Experimental deployment test for Reverse Proxy Nginx + Node Server running on Docker
Image based on 6.9.1-slim
Nodejs version
BUILD: $ docker build -t node-dock-bld:0.9.4 .
RUN: $ docker run -it --rm --name nodedockbld node-dock-bld:0.9.4
NOTE: For quick and dirty creation of container from new Node ver, use FROM: node:7-onbuild
Write & test any scripts required to deploy a reverse proxy nginx server (v:
Write scripts to deploy a NodeJS server with optional child processes that scale based on CPU cores
Load necessary ENV vars based on Server resources, Node settings, and Nginx settings
Create needed manually configured ENV vars in a config js file or bash script with prompts
Create script to launch all needed containers (nginx & node & mongo[?])
Configure SSL certificate with Nginx & bundle SSL in deployment
Create test environment in NodeJS (v:6.9) to confirm:
--> MongoDB connection & proper conn string data set as ENV var
--> S3/static file store URI redirecting (test using secondary web server instead of S3)
--> Setup npm requirements