#Deeper Thought 2 A program that blinks the LEDs on the PiDP-8 kit created by Oscar Vermeulen. This program is C++ and does not run in the PDP-8 simulator. The default mode is designed to be similar to Steve Gibson's Deep Thought program for the PDP-8.
Deeper Thought 2 is a fork of Deeper Thought by Norman Davie. The file gpio.c and gpio.h were copied from Oscar Vermeulen's PDP-8/simH project.
Deeper Thought 2 Demo Video on YouTube
#####Added modes by changing the 3 far left brown switches (0=down / 1=up)
- 111 = Normal mode with all LEDs flashing (Default / Undefined fallback)
- 011 = Sleep Mode (All LEDs off except for the columns on the right side of the panel)
- 101 = Dim Mode - Fewer LEDs Blink (Only the Program Counter, Memory Address and Memory Buffer groups)
- 110 = Binary Clock (From top to bottom: Hour, Minute, Second, Month, Day)
- 001 = Snake Mode (3 LEDs move across a row then down to the next row in the opposite direction)
- 000 = Test Mode (All LEDs on steady, except some of the columns of LEDs on the right blink off for 20ms)
- 010 = {Spare}
- 100 = {Spare}
#####Expanded the timing switches from 6 to 12 switches
- The third brown and third white switch groups from the left control the maximum delay (slowest speed)
- Up = More delay (slower)
- Down = Less delay (faster)
- The value from the switches is multiplied by 50,000us (50ms).
- The second brown and second white switch groups from the left control the variability of the timing
- Up = More variability
- Down = Less variability (all down results in steady timing)
- The varied amount is subtracted from the max delay, making the LEDs change faster.
- The timing range should be the similar to version 1.0, but with more degrees of change
- The maximum delay switch mask value has 1 added to it to prevent a delay of 0, which crashed the program.
- The delay range (before variability) is 50ms to 3200ms
#####Changed the behavior of the LED columns on the right side of the panel
- All LEDs in the left column blink randomly.
- Some of these LEDs are programmed to flash more often than others (see the rand_flag function).
- The left column of LEDs are turned off for 20ms at the end of each cycle.
- This gives the left column a short blink even if that LED stays on in the next cycle.
- The 20ms delay is subtracted from the main blink delay to keep the same timing.
- Instead of toggling the execute LED, it blinks for 20ms.
- It is turned on at the beginning of the cycle and turned off before the 20ms delay described above.
#####Changed the stop switch so that it must be held for 3 seconds to quit the program
#####Added new command sequences:
- Shutdown system - Flip both the Sing Inst and Sing Step switches down and hold the Stop button for 3 seconds
- Reboot system - Flip both the Sing Inst and Sing Step switches down and hold the Start button for 3 seconds
#####Misc Notes:
- Added console output that shows switch values when the switches change.
- The blink delay is fixed to 1/2 second in Binary Clock mode.
- This should not be run simultaneously with the pidp8 simulator
- To install run "sudo ./install_deeper.sh" in the deeper directory (also builds)
- The install script enables auto-start and disables auto-start for the pidp8 simulator
- To install without enabling auto-start, add the "--no-autostart" parameter
- To later disable auto-start and restore the pidp8 simulator auto-start, add the "--restore-pidp8" parameter
- To just build run "make" in the deeper directory.
#####Running Deeper Thought 2 (if installed with the install script)
- Stop the pidp8 simulator before running this (sudo /etc/init.d/pidp8 stop)
- To run as a daemon in the background:
- sudo /etc/init.d/deeper {start|stop|restart|status}
- To run in the terminal window run:
- sudo /usr/bin/deeper