Python wrapper to make simple GET requests with the Purple Wifi API.
Purple Wifi is an enterprise SAAS platform for managing public wifi access across large commercial estates such as property developments, stadiums, or public transportation. The Purple platform comes with a RESTFUL API that can be used to retrieve data about the wifi venues and visitors who have connected to the public wifi.
Pyrple is a simple Python wrapper around the Purple API to allow really simple requests to get visitor, venue, and other data out of the platform.
Pyrple is available for download via pypi:
pip install -U pyrple
First create an API instance using public and private keys.
For example, loading credentials from a dictionary:
keys = {"public_key": "abcdefghij123454KLMnoP123",
"private_key": "qrstuv98765434WxyZ"}
we can then create the API instance with:
my_purple = purple(public_key = keys["public_key"], private_key = keys["private_key"])
Data can now be retrieved using the built-in methods:
returns a simple json dictionary of all Purple wifi venues with their unique IDs.
returns a json dictionary of Purple Wifi venues with full details.
my_purple.visitor_json(venue = "12345")
returns a json dictionary of all visitor info for the specified venue ID. By default it will produce all visitors currently connected at the venue, but optional parameters of date_from
and date_to
can be supplied in format YYYYMMDD
to report on historic data from the given date range.
from pyrple import purple
# Replace with your Purple API keys.
keys = {"public_key": "abcdefghij123454KLMnoP123",
"private_key": "qrstuv98765434WxyZ"}
my_purple = purple(public_key = keys["public_key"], private_key = keys["private_key"])
{u'Venue 1 - entrance': 52133,
u'Venue 2 - podium': 44663,
u'Basement 1': 11223,
u'Basement 2': 22336,
u'Residents 1': 51234}