Okay, here's the deal. Over the weekend, I saw that Molly Holzschlag (molly.com, @mollydotcom on Twitter) was having a really shitty time.
Molly has always been a good friend. One of her many books taught me HTML, and unlike a lot of pompous douchebags, she has always given people the time of day. It sucks when depression and the general darkness of life strikes at a really nice person.
So I just wanted to say thank you to Molly for being a great teacher and a good person. If you feel likewise, feel free to sign the card.
The site is at thankyoumolly.com
You can sign it by forking, adding your message and then sending a pull request.
To sign the card, simply create a section in the HTML file. Like this...
<section class="signatory" id="YOURNAME">
Stick your CSS in stylesheets/yourname.css
Feel free to design the shit out of your particular section. Put your own message, then style it as you see fit.
I keep the CSS files separate, so I can validate each one. build.sh just concatenates all the CSS files together.
Please write good HTML, good CSS and be nice.
Feel free to send an email: [email protected] with the subject line "thankyoumolly.com" and I'll add yours in with a plain boring style.