ Now, there are some other issues that have ~
## 2 ROMNEY 122.26 time 3 candid~ I've watched year in and year out as compan~
## 3 ROMNEY 166.16 time 3 candid~ The president's path will mean continuing d~
## 4 ROMNEY 162.18 time 3 candid~ Look, I love to I love teachers, and I'm ha~
## 5 OBAMA 20.3 time 2 candid~ We have increased oil production to the hig~
## 6 ROMNEY 59.12 time 1 candid~ Anybody can have deductions up to that amou~
## |...
## test: n = 2812
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
## person tot time role dialogue
## <fct> <chr> <fct> <fct> <chr>
## 1 LEHRER 1.1 time 1 modera~ We'll talk about specifically about health c~
## 2 LEHRER 1.2 time 1 modera~ But what do you support the voucher system, ~
## 3 ROMNEY 2.1 time 1 candid~ What I support is no change for current reti~
## 4 ROMNEY 2.2 time 1 candid~ And the president supports taking dollar sev~
## 5 LEHRER 3.1 time 1 modera~ And what about the vouchers?
## 6 ROMNEY 4.1 time 1 candid~ So that's that's number one.
## |...
I could have trained on the training set and tested on the testing set in the following examples around modeling but have chosen not to for simplicity.
In order to build the named list of regular expressions that map to a category/tag the researcher must understand the terms (particularly information salient terms) in context. The understanding of term use helps the researcher to begin to build a mental model of the topics being used in a fashion similar to qualitative coding techniques. Broad categories will begin to coalesce as word use is elucidated. It forms the initial names of the “named list of regular expressions”. Of course building the regular expressions in the regex model building step will allow the researcher to see new ways in which terms are used as well as new important terms. This in turn will reshape, remove, and add names to the “named list of regular expressions”. This recursive process is captured in the model below.
A common task in building a model is to understand the most frequent
words while excluding less information rich function words. The
function produces an ordered data frame of counts. The
researcher can exclude stop words and limit the terms to contain n
characters between set thresholds. The output is ordered by most to
least frequent n terms but can be rearranged alphabetically.
presidential_debates_2012 %>%
## term frequency
## 1 going 271
## 2 make 217
## 3 people 214
## 4 governor 204
## 5 president 194
## 6 said 178
## 7 want 173
## 8 sure 156
## 9 just 134
## 10 years 118
## 11 jobs 116
## 12 romney 110
## 13 also 102
## 14 know 97
## 15 four 94
## 16 world 92
## 17 well 91
## 18 right 88
## 19 think 88
## 20 america 87
presidential_debates_2012 %>%
with(frequent_terms(dialogue, 40)) %>%
A cumulative percent can give a different view of the term usage. The
function converts a frequent_terms
output into a
cumulative percent plot. Additionally, frequent_ngrams
+ plot
give insight into the frequently occurring ngrams.
presidential_debates_2012 %>%
with(frequent_terms(dialogue, 40)) %>%
It may also be helpful to view the unique contribution of terms on the
coverage excluding all elements from the match vector that were
previously matched by another term. The hierarchical_coverage_term
accompanying plot
method allows for hierarchical exploration of the
unique coverage of terms.
terms <- presidential_debates_2012 %>%
with(frequent_terms(dialogue, 30)) %>%
presidential_debates_2012 %>%
with(hierarchical_coverage_term(dialogue, terms))
## term unique cumulative
## 1 going 0.0834478022 0.0834478
## 2 make 0.0576923077 0.1411401
## 3 people 0.0515109890 0.1926511
## 4 governor 0.0583791209 0.2510302
## 5 president 0.0480769231 0.2991071
## 6 said 0.0295329670 0.3286401
## 7 want 0.0305631868 0.3592033
## 8 sure 0.0058379121 0.3650412
## 9 just 0.0223214286 0.3873626
## 10 years 0.0240384615 0.4114011
## 11 jobs 0.0171703297 0.4285714
## 12 romney 0.0003434066 0.4289148
## 13 also 0.0140796703 0.4429945
## 14 know 0.0113324176 0.4543269
## 15 four 0.0054945055 0.4598214
## 16 world 0.0130494505 0.4728709
## 17 well 0.0147664835 0.4876374
## 18 right 0.0161401099 0.5037775
## 19 think 0.0113324176 0.5151099
## 20 america 0.0113324176 0.5264423
## 21 number 0.0109890110 0.5374313
## 22 back 0.0058379121 0.5432692
## 23 need 0.0089285714 0.5521978
## 24 first 0.0065247253 0.5587225
## 25 middle 0.0061813187 0.5649038
## 26 thousand 0.0085851648 0.5734890
## 27 time 0.0085851648 0.5820742
## 28 economy 0.0078983516 0.5899725
## 29 government 0.0082417582 0.5982143
## 30 work 0.0068681319 0.6050824
presidential_debates_2012 %>%
with(hierarchical_coverage_term(dialogue, terms)) %>%
plot(use.terms = TRUE)
Much of the exploration of terms in context in effort to build the named
list of regular expressions that map to a category/tag involves
recursive views of frequent terms in context. The probe
family of
functions can generate lists of function calls (and copy them to the
clipboard for easy transfer) allowing the user to circulate through term
lists generated from other termco tools such as frequent_terms
This is meant to standardize and speed up the process.
The first probe_
tool makes a list of function calls for search_term
using a term list. Here I show just 10 terms from frequent_terms
. This
can be pasted into a script and then run line by line to explore the
frequent terms in context.
presidential_debates_2012 %>%
with(frequent_terms(dialogue, 10)) %>%
select(term) %>%
unlist() %>%
## search_term(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "going")
## search_term(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "make")
## search_term(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "people")
## search_term(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "governor")
## search_term(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "president")
## search_term(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "said")
## search_term(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "want")
## search_term(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "sure")
## search_term(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "just")
## search_term(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "years")
The next probe_
function generates a list of
function calls (search_term_collocations
wraps search_term
with frequent_terms
and eliminates the search term
from the output). This allows the user to systematically explore the
words that frequently collocate with the original terms.
presidential_debates_2012 %>%
with(frequent_terms(dialogue, 5)) %>%
select(term) %>%
unlist() %>%
## search_term_collocations(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "going")
## search_term_collocations(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "make")
## search_term_collocations(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "people")
## search_term_collocations(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "governor")
## search_term_collocations(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "president")
As search_term_collocations
has a plot
method the user may wish to
generate function calls similar to probe_colo_list
but wrapped with
for a visual exploration of the data. The probe_colo_plot_list
makes a list of such function calls, whereas the probe_colo_plot
the output directly to a single external .pdf file.
presidential_debates_2012 %>%
with(frequent_terms(dialogue, 5)) %>%
select(term) %>%
unlist() %>%
## plot(search_term_collocations(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "going"))
## plot(search_term_collocations(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "make"))
## plot(search_term_collocations(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "people"))
## plot(search_term_collocations(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "governor"))
## plot(search_term_collocations(presidential_debates_2012$dialogue, "president"))
The plots can be generated externally with the probe_colo_plot
function which makes multi-page .pdf of frequent terms bar plots; one
plot for each term.
presidential_debates_2012 %>%
with(frequent_terms(dialogue, 5)) %>%
select(term) %>%
unlist() %>%
It may also be useful to view top
min-max scaled tf-idf
weighted terms to allow the more information rich terms to bubble to the
top. The important_terms
function allows the user to do exactly this.
The function works similar to term_count
but with an information
presidential_debates_2012 %>%
with(important_terms(dialogue, 10))
## term tf_idf
## 1 going 1.0000000
## 2 make 0.8570324
## 3 people 0.8482041
## 4 governor 0.8110754
## 5 get 0.7890439
## 6 president 0.7873159
## 7 said 0.7530954
## 8 want 0.7510015
## 9 one 0.6871579
## 10 sure 0.6852854
To build a model the researcher created a named list of regular
expressions that map to a category/tag. This is fed to the term_count
function. term_count
allows for aggregation by grouping variables but
for building the model we usually want to get observation level counts.
Set grouping.var = TRUE
to generate an id
column of 1 through number
of observation which gives the researcher the observation level counts.
discoure_markers <- list(
response_cries = c("\\boh", "\\bah", "aha", "ouch", "yuk"),
back_channels = c("uh[- ]huh", "uhuh", "yeah"),
summons = "hey",
justification = "because"
model <- presidential_debates_2012 %>%
with(term_count(dialogue, grouping.var = TRUE, discoure_markers))
## Coverage: 13.02%
## # A tibble: 2,912 x 6
## id n.words response_cries back_channels summons justification
## <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 1 10 0 0 0 0
## 2 2 9 1 0 0 0
## 3 3 14 0 0 0 0
## 4 4 14 0 0 0 0
## 5 5 5 1 0 0 0
## 6 6 5 0 0 0 0
## 7 7 40 0 0 0 0
## 8 8 2 0 0 0 0
## 9 9 20 0 0 2 0
## 10 10 13 0 0 1 0
## # ... with 2,902 more rows
In building a classifier the researcher is typically concerned with coverage, discrimination, and accuracy. The first two are easier to obtain while accuracy is not possible to compute without a comparison sample of expertly tagged data.
We want our model to be assigning tags to as many of the text elements
as possible. The coverage
function can provide an understanding of
what percent of the data is tagged. Our model has relatively low
coverage, indicating the regular expression model needs to be improved.
model %>%
## Coverage : 13.0%
## Coverered : 379
## Not Covered : 2,533
Understanding how well our model discriminates is important as well. We
want the model to cover as close to 100% of the data as possible, but
likely want fewer tags assigned to each element. If the model is tagging
many tags to each element it is not able to discriminate well. The
+ plot_freq
function provides a visual representation of
the model’s ability to discriminate. The output is a bar plot showing
the distribution of the number of tags at the element level. The goal is
to have a larger density at 1 tag. Note that the plot also gives a view
of coverage, as the zero bar shows the frequency of elements that could
not be tagged. Our model has a larger distribution of 1 tag compared to
the > 1 tag distributions, though the coverage is very poor. As the
number of tags increases the ability of the model to discriminate
typically lessens. There is often a trade off between model coverage and
model %>%
as_terms() %>%
plot_freq(size=3) + xlab("Number of Tags")
We may also want to see the distribution of the tags as well. The
combination of as_terms
+ plot_counts
gives the distribution of the
tags. In our model the majority of tags are applied to the summons
model %>%
as_terms() %>%
plot_counts() + xlab("Tags")
The model does not have very good coverage. To improve this the researcher will want to look at the data with no coverage to try to build additional regular expressions and categories. This requires understanding language, noticing additional features of the data with no coverage that may map to categories, and building regular expressions to model these features. This section will outline some of the tools that can be used to detect features and build regular expressions to model these language features.
We first want to view the untagged data. The uncovered
provides a logical vector that can be used to extract the text with no
untagged <- get_uncovered(model)
## [1] "We'll talk about specifically about health care in a moment."
## [2] "What I support is no change for current retirees and near retirees to Medicare."
## [3] "And the president supports taking dollar seven hundred sixteen billion out of that program."
## [4] "So that's that's number one."
## [5] "Number two is for people coming along that are young, what I do to make sure that we can keep Medicare in place for them is to allow them either to choose the current Medicare program or a private plan."
## [6] "Their choice."
The frequent_terms
function can be used again to understand common
features of the untagged data.
untagged %>%
## term frequency
## 1 going 211
## 2 governor 177
## 3 president 172
## 4 people 169
## 5 make 166
## 6 said 149
## 7 want 130
## 8 sure 110
## 9 just 107
## 10 years 101
## 11 jobs 96
## 12 romney 95
## 13 know 82
## 14 four 81
## 15 also 78
## 16 america 77
## 17 right 76
## 18 well 74
## 19 world 72
## 20 think 66
We may see a common term such as the word right and want to see what
other terms collocate with it. Using a regular expression that searches
for multiple terms can improve a model’s accuracy and ability to
discriminate. Using search_term
in combination with frequent_terms
can be a powerful way to see which words tend to collocate. Here I pass
a regex for right (\\bright
) to search_term
. This pulls up the
text that contains this term. I then use frequent_terms
to see what
words frequently occur with the word right. We notice the word
people tends to occur with right.
untagged %>%
search_term("\\bright") %>%
frequent_terms(10, stopwords = "right")
## term frequency
## 1 that 32
## 2 have 12
## 3 people 10
## 4 with 9
## 5 this 8
## 6 government 7
## 7 course 6
## 8 going 6
## 9 it's 6
## 10 president 6
## 11 that's 6
## 12 want 6
## 13 you're 6
The search_term_collocations
function provides a convenient wrapper
for search_term
+ frequent_terms
which also removes the search term
from the output.
untagged %>%
search_term_collocations("\\bright", n=10)
## term frequency
## 1 people 10
## 2 government 7
## 3 course 6
## 4 going 6
## 5 president 6
## 6 want 6
## 7 also 5
## 8 governor 5
## 9 jobs 5
## 10 make 5
This is an exploratory act. Finding the right combination of features
that occur together requires lots of recursive noticing, trialling,
testing, reading, interpreting, and deciding. After we noticed that the
terms people and course appear with the term right above we will
want to see these text elements. We can use a grouped-or expression with
to build a regular expression that will search for any text
elements that contain these two terms anywhere. colo
is more powerful
than initially shown here; I demonstrate further functionality below.
Here is the regex produced.
colo("\\bright", "(people|course)")
## [1] "((\\bright.*(people|course))|((people|course).*\\bright))"
This is extremely powerful when used inside of search_term
as the text
containing this regular expression will be returned along with the
coverage proportion on the uncovered data.
search_term(untagged, colo("\\bright", "(people|course)"))
## [1 of 15]
## Right now, the CBO says up to twenty million people will lose their insurance
## as Obamacare goes into effect next year.
## ===================================
## [2 of 15]
## The federal government taking over health care for the entire nation and
## whisking aside the tenth Amendment, which gives states the rights for these
## kinds of things, is not the course for America to have a stronger, more vibrant
## economy.
## ===================================
## [3 of 15]
## And what we're seeing right now is, in my view, a a trickle down government
## approach, which has government thinking it can do a better job than free people
## pursuing their drea Miss And it's not working.
## ===================================
## [4 of 15]
## And the challenges America faces right now look, the reason I'm in this race is
## there are people that are really hurting today in this country.
## ===================================
## [5 of 15]
## It's going to help people across the country that are unemployed right now.
## ===================================
## [6 of 15]
## That's not the right course for America.
## ===================================
## [7 of 15]
## The right course for America is to have a true all of the above policy.
## ===================================
## [8 of 15]
## When you've got thousands of people right now in Iowa, right now in Colorado,
## who are working, creating wind power with good paying manufacturing jobs, and
## the Republican senator in that in Iowa is all for it, providing tax breaks to
## help this work and Governor Romney says I'm opposed.
## ===================================
## [9 of 15]
## When it comes to community colleges, we are setting up programs, including with
## Nassau Community College, to retrain workers, including young people who may
## have dropped out of school but now are getting another chance, training them
## for the jobs that exist right now.
## ===================================
## [10 of 15]
## That's not the right course for us.
## ===================================
## [11 of 15]
## The right course for us is to make sure that we go after the the people who are
## leaders of these various anti American groups and these these jihadists, but
## also help the Muslim world.
## ===================================
## [12 of 15]
## And so the right course for us, is working through our partners and with our
## own resources, to identify responsible parties within Syria, organize them,
## bring them together in a in a form of if not government, a form of of of
## council that can take the lead in Syria.
## ===================================
## [13 of 15]
## And it's widely reported that drones are being used in drone strikes, and I
## support that and entirely, and feel the president was right to up the usage of
## that technology, and believe that we should continue to use it, to continue to
## go after the people that represent a threat to this nation and to our friends.
## ===================================
## [14 of 15]
## People can look it up, you're right.
## ===================================
## [15 of 15]
## Those are the kinds of choices that the American people face right now.
## -----------------------------------
## coverage = .00592 >>> 15 of 2,533
We notice right away that the phrase right course appears often. We can create a search with just this expression.
Note that the decision to include a regular expression in the model is up to the researcher. We must guard against over-fitting the model, making it not transferable to new, similar contexts.
search_term(untagged, "right course")
## [1 of 5]
## That's not the right course for America.
## ===================================
## [2 of 5]
## The right course for America is to have a true all of the above policy.
## ===================================
## [3 of 5]
## That's not the right course for us.
## ===================================
## [4 of 5]
## The right course for us is to make sure that we go after the the people who are
## leaders of these various anti American groups and these these jihadists, but
## also help the Muslim world.
## ===================================
## [5 of 5]
## And so the right course for us, is working through our partners and with our
## own resources, to identify responsible parties within Syria, organize them,
## bring them together in a in a form of if not government, a form of of of
## council that can take the lead in Syria.
## -----------------------------------
## coverage = .00197 >>> 5 of 2,533
Based on the frequent_terms
output above, the word jobs also seems
important. Again, we use the search_term
+ frequent_terms
combo to
extract words collocating with jobs.
search_term_collocations(untagged, "jobs", n=15)
## term frequency
## 1 million 17
## 2 create 15
## 3 going 15
## 4 back 12
## 5 country 11
## 6 people 10
## 7 make 9
## 8 sure 9
## 9 five 8
## 10 hundred 8
## 11 overseas 8
## 12 want 8
## 13 years 8
## 14 businesses 7
## 15 companies 7
## 16 creating 7
## 17 energy 7
## 18 good 7
## 19 just 7
## 20 manufacturing 7
## 21 thousand 7
As stated above, colo
is a powerful search tool as it can take
multiple regular expressions as well as allowing for multiple negations
(i.e., find x but not if y). To include multiple negations use a
grouped-or regex as shown below.
## Where do `jobs` and `create` collocate?
search_term(untagged, colo("jobs", "create"))
## [1 of 21]
## If I'm president I will create help create twelve million new jobs in this
## country with rising incomes.
## ===================================
## [2 of 21]
## I know what it takes to create good jobs again.
## ===================================
## [3 of 21]
## And what I want to do, is build on the five million jobs that we've created
## over the last thirty months in the private sector alone.
## ===================================
## [4 of 21]
## It's going to help those families, and it's going to create incentives to start
## growing jobs again in this country.
## ===================================
## [5 of 21]
## We created twenty three million new jobs.
## ===================================
## [6 of 21]
## two million new jobs created.
## ===================================
## [7 of 21]
## We've created five million jobs, and gone from eight hundred jobs a month being
## lost, and we are making progress.
## ===================================
## [8 of 21]
## He keeps saying, Look, I've created five million jobs.
## ===================================
## [9 of 21]
## eight percent, between that period the end of that recession and the equivalent
## of time to today, Ronald Reagan's recovery created twice as many jobs as this
## president's recovery.
## ===================================
## [10 of 21]
## This is the way we're going to create jobs in this country.
## ===================================
## [11 of 21]
## We have to be competitive if we're going to create more jobs here.
## ===================================
## [12 of 21]
## We need to create jobs here.
## ===================================
## [13 of 21]
## And it's estimated that that will create eight hundred thousand new jobs.
## ===================================
## [14 of 21]
## That's not the way we're going to create jobs here.
## ===================================
## [15 of 21]
## The way we're going to create jobs here is not just to change our tax code, but
## also to double our exports.
## ===================================
## [16 of 21]
## That's going to help to create jobs here.
## ===================================
## [17 of 21]
## Government does not create jobs.
## ===================================
## [18 of 21]
## Government does not create jobs.
## ===================================
## [19 of 21]
## Barry, I think a lot of this campaign, maybe over the last four years, has been
## devoted to this nation that I think government creates jobs, that that somehow
## is the answer.
## ===================================
## [20 of 21]
## And when it comes to our economy here at home, I know what it takes to create
## twelve million new jobs and rising take home pay.
## ===================================
## [21 of 21]
## And Governor Romney wants to take us back to those policies, a foreign policy
## that's wrong and reckless, economic policies that won't create jobs, won't
## reduce our deficit, but will make sure that folks at the very top don't have to
## play by the same rules that you do.
## -----------------------------------
## coverage = .00829 >>> 21 of 2,533
## Where do `jobs`, `create`, and the word `not` collocate?
search_term(untagged, colo("jobs", "create", "(not|'nt)"))
## [1 of 4]
## That's not the way we're going to create jobs here.
## ===================================
## [2 of 4]
## The way we're going to create jobs here is not just to change our tax code, but
## also to double our exports.
## ===================================
## [3 of 4]
## Government does not create jobs.
## ===================================
## [4 of 4]
## Government does not create jobs.
## -----------------------------------
## coverage = .00158 >>> 4 of 2,533
## Where do `jobs` and`create` collocate without a `not` word?
search_term(untagged, colo("jobs", "create", not = "(not|'nt)"))
## [1 of 17]
## If I'm president I will create help create twelve million new jobs in this
## country with rising incomes.
## ===================================
## [2 of 17]
## I know what it takes to create good jobs again.
## ===================================
## [3 of 17]
## And what I want to do, is build on the five million jobs that we've created
## over the last thirty months in the private sector alone.
## ===================================
## [4 of 17]
## It's going to help those families, and it's going to create incentives to start
## growing jobs again in this country.
## ===================================
## [5 of 17]
## We created twenty three million new jobs.
## ===================================
## [6 of 17]
## two million new jobs created.
## ===================================
## [7 of 17]
## We've created five million jobs, and gone from eight hundred jobs a month being
## lost, and we are making progress.
## ===================================
## [8 of 17]
## He keeps saying, Look, I've created five million jobs.
## ===================================
## [9 of 17]
## eight percent, between that period the end of that recession and the equivalent
## of time to today, Ronald Reagan's recovery created twice as many jobs as this
## president's recovery.
## ===================================
## [10 of 17]
## This is the way we're going to create jobs in this country.
## ===================================
## [11 of 17]
## We have to be competitive if we're going to create more jobs here.
## ===================================
## [12 of 17]
## We need to create jobs here.
## ===================================
## [13 of 17]
## And it's estimated that that will create eight hundred thousand new jobs.
## ===================================
## [14 of 17]
## That's going to help to create jobs here.
## ===================================
## [15 of 17]
## Barry, I think a lot of this campaign, maybe over the last four years, has been
## devoted to this nation that I think government creates jobs, that that somehow
## is the answer.
## ===================================
## [16 of 17]
## And when it comes to our economy here at home, I know what it takes to create
## twelve million new jobs and rising take home pay.
## ===================================
## [17 of 17]
## And Governor Romney wants to take us back to those policies, a foreign policy
## that's wrong and reckless, economic policies that won't create jobs, won't
## reduce our deficit, but will make sure that folks at the very top don't have to
## play by the same rules that you do.
## -----------------------------------
## coverage = .00671 >>> 17 of 2,533
## Where do `jobs`, `romney`, and `create` collocate?
search_term(untagged, colo("jobs", "create", "romney"))
## [1 of 1]
## And Governor Romney wants to take us back to those policies, a foreign policy
## that's wrong and reckless, economic policies that won't create jobs, won't
## reduce our deficit, but will make sure that folks at the very top don't have to
## play by the same rules that you do.
## -----------------------------------
## coverage = .00039 >>> 1 of 2,533
Here is one more example with colo
for the words jobs and
overseas. The user may want to quickly test and then transfer the
regex created by colo
to the regular expression list. By setting
options(termco.copy2clip = TRUE)
the user globally sets colo
to use
the clipr package to copy the regex to the clipboard for better work
search_term(untagged, colo("jobs", "overseas"))
## [1 of 8]
## And everything that I've tried to do, and everything that I'm now proposing for
## the next four years in terms of improving our education system or developing
## American energy or making sure that we're closing loopholes for companies that
## are shipping jobs overseas and focusing on small businesses and companies that
## are creating jobs here in the United States, or closing our deficit in a
## responsible, balanced way that allows us to invest in our future.
## ===================================
## [2 of 8]
## You can ship jobs overseas and get tax breaks for it.
## ===================================
## [3 of 8]
## The outsourcing of American jobs overseas has taken a toll on our economy.
## ===================================
## [4 of 8]
## Making sure that we're bringing manufacturing back to our shores so that we're
## creating jobs here, as we've done with the auto industry, not rewarding
## companies that are shipping jobs overseas.
## ===================================
## [5 of 8]
## I know Americans had seen jobs being shipped overseas; businesses and workers
## not getting a level playing field when it came to trade.
## ===================================
## [6 of 8]
## Having a tax code that rewards companies that are shipping jobs overseas
## instead of companies that are investing here in the United States, that will
## not make us more competitive.
## ===================================
## [7 of 8]
## And the one thing that I'm absolutely clear about is that after a decade in
## which we saw drift, jobs being shipped overseas, nobody championing American
## workers and American businesses, we've now begun to make some real progress.
## ===================================
## [8 of 8]
## And I've put forward a plan to make sure that we're bringing manufacturing jobs
## back to our shores by rewarding companies and small businesses that are
## investing here, not overseas.
## -----------------------------------
## coverage = .00316 >>> 8 of 2,533
The researcher uses an iterative process to continue to build the
regular expression list. The term_count
function builds the matrix of
counts to further test the model. The use of (a) coverage
, (b)
+ plot_counts
, and (c) as_terms
+ freq_counts
allow for continued testing of model functioning.
It is often desirable to improve discrimination. While the bar plot
highlighting the distribution of the number of tags is useful, it only
indicates if there is a problem, not where the problem lies. The
function produces a list of data.frame
that aide in understanding how to improve discrimination.
This list is useful, but the plot
method provides an improved visual
view of the co-occurrences of tags.
The network plot on the left shows the strength of relationships between tags, while the plot on the right shows the average number of other tags that co-occur with each regex tag. In this particular case the plot combo is not complex because of the limited number of regex tags. Note that the edge strength is relative to all other edges. The strength has to be considered in the context of the average number of other tags that co-occur with each regex tag bar/dot plot on the right. As the number of tags increases the plot increases in complexity. The unconnected nodes and shorter bars represent the tags that provide the best discriminatory power, whereas the other tags have the potential to be redundant.
tag_co_occurrence(model) %>%
plot(min.edge.cutoff = .01)
Another way to view the overlapping complexity and relationships between
tags is to use an Upset plot. The
function wraps UpSetR::upset
and is made to handle
objects directly. Upset plots are complex and require study
of the method in order to interpret the results
The time invested in learning this plot type can be very fruitful in
utilizing a technique that scales to the types of data sets that
termco outputs. This tool can be useful in order to understand
overlap and thus improve discrimination.
The classify
function enables the researcher to apply n tags to each
text element. Depending on the text and the regular expression list’s
ability, multiple tags may be applied to a text. The n
argument allows
the maximum number of tags to be set though the function does not
guarantee this many (or any) tags will be assigned.
Here I show the head
of the returned vector (if n
> 1 a list
may be returned) as well as a table
and plot of the counts. Use
n = Inf
to return all tags.
classify(model) %>%
## [1] NA "response_cries" NA NA
## [5] "response_cries" NA
classify(model) %>%
unlist() %>%
## .
## back_channels justification response_cries summons
## 6 125 17 231
classify(model) %>%
unlist() %>%
plot_counts() + xlab("Tags")
The evaluate
function is a more formal method of evaluation than
. The evaluate
function yields a test a model’s
accuracy, precision, and recall using macro and micro averages of the
confusion matrices for each tag as outlined by Dan Jurafsky & Chris
The function requires a known, human coded sample. In the example below
I randomly generate “known human coded tagged” vector. Obviously, this
is for demonstration purposes. The model outputs a pretty printing of a
list. Note that if a larger, known tagging set of data is available the
user may want to strongly consider machine learning models (see:
This minimal example will provide insight into the way the evaluate scores behave:
known <- list(1:3, 3, NA, 4:5, 2:4, 5, integer(0))
tagged <- list(1:3, 3, 4, 5:4, c(2, 4:3), 5, integer(0))
evaluate(tagged, known)
## -----------------------------------------------
## Tag Level Measures
## -----------------------------------------------
## tag precision recall F_score accuracy
## 1 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
## 2 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
## 3 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
## 4 .667 1.000 .800 .857
## 5 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
## No_Code_Given .000 .000 .000 .857
## --------------------
## Summary Measures
## --------------------
## N: 7
## Macro-Averaged
## Accuracy: .952
## F-score: .800
## Precision: .778
## Recall: .833
## Micro-Averaged
## Accuracy: .952
## F-score: .909
## Precision: .909
## Recall: .909
Below we create fake “known” tags to test evaluate
with real data
(though the comparison is fabricated).
mod1 <- presidential_debates_2012 %>%
with(term_count(dialogue, TRUE, discoure_markers)) %>%
fake_known <- mod1
fake_known[sample(1:length(fake_known), 300)] <- "random noise"
evaluate(mod1, fake_known)
## ------------------------------------------------
## Tag Level Measures
## ------------------------------------------------
## tag precision recall F_score accuracy
## back_channels 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
## justification .902 1.000 .949 .996
## No_Code_Given .896 1.000 .945 .909
## random noise .000 .000 .000 .897
## response_cries .812 1.000 .897 .999
## summons .910 1.000 .953 .993
## --------------------
## Summary Measures
## --------------------
## N: 2,912
## Macro-Averaged
## Accuracy: .966
## F-score: .791
## Precision: .753
## Recall: .833
## Micro-Averaged
## Accuracy: .966
## F-score: .897
## Precision: .897
## Recall: .897
It is often useful to less formally, validate a model via human
evaluation; checking that text is being tagged as expected. This
approach is more formative and less rigorous than evaluate
, intended
to be used to assess model functioning in order to improve it. The
provides an interactive interface for a single
evaluator to sample n tags and corresponding texts and assess the
accuracy of the tag to the text. The assign_validation_task
an external file(s) for n coders for redundancy of code assessments.
This may be of use in Mechanical
Turk type applications. The
example below demonstrates validate_model
’s print
validated <- model %>%
After validate_model
has been run the print
and plot
provides an accuracy of each tag and a confidence level (note that the
confidence band is highly affected by the number of samples per tag).
## -------
## Overall:
## -------
## accuracy n.tagged n.classified sampled se lower upper
## 1: 59.6% 484 328 57 .06 46.9% 72.4%
## ---------------
## Individual Tags:
## ---------------
## tag accuracy n.tagged n.classified sampled se lower upper
## 1: back_channels 83.3% 7 6 6 .15 53.5% 100.0%
## 2: response_cries 72.7% 13 11 11 .13 46.4% 99.0%
## 3: justification 55.0% 155 122 20 .11 33.2% 76.8%
## 4: summons 50.0% 309 189 20 .11 28.1% 71.9%
These examples give guidance on how to use the tools in the termco package to build an expert rules, regular expression text classification model.