In development python based GUI used to manage rat behavioral box's with customizable GUI and protocol format.
I recommend using anaconda and creating a new environment to use this software.
Use the provided environment.yml.
Set up your environment using
conda env create -f environment.yml
Otherwise see requirements.txt for a list of dependencies.
We use the following code in a batch file to open the GUI.
python correlates port numbers to input/output responses.
See "all about protocols" file in PROTOCOLS folder.
Basic Overview:
- set path and names
- anything is setup is ran prior to the clock starting
- The experimental parameters, runs similar to a for loop
- correlates an input from chamber to an output along with timing
Two classes: GUI and Experiment
Gui holds GUI information and handles communication with behavioral box. Only to be updated if new GUI element needed to either show a new box input/output or if want to show new information.
Experiment handles running the testing. Should be changed to add new options in protocol.
Uses ZMQ to communicate with Open Ephys plugin-GUI. Need updated event broadcaster plugin from development branch (as of April 2019).
This is being actively developed by the TNE-Lab at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities.
Contact [email protected] or [email protected] for more information