A speed running platformer similar to a certain popular game with the initials SMB. The "meat" one, not the "plumber" one. 10 levels total. Collect all the butter!
Grab one of the release builds for your platform, extract, and run it.
Be sure to tell Windows, macOS, or Linux that it's safe to run.
Linux users might need to chmod +x
the binary.
It's safe, I promise! If it's not, it's Godot's fault.
- Move Right: Right Arrow or D
- Move Left: Left Arrow or A
- Jump: Space or W
- Move Right: D-Pad Right or Analog Stick Right
- Move Left: D-Pad Left or Analog Stick Left
- Jump: Bottom Action (Sony X, Xbox A, Nintendo B)
Untested. You should be able to import this project in any Godot 4+ variant and be able to modify stuff.
- Music will not loop
- Double jumping before/after wall jump can be funky
- Climbing a single vertical wall is more difficult than it should be
- Character can fall faster than camera can keep up with
- Programming: Tom Ice
- Music: Tom Ice
- Bread Icon: Caz Creates Games
- Butter Icon: Donut-maker
- Original Tutorial, Level Art, and Font: Heartbeast