This ddev add-on helps you to manage your theme build processes in Magento total easy. You can run a build command to build all your themes or a specific theme. Don't matter if the theme is a Magento Standard or Custom Theme, or maybe a Hyva theme. It automatically takes care which type of theme you use and will build it for you. If a dependency is missing, Woodoo will install it.
>> Build all your Magento themes at once, with Magic, build with Woodoo!
Special thanks to e3n GmbH for your Support!
Supported Versions | Status |
1 . Get the latest Version with following command in your ddev project root
ddev get dermatz/ddev-woodoo-buildtools-magento
ddev get
2. Start Woodoo Init to update your ./ddev/config.yaml
ddev frontend init
- Add all themes you want to build or watch
3. Edit .ddev/config.yaml
Open and edit .ddev/config.yaml
and specify pathes to the themes based on your project structure. (E.g. src/vendor/...
or app/design/frontend/Vendor/...
Specific Versions
If a newer Release is available you can install the specific version in the same way how your installed. Just repeat the Install-Step with ddev get ...
(see Install instructions).
Usage: ddev frontend [command] [option, theme]
init, install Initial Woodoo Setup to read all themes from dataabase and write to .ddev/config.yaml
help Show a help page
version, --version, -v Show version
check, selftest, test Woodoo Self Test
frontend-update Update to the latest stable Version
frontend-update -dev Update to the latest development Version (can be buggy!)
themes List all available themes that are configured in .ddev/config.yaml
build Build all themes that are configured in .ddev/config.yaml
build -f Builds all themes without yes/no question (force)
build Vendor/theme Build a specific theme
watch Vendor/theme Watch for CSS and JS changes in a specific theme
-f Builds all themes without yes/no question (force)
themecode Theme-Code from .ddev/config.yaml
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Contributions are welcome! Please read the Contributing Guidelines first. Feel free to send your improvements as Pull-Request.
MIT License | by Mathias Elle