SMMi, as a commercial offer, has stopped. I have stopped using Zabbix to monitor customers infrastructures. This repository will no longer live. Feel free to take these templates if you need, but I will not change them.
Zabbix templates created for the SMMi monitoring infrastructure.
Some of these templates may be derived from official templates.
You are free to use them ; please tell me if you do so (it is pleasant to feel useful) and redistribute your improvements (a pull request on GitHub would be perfect).
Author: Sébastien Maccagnoni-Munch is a freelancer, specialized on FLOSS infrastructures.
- "Pretemplate" is for templates inherited in other templates: they are never directly used in a host
- "Template OS" is for OS templates: only one for each host
- "Template App" is for application templates: one for each application on a host
When a documentation is needed, there is a ".txt" file next to the ".xml" file.
These templates are used by :
- SMMi, for monitoring of own servers and customers servers (Sébastien Maccagnoni-Munch, as a freelancer)