A parallel neural net microframework. Read the paper here.
- Dense, fully connected neural networks of arbitrary shape and size
- Backprop with Mean Square Error cost function
- Data-based parallelism
- Several activation functions
- Support for 32, 64, and 128-bit floating point numbers
Get the code:
git clone https://github.com/modern-fortran/neural-fortran
- Fortran 2018-compatible compiler
- OpenCoarrays (optional, for parallel execution, gfortran only)
- BLAS, MKL (optional)
cd neural-fortran
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DSERIAL=1
Tests and examples will be built in the bin/
If you use gfortran and want to build neural-fortran in parallel mode,
you must first install OpenCoarrays.
Once installed, use the compiler wrappers caf
and cafrun
to build and execute
in parallel, respectively:
FC=caf cmake ..
cafrun -n 4 bin/example_mnist # run MNIST example on 4 cores
If you want to build with a different compiler, such as Intel Fortran,
specify FC
when issuing cmake
FC=ifort cmake ..
To use an external BLAS or MKL library for matmul
run cmake like this:
cmake .. -DBLAS=-lblas
where the value of -DBLAS
should point to the desired BLAS implementation,
which has to be available in the linking path.
This option is currently available only with gfortran.
By default, neural-fortran is built in single precision mode (32-bit floating point numbers). Alternatively, you can configure to build in 64 or 128-bit floating point mode:
cmake .. -DREAL=64
cmake .. -DREAL=128
To build with debugging flags enabled, type:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug
Creating a network with 3 layers, one input, one hidden, and one output layer, with 3, 5, and 2 neurons each:
use mod_network, only: network_type
type(network_type) :: net
net = network_type([3, 5, 2])
By default, the network will be initialized with the sigmoid activation function for all layers. You can specify a different activation function:
net = network_type([3, 5, 2], activation='tanh')
or set it after the fact:
net = network_type([3, 5, 2])
call net % set_activation('tanh')
It's possible to set different activation functions for each layer. For example, this snippet will create a network with a Gaussian activation functions for all layers except the output layer, and a RELU function for the output layer:
net = network_type([3, 5, 2], activation='gaussian')
call net % layers(3) % set_activation('relu')
Available activation function options are: gaussian
, relu
, sigmoid
, and tanh
See mod_activation.f90
for specifics.
To train the network, pass the training input and output data sample,
and a learning rate, to net % train()
program example_simple
use mod_network, only: network_type
implicit none
type(network_type) :: net
real, allocatable :: input(:), output(:)
integer :: i
net = network_type([3, 5, 2])
input = [0.2, 0.4, 0.6]
output = [0.123456, 0.246802]
do i = 1, 500
call net % train(input, output, eta=1.0)
print *, 'Iteration: ', i, 'Output:', net % output(input)
end do
end program example_simple
The size of input
and output
arrays must match the sizes of the
input and output layers, respectively. The learning rate eta
how quickly are weights and biases updated.
The output is:
Iteration: 1 Output: 0.470592350 0.764851630
Iteration: 2 Output: 0.409876496 0.713752568
Iteration: 3 Output: 0.362703383 0.654729187
Iteration: 500 Output: 0.123456128 0.246801868
The initial values will vary between runs because we initialize weights and biases randomly.
To save a network to a file, do:
call net % save('my_net.txt')
Loading from file works the same way:
call net % load('my_net.txt')
When running in parallel mode, you may need to synchronize the weights and biases between images. You can do it like this:
call net % sync(1)
The argument to net % sync()
refers to the source image from which to
broadcast. It can be any positive number not greater than num_images()
The MNIST data is included with the repo and you will have to unpack it first:
cd data/mnist
tar xzvf mnist.tar.gz
cd -
The complete program:
program example_mnist
! A training example with the MNIST dataset.
! Uses stochastic gradient descent and mini-batch size of 100.
! Can be run in serial or parallel mode without modifications.
use mod_kinds, only: ik, rk
use mod_mnist, only: label_digits, load_mnist
use mod_network, only: network_type
implicit none
real(rk), allocatable :: tr_images(:,:), tr_labels(:)
real(rk), allocatable :: te_images(:,:), te_labels(:)
real(rk), allocatable :: input(:,:), output(:,:)
type(network_type) :: net
integer(ik) :: i, n, num_epochs
integer(ik) :: batch_size, batch_start, batch_end
real(rk) :: pos
call load_mnist(tr_images, tr_labels, te_images, te_labels)
net = network_type([784, 30, 10])
batch_size = 100
num_epochs = 10
if (this_image() == 1) then
write(*, '(a,f5.2,a)') 'Initial accuracy: ',&
net % accuracy(te_images, label_digits(te_labels)) * 100, ' %'
end if
epochs: do n = 1, num_epochs
mini_batches: do i = 1, size(tr_labels) / batch_size
! pull a random mini-batch from the dataset
call random_number(pos)
batch_start = int(pos * (size(tr_labels) - batch_size + 1))
batch_end = batch_start + batch_size - 1
! prepare mini-batch
input = tr_images(:,batch_start:batch_end)
output = label_digits(tr_labels(batch_start:batch_end))
! train the network on the mini-batch
call net % train(input, output, eta=3._rk)
end do mini_batches
if (this_image() == 1) then
write(*, '(a,i2,a,f5.2,a)') 'Epoch ', n, ' done, Accuracy: ',&
net % accuracy(te_images, label_digits(te_labels)) * 100, ' %'
end if
end do epochs
end program example_mnist
The program will report the accuracy after each epoch:
$ ./example_mnist
Initial accuracy: 10.32 %
Epoch 1 done, Accuracy: 91.06 %
Epoch 2 done, Accuracy: 92.35 %
Epoch 3 done, Accuracy: 93.32 %
Epoch 4 done, Accuracy: 93.62 %
Epoch 5 done, Accuracy: 93.97 %
Epoch 6 done, Accuracy: 94.16 %
Epoch 7 done, Accuracy: 94.42 %
Epoch 8 done, Accuracy: 94.55 %
Epoch 9 done, Accuracy: 94.67 %
Epoch 10 done, Accuracy: 94.81 %
You can also run this example without any modifications in parallel, for example on 16 cores using OpenCoarrays:
$ cafrun -n 16 ./example_mnist
neural-fortran is currently a proof-of-concept with potential for use in production. Contributions are welcome, especially for:
- Expanding the network class to other network infrastructures
- Adding other cost functions such as cross-entropy.
- Model-based (
) parallelism - Adding more examples
- Others?
You can start at the list of open issues.