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Project description

What does the code do?

  • Program is ran
  • Code waits for new images to appear in the specified path
  • Once a new Image is detected it's processed for its mean brightness
  • The code continues, summing the individual mean of single images until we have self.image_group to take the total mean over the single means sum
  • The code takes an initial guess for each parameter (+1 or -1)
  • The code takes the partial derivatives for parameters and adds them to their respective derivative parameter history lists
  • We adjust the new parameter value relying on the latest parameter derivative using gradient ascent so that $a_{n+1}=a_{n}+\gamma \frac{\partial C}{\partial p}$ Where $p$ is the parameter
  • Repeat until the function $C(\phi_{2},\phi_{3},f)$ is at maximum (or at least close to it)

Code setup

Camera triggering and capture

We utilize a physical pulse generator (from the master clock or photodiode) for the pulse generation to synchronize the camera triggering to the laser.

  • Open the SpinView program
  • Connect camera to triggering Stanford box and computer
  • Adjust region of interest and bit depth to 16 bit
  • Switch trigger mode to on
  • Click on the record function
  • Set format to .tiff and recording mode to Streaming
  • Select the directory for the code to access
Install imports

The following libraries are used for the projects, ensure you have installed the necessary libraries before proceeding.

import os
import cv2 # needs to be installed 
import numpy as np # needs to be installed 
from ftplib import FTP
import shutil
import random
from import FileSystemEventHandler # needs to be installed 
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets # needs to be installed 
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui # needs to be installed 
import pyqtgraph as pg # needs to be installed 
import sys
import time
from import FileSystemEventHandler # needs to be installed 
from watchdog.observers import Observer # needs to be installed 
Hard-coded paths

Marked by full capitalization, the code includes a number of hard coded paths, before proceeding adjust them accordingly to your setup.

# computer near chamber
MIRROR_FILE_PATH = r'dm_parameters.txt' # this is the txt file the code writes to
self.IMG_PATH = r'images' # this is the folder from which the code will process the images, make sure it aligns with the path specified in SpinView

self.ftp = FTP()
self.ftp.connect(host="") # ip of deformable mirror computer
self.ftp.login(user="Utilisateur", passwd="alls") # windows user and password of deformable mirror computer

Image processing

X-ray Count

Since we're imaging a phosphor screen, the x-ray count is tracked using the brightness of the resulting image. The following function appluied the median blur and calculates the mean brightness per pixel of a single image.

    # method to calculate count (by its brightness proxy)   
    def calc_count_per_image(self, image_path):
        # read the image in 16 bit
        original_image = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED | cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH)
        # apply median blur on image
        median_blured_image = cv2.medianBlur(original_image, 5)
        # calculate mean brightness of blured image
        self.single_img_mean_count = median_blured_image.mean()
        # return the count (brightness of image)
        return self.single_img_mean_count

cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH ensures we are reading in the bit depth of the image, 16bit.

Optimization algorithm

Processing the data with vanilla gradient descent to optimize the count function by adjusting second_order_dispersion, third_order_dispersion, and focus according to the real-time count reading from the camera.

    def process_images(self, new_images):
        new_images = [image_path for image_path in new_images if os.path.exists(image_path)]
        # loop over all new images 
        for image_path in new_images:
            img_mean_count = self.calc_count_per_image(image_path)
            self.image_group_count_sum += np.sum(img_mean_count)

            # keep track of the times the program ran (number of images we processed)
            self.images_processed += 1

            # conditional to check if the desired numbers of images to mean was processed
            if self.images_processed % self.image_group == 0:
                # take the mean count for the number of images set
                self.mean_count_per_image_group = np.mean(img_mean_count)
                # append to count_history list to keep track of count through the optimization process
                self.count_history = np.append(self.count_history, self.mean_count_per_image_group)

                # update count for 'images_group' processed (number of image groups processed)
                self.image_groups_processed += 1
                self.iteration_data = np.append(self.iteration_data, self.image_groups_processed)

                # if we are in the first time where the algorithm needs to adjust the value
                if self.image_groups_processed == 1:

                    # add initial values to lists
                    self.focus_history = np.append(self.focus_history, self.initial_focus)      
                    self.second_dispersion_history = np.append(self.second_dispersion_history, self.initial_second_dispersion)                   
                    self.third_dispersion_history = np.append(self.third_dispersion_history, self.initial_third_dispersion)
                    # print to help track the evolution of the system
                    print(f"initial values are: focus {self.focus_history[-1]}, second_dispersion {self.second_dispersion_history[-1]}, third_dispersion {self.third_dispersion_history[-1]}")
                    print(f"initial directions are: focus {self.random_direction[0]}, second_dispersion {self.random_direction[1]}, third_dispersion {self.random_direction[2]}")
                    # call function to take random directions

                    self.image_groups_dir_run_count += 1

                # write values to text files
                with open(MIRROR_FILE_PATH, 'w') as file:
                    file.write(' '.join(map(str, mirror_values)))

                with open(DISPERSION_FILE_PATH, 'w') as file:
                    file.write(f'order2 = {dispersion_values[0]}\n')
                    file.write(f'order3 = {dispersion_values[1]}\n')


                # print the latest mean count (helps track system)
                print(f"Mean count for last {self.image_group} images: {self.count_history[-1]:.2f}")

                # print the current parameter values which resulted in the brightness above
                print(f"Current values are: focus {self.focus_history[-1]}, second_dispersion {self.second_dispersion_history[-1]}, third_dispersion {self.third_dispersion_history[-1]}")
                # after the algorithm adjusted the value and wrote it to the txt, send new txt to deformable mirror computer
                # self.upload_files()
                # update the plots
                self.plot_curve.setData(self.iteration_data, self.count_history)
                self.total_gradient_curve.setData(self.der_iteration_data, self.total_gradient_history)

                # reset variables for next optimization round
                self.image_group_count_sum = 0
                self.mean_count_per_image_group  = 0
                img_mean_count = 0  
Initial optimization
def initial_optimize(self):
	# take initial guesses for each variable 
	self.new_focus = self.focus_history[-1] + self.random_direction[0]
	self.new_second_dispersion = self.second_dispersion_history[-1] + self.random_direction[1]
	self.new_third_dispersion = self.third_dispersion_history[-1] + self.random_direction[2]

	# bind to bounds and round to round to integer
	self.new_focus = round(np.clip(self.new_focus, self.FOCUS_LOWER_BOUND, self.FOCUS_UPPER_BOUND))
	self.new_second_dispersion = round(np.clip(self.new_second_dispersion, self.SECOND_DISPERSION_LOWER_BOUND, self.SECOND_DISPERSION_UPPER_BOUND))
	self.new_third_dispersion = round(np.clip(self.new_third_dispersion, self.THIRD_DISPERSION_LOWER_BOUND, self.THIRD_DISPERSION_UPPER_BOUND))

	# add to lists

	# update in file
	mirror_values[0] = (self.focus_history[-1])
	dispersion_values[0] = (self.second_dispersion_history[-1])
	dispersion_values[1] = (self.third_dispersion_history[-1])
Main optimization

The main optimization uses the gradient descent algorithm to adjust the variables and lead to peak count. After we've reached a sufficient point (either small change in count or repetition in all three parameters) we stop the optimization algorithm.

    def calc_derivatives(self):
        # take derivative for every parameter
        self.count_focus_der = (self.count_history[-1] - self.count_history[-2]) / (self.focus_history[-1] - self.focus_history[-2])
        self.count_second_dispersion_der = (self.count_history[-1] - self.count_history[-2]) / (self.second_dispersion_history[-1] - self.second_dispersion_history[-2])
        self.count_third_dispersion_der = (self.count_history[-1] - self.count_history[-2]) / (self.third_dispersion_history[-1] - self.third_dispersion_history[-2])

        # add the derivatives to according history lists for plotting
        self.focus_der_history = np.append(self.focus_der_history, [self.count_focus_der])
        self.second_dispersion_der_history = np.append(self.second_dispersion_der_history, [self.count_second_dispersion_der])
        self.third_dispersion_der_history = np.append(self.third_dispersion_der_history, [self.count_third_dispersion_der])

        # add all derivatives for different parameters
        self.total_gradient = (self.focus_der_history[-1] + self.second_dispersion_der_history[-1] + self.third_dispersion_der_history[-1])

        # add to respective lists for plotting and tracking
        self.total_gradient_history = np.append(self.total_gradient_history, self.total_gradient)
        self.der_iteration_data = np.append(self.der_iteration_data, self.image_groups_dir_run_count)

        # return dicts with derivatives
        return {
    # main optimization block for gradient descent 
    def optimize_count(self):
        # get count derivatives for parameters
        derivatives = self.calc_derivatives()
        if np.abs(self.focus_learning_rate * derivatives["focus"]) > 1:
            self.new_focus = self.focus_history[-1] + self.focus_learning_rate * self.focus_der_history[-1]
            self.new_focus = np.clip(self.new_focus, self.FOCUS_LOWER_BOUND, self.FOCUS_UPPER_BOUND)
            self.new_focus = int(round(self.new_focus))

            self.focus_history = np.append(self.focus_history, self.new_focus)
            mirror_values[0] = self.new_focus

        if np.abs(self.second_dispersion_learning_rate * derivatives["second_dispersion"]) > 1:
            self.new_second_dispersion = self.second_dispersion_history[-1] + self.second_dispersion_learning_rate * self.second_dispersion_der_history[-1]
            self.new_second_dispersion = np.clip(self.new_second_dispersion, self.SECOND_DISPERSION_LOWER_BOUND, self.SECOND_DISPERSION_UPPER_BOUND)
            self.new_second_dispersion = int(round(self.new_second_dispersion))

            self.second_dispersion_history = np.append(self.second_dispersion_history, self.new_second_dispersion)
            dispersion_values[0] = self.new_second_dispersion

        if np.abs(self.third_dispersion_learning_rate * derivatives["third_dispersion"]) > 1:
            self.new_third_dispersion = self.third_dispersion_history[-1] + self.third_dispersion_learning_rate * self.third_dispersion_der_history[-1]
            self.new_third_dispersion = np.clip(self.new_third_dispersion, self.THIRD_DISPERSION_LOWER_BOUND, self.THIRD_DISPERSION_UPPER_BOUND)
            self.new_third_dispersion = int(round(self.new_third_dispersion))

            self.third_dispersion_history = np.append(self.third_dispersion_history, self.new_third_dispersion)
            dispersion_values[1] = self.new_third_dispersion
        # if the change in all variables is less than one (we can not take smaller steps thus this is the optimization boundry)
        if (
            np.abs(self.third_dispersion_learning_rate * derivatives["third_dispersion"]) < 1 and
            np.abs(self.second_dispersion_learning_rate * derivatives["second_dispersion"]) < 1 and
            np.abs(self.focus_learning_rate * derivatives["focus"]) < 1
            print("Convergence achieved")
        # stop optimizing parameter if we reached optimization resolution limit
        elif np.abs(self.third_dispersion_learning_rate * derivatives["third_dispersion"]) < 1:
            print("Convergence achieved in third dispersion")
        elif np.abs(self.second_dispersion_learning_rate * derivatives["second_dispersion"]) < 1:
            print("Convergence achieved in second dispersion")
        elif np.abs(self.focus_learning_rate * derivatives["focus"]) < 1:
            print("Convergence achieved in focus")
        if self.image_groups_processed >2:
            # if the count is not changing much this means that we are near the peak 
            if np.abs(self.count_history[-1] - self.count_history[-2]) <= self.count_change_tolerance:
                print("Convergence achieved")


After the algorithm has decided on the values, we send the data (in '.txt` format) to the deformable mirror computer, and Dazzler computer using FTP.

Writing values to Dazzler
  • Setup FTP connection (computer connected to network)
  • Seed request.txt in D:\GZ0483-HR-670-930p
  • request.txt will read from dispersion.txt located in the server path C:\Users\fastlite\Desktop\commands
Sending command

After processing the data through the algorithm, we send a command txt file to the mirror computer. In order to test the connection between the computers open cmd and ping the computers.

    # method used to send the new values to the mirror and dazzler computers via FTP
    def upload_files(self):
        mirror_files = [os.path.basename(MIRROR_FILE_PATH)]
        dazzler_files = [os.path.basename(DISPERSION_FILE_PATH)]

        # try to send the file via ftp connection

            for mirror_file_name in mirror_files:
                for dazzler_file_name in dazzler_files:
                    focus_file_path = MIRROR_FILE_PATH
                    dispersion_file_path = DISPERSION_FILE_PATH

                    if os.path.isfile(focus_file_path) and os.path.isfile(dispersion_file_path):
                        copy_mirror_IMG_PATH = os.path.join('mirror_command', f'copy_{mirror_file_name}')
                        copy_dazzler_IMG_PATH = os.path.join('dazzler_command', f'copy_{dazzler_file_name}')

                        except OSError:

                        shutil.copy(focus_file_path, copy_mirror_IMG_PATH)
                        shutil.copy(dispersion_file_path, copy_dazzler_IMG_PATH)

                        with open(copy_mirror_IMG_PATH, 'rb') as local_file:
                            self.mirror_ftp.storbinary(f'STOR {mirror_file_name}', local_file)
                            print(f"Uploaded to mirror FTP: {mirror_file_name}")

                        with open(copy_dazzler_IMG_PATH, 'rb') as local_file:
                            self.dazzler_ftp.storbinary(f'STOR {dazzler_file_name}', local_file)
                            print(f"Uploaded to dazzler FTP: {dazzler_file_name}")


        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error in FTP upload: {e}")

Gradient Descent Optimization Test

This is a test for the gradient descent algorithm relying on a definition of an arbitrary function to verify the code correctly finds the maximum. Let's start with testing the code on a convex function, and proceed to test it on more complex functions with local maxima.

Convex parabolic function

For the purpose of testing the count was was simulated by the function - no images were processed.

$$C(\phi_{2},\phi_{3},f)=-1 \cdot ((\phi_{2}-42)^2 + (\phi_{3}-70)^2 + (f+972)^{2}+3^6)$$ $$\text{Algorithm should arrive at:} ; \phi_{2}=42,; \phi_{3}=70,; f=-972$$

in the code this is expressed by the count_function:

    def count_function(self, new_focus, new_second_dispersion, new_third_dispersion):
        count_func = -1*(((new_second_dispersion - 42) ** 2) + ((new_third_dispersion - 70) ** 2) + ((new_focus + 972) ** 2)) +3e6
        return count_func

where the partial derivatives are calculated:

    def calc_derivatives(self):
        self.count_focus_der = -2*(self.new_focus+972)
        self.count_second_dispersion_der = -2*(self.new_second_dispersion-42)
        self.count_third_dispersion_der = -2*(self.new_third_dispersion-69)
        self.focus_der_history.append(self.count_focus_der)      self.second_dispersion_der_history.append(self.count_second_dispersion_der)
        self.total_gradient = (self.focus_der_history[-1] + self.second_dispersion_der_history[-1] + self.third_dispersion_der_history[-1])
        return {"focus":self.count_focus_der,"second_dispersion":self.count_second_dispersion_der,"third_dispersion":self.count_third_dispersion_der}

After running the code the console suggests:

initial directions are: focus -1, second_dispersion -1, third_dispersion -1
convergence achieved
function_value 2053973.0, current values are: focus -197, second_dispersion 6, third_dispersion 13
convergence achieved
function_value 2394830.0, current values are: focus -352, second_dispersion 13, third_dispersion 24
convergence achieved
function_value 2612643.0, current values are: focus -476, second_dispersion 19, third_dispersion 33
convergence achieved
function_value 2752086.0, current values are: focus -575, second_dispersion 24, third_dispersion 40
convergence achieved
function_value 2982964.0, current values are: focus -868, second_dispersion 37, third_dispersion 62

* * *

function_value 2999914.0, current values are: focus -967, second_dispersion 37, third_dispersion 64

The according plots are as such:

The final line shows we approached focus: -967, second_dispersion: 37, and third_dispersion: 64. This is due to rounding errors, resulting in the optimized values not being exact, but we get very close.


Multivariable optimization for count using gradient descent






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