The website for the American Gut Project participant portal
First install and run Make sure that the path is configured properly so add the following to your .bash_profile:
export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/
Now setup a new conda environment via miniconda:
conda create -n amgut python=2.7 tornado psycopg2 source activate amgut
Next install and start Redis via conda.
conda install redis redis-server
Now by forking, clone and install the repository. This will also install dependencies included in extras_require:
git clone pip install -e .[test]
And copy over the configuration file:
cp ag_config.txt.example amgut/ag_config.txt
To configure the webserver. Namely, make sure to fill in entries for POSTGRES and REDIS.
To enable uuid v4 function in postgres:
echo 'CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp";' | psql
Make sure that all of your permissions are set correctly. See ALTER USER.
Finally create the database and populate it with test data, then launch the website:
./scripts/ag make test python amgut/
Navigating to localhost:8888 will now show the american gut site. Try using tst_ACJUJ as the username to log in. All test kits have test as their password.