Based on Bocker - a basic docker implementation using Bash.
$ mocker help
usage: mocker [-h]
{init,pull,rmi,images,ps,run,exec,logs,rm,commit,help,clean} ...
Docker Python implementation
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
init create image from directory
pull create image from dockerhub image (latest)
rmi remove image
images list all image volumes
ps list all container volumes
run run command in isolated container based on image
exec enter container and execute command (REQUIRES ROOT)
logs print container logs
rm remove container and associated namespaces (REQUIRES
commit apply changes made in container to image
help print help
clean run rmi,rm on all images,containers (MAY REQUIRE ROOT)
- Gitlab CI
- Dockerfile for container environment setup
- Vagrantfile for vm setup
To launch tests in Vagrant:
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ /vagrant/tests/